
Only I Can Fix You

Opposites attract... well that's overrated. I believe you attract what you give. This story is about a girl and boy living lives ruled by their parents. Fate brings them together and they be each other's shoulder to cry on and lean on when things get rough.. As their friendship grows into something more they discover secrets to their families wealth. Secrets about themselves.

LuNa_s_DandeLION · Others
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3 Chs

Perfect Family

After Max got in the car with her father it was quiet all the way until they arrived home. Before Max got out of the car her father stopped her.

"Your grandfather is here. I suggest you act nicer... Normal. Also smiling wouldn't kill you."

Max remained quiet.

"I hope we understand each other, my... beautiful daughter..." said Mr Johnson pulling a fake smile while patting Max's head.

They went in.

Max rushed in to greet her grandfather with a big smile on her face. She hugged her grandfather and glared at her parents.

"Grandpa what brings you here?" asked Max completely ignoring her parents.

"Sweetheart why don't you go get changed and come talk with your grandpa after.." said Mrs Johnson with a more polite tone than usual.


Calling her mom felt so wrong that she cringed when she said it. Max did as told, she changed and came down to chat with her grandfather.

Just as she was about to go to her grandfather her mother stopped her.

"The adults are discussing important business right now, go back to your room." her usual indifferent tone was back.

"But mother you said I would get to talk with grandpa if I changed! What could be so important that I can't even go to him!?!"

Max was furious. She rarely gets allowed to see her grandfather and he's her only blood relative who treats her right.

Mrs Johnson was also mad.

"Your gonna ruin your father's hard work you little brat!" with that she dragged Max by the arm and locked her in her bedroom.

"Your grandfather is leaving, I'd suggest you don't do anything to get on my bad side because even he won't be able to protect you."

With that, Mrs Johnson walked back to the living room.


•At the Black Family Villa

"I can't believe you got into a fight! Again!" Mr Black was furious.

Not only was Nathan his 4th son but he had hopes that he would follow his elder brothers and someday work in the family business.

However, Nathan was constantly causing a scandal, fighting, skipping school and sneaking out at night. Everything he did kept putting his family in a bad light with the public.

Nathan's father has a conglomerate business that is considered to be in the big 3 of most successful companies in America. The Blacks have 4 children,

Justin ,the oldest. Currently working as General Manager at one of his father's branches in Europe.

Jonathan, second born, in college, doing a business major obviously to prepare him to work in the family business.

Nicholas, the third born, a rebel, senior in the same high school as Nathaniel, he doesn't like following his family's rules.

The school nurse reported that Nathan came for painkillers and was actually bleeding. His father was more than furious when he heard the news.

"Why are you intentionally disappointing me! Am not a good father to you!?!" shouted Mr Black.

Nathan remained quiet with his head down. Just when his father was yelling at him, Nicholas came in.

He saw his brother was getting scolded but he had no idea why. He went to the living room and sat down.

"Dad... What happened, why are you so mad... ?" asked Nick as he sat down.

"Your brother got into a fight at school, again, look his forehead was even bleeding..." cried their mother.

"You!" said Mr Black pointing at Nick.

"He takes after you! Everything started with you! You are the poison in this family. I have two sons who know what needs to be done and two sons who can't follow simple rules!"

"I never want to hear something like this ever again!"

After that Mr Black went upstairs to his bedroom. Their mother followed with a sigh.

The two boys were left alone in the living room.

"Did you really not know or were you just pretending?" asked Nathan.

"Of course I knew. However I will not help you get into meaningless fights just because you want dad's attention. I have my own problems!" shouted Nick as he went up to his room and slammed the door.

Nathaniel was so mad he just took his motorcycle and decided to go somewhere to clear his head.

There's a very secluded place in the woods where he always went when it was late and he needed to clear his head.

However in this place he wasn't alone. Everytime he came here he would see a girl sitting under a big Oaktree. He would watch her take out her rage on the tree sometimes. She would punch it and kick it.. somehow it made him laugh.

He never really saw the girl's face because it was always covered. But he always felt if he saw her without it he would know it was her right away.

When he arrived in the forest, to his surprise, the girl wasn't by the tree. He looked around but couldn't find her.

Just then a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Stalking must be your thing.."