
Lets find a Hotel First

'im 100% sure this little girl is Ophis!!! f*** i still haven't start to explore this anime world and i already met the last boss?!?! hey Op system is this your doing?!?!?!' Shen Tian face paled as he stare at the black haired little girl infront of him.

[Op system: Host like i said its from your superb luck]

Shen Tian pale face twitched feeling irritated. he really want to beat up this system of his if he could.

Violet notice his expression so she couldn't help but say.

"young master are you alright?"

The expressionless little girl titled her head when She saw Shen Tian pale face too.

"little girl are you lost?" Shen Tian decided to confront her, he couldn't ignore this Little monster after all.. or else the consequences will be dangerous.

Ophis didn't respond to him though, Her expressionless eyes just stare at Shen Tian as if wanting to see through him.

Violet felt the athmosphere between her master and the little girl become weird because the two of them are still staring at each other even thought 20 mins have already passed.

'being stared at by a powerful individual that can erase your existance with his breath is a new experience for me but calm down first... even if ophis have evil intention. I wouldn't able to stop her anyway.' Shen Tian wipes his sweated a bit while thinking about how to communicate with ophis.

"Ophis your here nya! why did you suddenly left the head quarters nya... everyone is in panic you know!" A beautiful girl in a loose black kimono suddenly appear behind ophis, she have a long hair in twin tail style. her face really look beautiful with her cat like eyes and there's a two large cat ears on a top of her head making her look like a cosplayer that Shen Tian have seen in earth.

"Kuroneko..." Ophis whispers while her deadpan eyes glance at the newcomer.

"eh~ you have some accompany nya..?" The cat eared girl eyes glowed when her eyes landed on Shen Tian then staring at Violet metalic hands "2 normal humans nya?"

Shen Tian felt his entire body being scanned by the girl even Violet couldn't help but go infront of her master to protect him in slow steps. When she felt the newcomer scan like gaze.

"young master i think this girl in black kimono is dangerous.... i can feel it from her aura... she may have killed someone before." Violet whispered to Shen Tian.

"Do not try anything Violet!" Shen Tian saw that Violet is in her fighting stance making him break into sweats '**** we will be dead if you provoke any of the two of them'

"let me handle this..."

He Also discovered the the Cat-eared girl in black kimono identity in anime. Her name is Kuroka Toujou the big sister of Koneko. She's one of the famous Stray Devil in the underworld because of her power level after she killed her own master. It was said that her power already reach the level of Ultimate-Class Devil.

"may i know the business of The Infinity Dragon God with me?" Shen Tian blurted out suddenly because He know that its useless to lie to the two powerful being anymore they might have some lie detector skill and his choice is right.

Ophis have a small smile in her lips contrast to her deadpan eyes making her look cute.

"Join my Khaos Brigade...."

Kuroka eyes widen in surprise because the Human boy know the existance of The Infinity Dragon God and what surprise her more is when she heard Ophis recuiting the Human boy because her ablity to see the other strength by using senjutsu is telling her that Shen Tian is just a normal human. He just have a physicaly fit body on human level. 'don't tell me this human have one of the 13 longinus?! or else how would Ophis become interested in him.'


'recuiting me to the Khaos Brigade?'

'what the hell?'

This thoughts comes to Shen Tian mind because he already know his weak strength thanks to his Op system Status.


[New Quest: Join The Villian Side.

Host sometimes the daily life of Evil beings are better than the daily life of Good beings.

Completion Reward: Upgraded Magic Tool.

[Elenium Type-94] (From unknown Anime world.)

Failure Penalty: Depending on Ophis mood.]


"Im happy to serve Ophis-sama" Shen Tian said without hesitation when He saw the Op system game like interference, He even bow his head a bit on Ophis direction showing his loyalty. ' for my survival...'

Ophis nods her head a bit then her face become expressionless again.

Violet and Kuroka have a wierd expression on their face seeing the scene infront of them.

"Kuroneko lets go..." Ophis

After she said that. A black hole like passage appear near Ophis, She glance at Shen Tian before going inside the black hole to go back to Khaos Brigade Headquarters.


Kuroka also follows inside the black hole when she heard Ophis call out for her but before that She gave Shen Tian a Flirtious wink first "see you later intresting human hehe"

Shen Tian didn't freak out, even thought its his first time seeing a magical phenomena. He just observe the black hole with curiousity.

"i will come back..." Ophis emotionless voice came from the black hole before it disappear.


Shen Tian wipes his sweats after he confirmed that Ophis and Kuroka really left.

"that was close... i almost lost my cool there."

"Young master its already getting late..." Violet have a normal expression on her face again as if what happen a while ago is just an illusion.

Shen Tian is influenced by Violet calm mood so he just let go of his worries. "Alright lets find a hotel first..."
