
Only I Can Fix You

Opposites attract... well that's overrated. I believe you attract what you give. This story is about a girl and boy living lives ruled by their parents. Fate brings them together and they be each other's shoulder to cry on and lean on when things get rough.. As their friendship grows into something more they discover secrets to their families wealth. Secrets about themselves.

LuNa_s_DandeLION · Others
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3 Chs

I'm not afraid of you

During break, Max decided to go up to the schools roof. She sat there and read her favourite book while looking at the view, just as she was enjoying her peace and quiet, a group of boys came in dragging one other boy. They seemed to be bullying him.

Max just stood there and watched as they kicked and punched him. She said nothing. None of the bullies noticed her. She kept staring at the boy on the ground, he seemed to have a little smirk on his face. As if he wants them to hit him. Max was intrigued for first time in a while.

Looking at the bullies she could tell they weren't really good at fighting. They relied on their numbers. One on one is something they can't do so they attack all at once.

Just then the boy on ground was punched in the face. Everyone seemed to pause because the boy being bullied stopped laughing.

He wiped the little trickle of blood from his lower lip with his thumb and looked at the 5 boys in front of him.

"My turn."

With that, he attacked. The boys were a bit stunned as they really didn't see how but one of the 5 was already on the ground wailing in pain. He had received a kick to gut from the boy.

The other 4 quickly came back to their senses and attacked the boy, one of them tried coming from behind but the boy dodged his attack and instead flipped him to the ground.

Max was impressed. Watching him fight was amusing to her. Just then she looked at her nuckles..

When she was distracted one of the bullies saw her and ran over and put her in a chokehold. The boy who was being bullied had already beaten 4 of the boys into a pulp and they cried on the ground.

Max was stunned... What does she have to do with this..

"Come any closer Nathan and I'll... I'll hurt her.. I swear..!" said the bully holding Max.

Nathan, the boy who was being ganged up on was about to say something when Max suddenly spoke up.

"You have three seconds to let go of me before I break your hands..."

The bully chuckled, thinking she was just acting brave, on the other hand Nathan was stunned.

He walked over to the them to see what the bully will do to Max.

The bully panicked and choked Max even harder..

That's when Max used all her strength to break free from his hold and kick him so far into the air that he landed on his back with a loud thud.

After that Max picked up her stuff and left the rooftop.

Nathan just chuckled lightly and went on his way.


After school as Max was about to leave her class the boy who helped her in the morning came in and stopped right in front of her.

"Move." Max said.

"Sheesh, your a cold person you know that.." the boy stopped talking as he noticed Max's hands were bleeding through her bandage..

"Hey, what happend your bleeding..?!?" he panicked.

"Its nothing. I should ----"

Before she could finish her sentence the boy dragged her to the nurses office.

He waited outside for her.

In the nurse's office.

"Did you get into a fight..?" asked the nurse as she applied ointment on Max's hands.


"Well... What happened..?" asked the nurse a little annoyed with Max only giving one word answers.

"Nothing you should worry about, are you done..?" Max asked with the coldest tone.

The nurse was in shock, just then Nathan entered the office. His forehead was bleeding and his lip was a little torn.

"What happened this time Mr. Black...?!" asked the nurse turning her attention to Nathan.

"Just give me some pain killers and go back to treating her." said Nathan when he noticed Max's hands.

The nurse did just that and Max left the office. The boy was still waiting for her.

"You good..?"

"Yes. Thank you, bye now." said Max leaving the school.

"My name's Jason by the way!" shouted the boy to Max's retreating figure. He sighed.

Nathan saw this and followed Max.

While walking Max noticed that someone was following her so she intentionally walked into an alley.

Nathan followed her into the alley and when he turned the corner Max pinned him to the wall.

"Why are you following me...?"

"Wow... Your one strong girl.. why don't you let go of me and I'll tell you."

Max let go.

"I wanted to warn you chipmunk that if you tell anyone what happened today on the roof... I will do things much worse then follow you." said Nathan trying to intimidate Max.

Max looked at him closely, he had black messy hair that covered his eyes a bit but she could tell he had emerald green eyes. He was tall, he had piercings and his uniform was untidy, he wasn't even wearing a tie. Typical trouble maker.

Max just chuckled and looked up at him and said, "Number 1, I really don't care that much about those bullies or you to even report the matter, no. 2, I'm NOT AFRAID OF YOU."

With that Max went on her way.

Nathan just looked at her and laughed a little and went home.


Max waited for Mr. Williams to come pick her up where he dropped her off. The car finally came and Max opened the backseat door only to find her father seating on the other end.

"Get in."

Max did as told.