
The kind old man

- A day passed -

A new morning came.

Shen Tian gathers his necessities for traveling putting it inside the bag that he found yesterday in the storage room.

"So Violet your going with me?" He is wearing his as usual white T-shirt,black pants and a black military boots, he found it in the storage room as well with the bag. After tying his Black hair into ponytail He carries the bag on his back.

"Yes" Violet is just silent standing besides him, She already come inside his room this early morning waiting for him to wake up.

"well.. lets go!" Shen Tian said excitedly but have a serious expression on his face their going to adventure unkown land after all.


"The Tree's in the inner area are taller than i thought" Shen Tian broke some branches and mark some trees along the way Violet is just meter behind him following his every movements with her eyes.

"we should eat some first" He sits on a big rock, taking a 2 bentos inside his bag, he gave one to violet.

"young master im trained to eat a minimum amount of food."

"sit here and eat thats an order" Shen Tian didn't know what this girl experienced in war but yesterday when he was inside the kitchen cooking some food, He saw Violet cleaning her metalic arms with a towel.

According to Violet both of her arms have been severed when she was protecting someone important to her.

What a cruel world she lived.

"your my maid from now... if i say eat then eat" He ate silently after that, focusing on his bento.

"Hai" Violet stares at him for a while. then sat besides him eating the obento, for some reason she felt comfortable sitting on the rock.

Shen Tian glances at the sun a bit to check the time "if i have a cellphone or clock it would have been (11:00am - 12:00am) right..? the sun is still not in the middle hmm."

"violet are you are you done? where going now"

"yes young master" Violet hands the emty obento to him silently, he kept it inside his bag.

"if in (2:00am - 3:00am) we still can't find a people where going back" Shen Tian gave her a bottle of water. "drink it"



- 1 hour later -

"looks like we really need to go back now or else we will have to stay and sleep here in the forest" Shen Tian swings his wooden spear on a tall grass, he made it on the way here because, he spot some animals that is carnivore from afar, its good thing that they didn't cross paths with them.

"young master i hear a sound of a machine rumbling" Violet pointed at the direction where their walking.

"what? really?! ok lets go a bit faster" Shen Tian jogs through the Trees with zig-zag moves. Violet follows after him.

-20 minutes-

"hah... hah... hah..."

Shen Tian take a deep breath feeling to calm his pumping blood from the jogging, Violet is still besides him, she is breathing calmly staring at the scenery infront of her.

A large rice farm spread across the landscape, there's some wooden barricade blocking their path but Shen Tian and Violet jumps on it easily they are now standing on a cemented road.

"we came out from the forest at last haha"

"beautiful..." Violet murmurs in a soft voice

"hmm the landscape are really well done"

Shen Tian didn't see any rice mill towers from medieval era.'This world is advanced in agriculture technology? if it is... this anime world must be in a modern setting..'

An Old man riding a four wheeled vehicle that you can only see in farms approaches the two of them he stops when he was about to pass through them.


'Japanese language? its good thing that im otaku, i can understand some of his words'

"Ah yes uncle we are a tourist but where lost now can you tell us the direction of the nearest town here?" Shen Tian said in a broken English laungage, He prays inside his mind that the old man can understand some of it.

"Oh you can't speak in Japanese. hahaaha your in luck because this old man is one of the few here in the village that can speak in english. young man if you two want to go to the next town i suggest you ride a train because its too far away from here"

Shen Tian smiles a bit akwardly when he heard him because they didn't have a money.

"uncle do you know where we can sell a second hand accessories in this village..?"

"young man don't tell me you lost your wallet?" The old man gaze's at the two teens simple cloths they have a luxurious feeling with the combination of The white skin of Shen Tian and Violet the two of them really looked like a rich teens from a influential family.

"ah.." Shen Tian couldn't reply

"so you really lost your wallet, wait don't tell me.. did the two of you come out from the forest?!?"

"yes?" Shen Tian become confused.

"young man its good that your safe. there have been few people from the village disappearing inside the forest when they come to hunt some wild animal, we put a wooden barricade around here so no one will wonder inside the forest until we find the missing persons"

'missing person...? now i need to abandon the idea of going back to the mansion. I really needed to go to the town now. Its more safer when there's many people around'

"uncle you see when where adventuring inside this forest we lost our wallet on the way... so we would like to sell some of our accessories here to go back to our home..." Shen Tian shows the old man some accessories because Violet already stepping back away from him when she heard about selling accessories words, while holding a green gem with her both hands as if protecting it from him.

"calm down Violet where not selling your green gem stone"

The old man eyes shines a bit when he see the goods in Shen Tian hands.

The accessories are made from gold, silver and some are made in gems Shen Tian found it inside the mansion he keep some, knowing that they don't have a money currency from this world.

"Your really rich young man.. but sadly we don't have that kind of shop here in the village."

"then how much do you have there uncle? how about i sell some to you?"

"sorry young man but i only have 10,000 yen here with me its not enough even for just one peice of your accessorries"

"its ok Uncle im really in hurry to go back home my parents might be already worried about me" Shen Tian.

'Don't tell me this teens are swindlers? their really selling it to me on low low price seeing the beautiful appearance of the accessories in Shen Tian hands, nevermind lets just treat it as if im helping' Old man hands Shen Tian 10,000 Yen and he glance at Violet behind him

"no need to sell your accessories anymore young man im giving it to you in exchange you should take care of your girlfriend more hahaha just continue this road and you will see the train station" The old man starts his vehicle again pointing in some direction before he left.

Shen Tian couldn't react at how fast the old man moves not giving him a chance to say anything.

"thank you uncle!" Shen Tian shouts in the direction where the old man left while bowing his head.

"Violet lets go now"



(Train Station Announcement: The Train is about to Start! in 5 minutes pls be ready passengers-sama)

Shen Tian and Violet is now sitted on a double chair inside the train, their currently attracting some attention with their appearance feeling a bit out of place.

"Violet is it your first time going in a train? your eyes have been start wandering after we arrived here haha"

Violet is really looking around after they arrived here, she's like a kid who have seen a new toy.

"No but this train is a bit different from the one in our world"

"i see.." Shen Tian smiled

(Train Station Announcement: Please be ready the train is about to start in 10 seconds)

The trains starts running fast surprising Violet. Shen Tian close's his eyes seeing the train but before he could relax The train announce's something again that shocking him.

(Train Station Announcement: The destination Kuoh Town Pls seat tight passengers-sama)

'Kuoh town... Kuoh town...

i see... so thats why Op system warned me to be careful outside...'

"This world is really dangerous.."


[Quest Complete: Host have already discover the name of this Anime world

Completion Reward: Begginers Box]


Kid_Speechcreators' thoughts