
Only I Can Survive

Akki is a ruthless and manipulative individual. Controling and decieving anyone to get anything he wanted. As they say, the best lives always ends the fastest and Akki met his ultimate fate. But was it really the end for Akki? A little after he died he woke up in an unknown world of magic, monsters and different type of fantasies that you would find in a novel or story book. Will Akki meet his end or will he see this as a new and better opportunity to have the world on his very fingertips.

MajinLN · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Prologue: The Past

Manipulation is the act of controlling someone or something in an clever or unscrupulous manner. Manipulation is look down upon by society as it carries many connotations. Nobody ever wants there emotions to be exploited or physiological tactics to alter there way of thinking.

There are a few people that claim they are "skilled" at manipulation because they read a couple of silly books but the truth is there all are fakes. Manipulation isn't unlocked to its furthest potential when learned or taught, rather its best used to those who are naturally born with it. Since the day they came out of there mother's womb they only cared for themselves. No morals, no regrets or any form of sympathy for anyone else but themselves. We all have goals but some of us will do whatever that's within our grasp to reach that goal and this is why we always dominate our foes as physical strengths can only get you so far if your mind is as dull and thin as paper.

Who am I you might ask? My name is Akki. I'm a 18 year old teenage male with dark hair, ranging about six foot four inches in height, pure smooth skin and with a little above average looks in all. Though I'm pretty average in looks, the one thing that would stand out on me is my pure black eyes. Its uniqueness brought many people around me as it captivates next to everyone who sees it. I was brought up without any parents and was left at an orphanage at a very young age. This led me to become very isolated and not very sociable until one day. You see on my 6th birthday, the leaders at the orphanage bought me cakes, ice cream and multiple gifts in celebration. This act did not suit right for the other children as they said it was unfair and thought I was getting better treatment purely because of my eyes. It was a very stupid reason but they still got consumed by jealously and envy and committed a vile act that would have changed me from that point on.

The evening of my birthday the children found me in the bathroom as I was washing my hands. They had me trapped and cornered with no way out or run because the bathroom was a one way enter and exit. They were ruthless. Even though the ones I thought of as "friends" mercilessly beat me into a pulp. After they were finished they all fled like cockroaches into there rooms leaving me beaten on the ground. I felt betrayed, the ones who i spent years with beat like if I was an outsider. I was supposed to feel rage, anger and sorrow but I was calm and collected nothing in my mind but the thought of getting my revenge and making there lives a living hell. I got up and made my way out of bathroom to see that a few nuns passed by and glanced at me completely ignoring me like if I wasn't even there. They did not care about what happened to me. On that evening I learned that in this world nobody cared about anyone else but themselves and that I needed to be the same. Back in my room I thought of the perfect plan to ruin the lives of the ones that had beaten me.

The next day no one questioned my bruises or swells I received from the beating and acted like everything was normal. It didn't matter I already knew what I had to do to start a uproar at the orphanage. I spent the next few weeks acting like if I was servant to the ones who beaten me. During those few weeks I learnt all of there secrets and weaknesses and slowly made my way closer to them pretending to be a "lowly servant". After gathering all the information I could muster the day came, it was time to initiate my plan. By now, the children who had beaten me had bond together and first plan was to break that bond and make them fight and hate one another. I carefully wrote two notes targeting two separate individual secrets. I placed it in there bags and they both found it around the sane time first leading to an argument and that argument soon leading to a fight. The fight was broken up by there friends but they both thought there friends were picking sides and took it to heart. Soon enough they started spreading rumors about each other leading all of time against each other. They didn't have the slightest clue it was me as i was their so called "servant". Days later the orphanage began to get tired of the children and began treating them badly. No one would talk to them, they wouldn't eat as much and not to mention they started to get bullied as the other children of the orphanage saw them as pests now.

Day by day, week by week and month by month there wills began to soften from all the bullying and pointless fighting. They were covered in scars and bruises but everyone completely ignored there existence. They were nothing more than empty shells and had nothing else to live for as no one wanted anything to do with them, they were starved for most days, body was weak from all the fighting and bullying. Mentally they were all weak and soon began committing suicide one by one.

You see only one important action was necessary to split them apart and cut them off the field of living one by one and no one suspected it was me. From then on I lived the rest of my life as a manipulative, cunning, deceiving and lying bastard without regrets or sympathy. After all, I was only doing to the world what they did to me...

It all led up to this current time where I died. I was crossing the road when a truck lost its control and went full speed killing me in an instant. Even though I lived my life how I wanted and got anything I wanted as a mere human I also had to bare the fact that we die easily. Even though I died I had no regrets and given the opportunity to live another life I would take it without question. From that singular thought I began to feel a warmth through my body.