
Chapter 8 Hunter Machete

Not far away.

There were more than ten players, and they should be in a team.

They were looking at Rod.

At this time, Rod was leaning against the fence of the green hand village, surrounded by more than a dozen rat men. The situation seemed to be very dangerous.

"Captain, come over and help him? The hunter is very powerful. I saw that he killed an elite rat man with four arrows with my own eyes, and the arrows hit." Gray turned to a middle-aged man and said.

This time, they temporarily formed a team and went out of the green hand village to brush rat men. At the same time, they wanted to see if they had the chance to kill rat men's ultimate boss.

The middle-aged man's ID was "ghost knight", the vice president of the tenth guild of the United States in the online game of Legends in the last hot world, so everyone actively made him the team leader.

Some people also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to join the Holy Adjudication Guild behind the ghost knight in the future.

Gray was also one of the top players in the Legends, so he was good at observing people.

The strength shown by Rod was approved by Gray.

The ghost knight didn't say anything. The mage player, Blood Red Rose, said, "That hunter must have obtained some special talent."

"Maybe it's above the A level!"

Everyone in the team nodded in agreement.

Everyone had just seen the specific properties of the elite level rat man: 150 HP and 4 points of defensive power.

As a level one hunter, the basic attack was very low, but he could kill it with four arrows, so he must have mastered a great talent.

Perhaps it was to increase the talent for attack, or to increase the talent for fatal attack, or something else.

All in all, this talent should be above the A level.

According to the official data released by Disaster Tide, only one percent of the players can obtain the talent above the A level.

In other words, the starting point of the hunter player had surpassed ninety-nine percent of the players.

The ghost knight nodded and said, "Then help!"

After Hokkaido in Japan was destroyed by the Octopus King in the Disaster Tide, everyone with foresight realized that the Disaster Tide was not a simple online game like the Legends, but created by the Gods. It could really affect the reality and bring the end of the world to the earth.

Holy Adjudication's top executives held a meeting at the first time.

Someone suggested that the power of the Guild in the Disaster Tide would affect the reality along with the Disaster Tide in the near future.

If the Holy Adjudication could seize this opportunity, it might be able to enter the reality from the virtual world and become a huge force in the future.

This view was agreed by most of the senior leaders of the Holy Adjudication.

The meeting determined the development direction of some Holy Adjudication in the future. The most important point was to win over potential players in the Disaster Tide at the early stage.

If the hunter really mastered the level that was higher than the level A talent, he could join the guild in the future and be trained well. He would definitely become a top hunter player.

With the consent of the ghost knight, more than a dozen players present no longer hesitated and took the initiative to walk towards Rod.

In the live room of Rod.

Because of Rod's current situation, the audiences were extremely excited.

"Anchor is surrounded by a dozen rat men. Is he in trouble?"

"It's the first time I've seen a player being targeted by so many rat men."

"I've watched more than ten live rooms. This is the most exciting live room."

"How could there be so many rat men?"

"I bet the anchor can't hold on for more than one minute."

"Rat men look like the hybrid of human and mouse."

"I really hate rat men."

At the same time, system's message kept ringing in Rod's mind.

"Please note that the number of audience in your live room is +1, and your attack power is +1. The maximum amount is 50 points."

"Please note that the audience of your live room will order +1, and the damage will be +1. The maximum amount is 20."

Rod’s attack power was constantly increasing.


"Please note that the number of audience in your live room is +1, and your attack power is +1, which has reached the limit of 50 points. The increase of the audience in the following will not provide you with extra attack power."

"Congratulations! There are more than fifty people in the live room and you will be rewarded: bronze level weapon— Hunter machete. It has been automatically put into your backpack. Please check it carefully."

"I can't believe that he has actually rewarded a melee weapon!" Rod was overjoyed, "And it's bronze."

Not long after the Disaster Tide opened public beta, a bronze level weapon was definitely the dream of all players.

As a hunter, he could use bow and arrow for long-range or machete to melee attack.

But because it's long-range attack, the added attribute is biased towards the attack class.

Melee attacks would add more attributes to agility.

Generally speaking, the free property a player obtained every time he upgraded was a fixed value, which led to that most players could only choose long-range or one direction close to the top if they wanted to develop the hunter.

It was almost impossible to develop in an all-round way.

But Rod didn't worry about it now. With the talent of SSS level, his hunter career could be fully developed.

Rod took two steps back slightly and looked at the bronze weapon in his backpack -- the hunter machete. The relevant information automatically appeared in front of Rod.

Hunter machete: Level 1 bronze weapon, attack +60, critical helical hit +5%, and critical hit effect +10%!

Endurance: 200

Job required: Hunter

Note: this weapon is a growable type weapon.

A friendly reminder: one obsidian and one dragon eye gem can make it a level 5 silver weapon.

"I can't believe that it's the growable kind." Rod was a little excited.

With the hunter machete, the nervous Rod was indeed relieved in an instant.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Looking at the surrounding rat men, Rod pulled out an arrow, put it on the bowstring and aimed at the nearest rat man.

After killing two more elite rat men, he could upgrade.



In an instant, the wooden arrow took off its string.






All three wooden arrows hit in two seconds and killed an elite rat man full of blood.

There were not many arrows, but Rod did not hesitate.

He continued to pull out the arrows and aimed at the next target.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

Two seconds later, an elite rat man died.

System's message popped up in Rod's mind.

"Congratulations! You have successfully upgraded to level 2. The limit of HP is +50. All the basic properties are +1, and you will get 3 points free attributes."