
Only I Can Survive

Akki is a ruthless and manipulative individual. Controling and decieving anyone to get anything he wanted. As they say, the best lives always ends the fastest and Akki met his ultimate fate. But was it really the end for Akki? A little after he died he woke up in an unknown world of magic, monsters and different type of fantasies that you would find in a novel or story book. Will Akki meet his end or will he see this as a new and better opportunity to have the world on his very fingertips.

MajinLN · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter One: Reincarnation

Author Note: Please read the Prologue before continuing to understand.

My body, it feels like a warmth is passing through my whole state of mind. It feels comfortable like if my whole entire being is getting destroyed and rebuilt again. My eyes opened and all that could been seen is a void surrounding by nothingness. Why was I here was just one of my many questions as I tried looking around but was unable to do so. I heard a voice coming from within the void, it seemed pleasant like it was being beyond recognition. As the voice came closer, I felt its base touch the very fabric of my skin as I began to slowly lose consciousness.

After what felted like seconds and woke up and was teleported to somewhere different. I realised I was in a cave. I looked around to see tiny size swords and damaged armor scattered randomly around. Why would any human being use such shabby weaponry. That's when I heard laughing coming from the far right side of me, my guess was right that it had no humans but monstrous goblins. I gasped in fear and confusion, why were there goblins here? I thought I died. I need to calm down panicking isn't going to get me nowhere, I need to figure out what's really going on. I tried my best to calm myself and came to conclusion that I was somehow reincarnated as the earth that I came from did not have som monsterous creatures like the ones you would see in story books. I took a good look at them and it seemed like all of them looked identical as all of them had green skin, pointy nose, sharp spiky teeth, a very small body to move around quickly and not to mention they were all very ugly. I need to get out of this cave quickly. I looked around for any form of escape and saw a hole to the ceiling of the cave where I could possibly climb out from.

I got up very quietly as I heard from storybooks that goblins senses are heightened. I began making my way to the escape and when I finally got there I began to take my hands to climb through. Right when I was attempting to escape i heard a raspy deep growl to the left side of me, it was a goblin! I jumped through the hole with haste to see that I was in a greenish forest surrounded with grass and trees. I was wrong to think that I had gotten away. I looked behind me to see a huge flock of goblins heading my way, it seemed that the goblin that saw me alerted the rest of his comrades. I began running like if my life depended on it and saw a village a little distance ahead of me. I ran through the forest dodging logs and branches.

I soon was met with a hill to the village and saw guards at the entrance. I shouted with all my might that there was an incoming ward of goblins coming right for this exact village. My alert was just in time as the guards called in other soldiers to prepare for the upcoming battle. I ran behind the soldiers with the huge ward of goblins behind me. A devasting battle was now happening right before my very eyes. The goblins seemed to be losing as the soldiers had better armor and gear. Soon enough the battle ended and the soldiers won with little to no misshapen.

One of the soldiers that seemed to be the leader of the group walked towards me and asked me why such a large influx of goblins was chasing me. I saw this as a perfect opportunity to get a good start in this brand new life. The name is Akki and there is a really good reason as to why I was getting chased. You see I'm a high ranking soldier in my own village and was just passing by to deliver some goods to a neighboring town. I saw that some goblins were making plans to ambush your village and decided to step in but I sorely undestimated them and my armor and sword was destroyed in the process. What I just said was obviously a lie but no one besides myself needs to know what really happened. The soldier begun to thank me for my act of kindness.

I proceeded to smile and asked the soldier about my rewards. The soldier seemed stunned and confused. I lost all my gear trying to help your village and even alerted you that the goblins were coming. If it weren't for me, the goblins would have taken the village by surprise and you all would have suffered great losses and casualties. It would only be right if you gave me a proper reward for my generousity. The soldier agreed and ordered one of his men to bring two hundred gold coins in a bag for me. I took the gold and thanked the soldiers for there handsome reward. I payed my respects to the soldiers and then made my way off into the village for exploration.

The village seemed decently well off as the houses were all average in size and some even ranging at mansion level. My first initiative was to find a local inn of some sort to recap everything that had happened so far and to think of what to do next. Eventually after a while of searching I found an inn, it seemed like a hotspot for people as it was the only one in town. I opened the doors of the inn and walked inside catching the glares of everyone inside.