
Chapter 9 Cap Rose

"I finally upgraded!"

Rod's expression became more relaxed, and then he added 3 free attributes to his agility.

When the arrows were used up, Rod could only use the hunter machete to fight closely with this group of rat men.

But now he was not lack of attack, but of agility.

Five points of agility made Rod much easier.

At the same time, system's message alert rang in Rod's mind again.

"Please note that the number of audience in your live room is +1, and your attack power is +1. The current limit is 100 points."

Hearing this voice, Rod was immediately enlightened.

Sure enough, as long as he upgraded, he could increase the cap.

The increase should not only be the maximum attack, but also something else.

"Attention please. The audience in your live room is +1, and your attack power is +1. The current limit is 100 points."


Now the number of audience in the live room with Rod had reached nearly two hundred, so his attack was increased to the maximum of 100 in an instant.

Rod then looked at rat men and found that an arrow had been placed on the bowstring.

"There are still a few arrows left. Let's talk about it after we use them up."

As soon as he finished speaking, an arrow went straight to rat man in the distance.



He killed the elite rat man in one shot.

"Comfortable!" Rod said with a smile, and the arrow in his hand flew towards the next elite rat man.




With a hit rate of 100, Rod's arrows made the elite rat man dead one after another.

If it was lucky enough, he would kill it just with a blow.

Even with little luck, he was table to kill it by two arrows.

Rat men, who used to be very ferocious and arrogant, now had become live targets of Rod.

The audience in the live room had never seen such a scene of killing rat men.

"The other anchors are all being chased and killed by rat men, but this one is chasing and killing rat men."

"This live room is so comfortable."

"This is the best anchor of 'Disaster Tide' I've ever seen."

"Maybe rat man's boss will be killed by Rod."

"The elite rat men had 150 HP. Why did the anchor kill them in an instant? How did he get the damage of 240?"

"The anchor must have the talent above S level!"

"Can you friend me? I'm also a hunter. I was just killed by rat man five times and my mind exploded, so I retreated."

With the increase of the audience in the live room, the performance of the live room with Rod will also increase.

"Please note that the audience of your live room will order +1, and the damage will be +1. The maximum amount is 40."


"Congratulations! You will get a reward of 10 dollars. In the next ten minutes, your critical hit rate will increase by 1%, and the current limit is 25%."


With the increase of the data in the live room, Rod's damage to rat man increased.




Not far away.

The group of death knights, who were rushing over to help Rod fight against rat men, was shocked to see rat men, who were besieging Rod, falling one after another under his arrows.

The hunter who was trapped by more than a dozen rat men began to kill rat men.

The screen was changing too fast for them to react for a moment.

Gray swallowed and widened his eyes to see Rod, "You're just a novice. How can you be so tough when facing rat man?"

The death knight said in a deep voice, "We might have underestimated that Hunter player just now."

Rod the strength shown is enough to be called one of the top players of the Disaster Tide.

No one had seen rat men's boss yet, but the death knight believed that in this novice village, Rod was the most likely to kill it.

The eyes of the death knight then fell on the arrow pot behind Rod, leaving only two arrows.

"There are not many arrows left. Let's go to help!"

The death knight drew out his weapon, quickened his pace and walked towards Rod.

To be able to display such a powerful strength at the early stage of being a novice, the death knight would definitely become a famous hunter in the future.

It was very necessary to absorb him into the guild.

Gray and the others looked at the death knight who rushed over with a long sword. They looked at each other and immediately followed him.

On the other side, when all the arrows were used up, Rod had killed eight elites, rat man, and gained a lot of experience. It was still a little close to reaching level 3.

Then, Rod put away the longbow, and a machete appeared in his hand.

It was about 30 centimeters long and bronze in color. Only the blade was black and covered with complex patterns.


Rod took a deep breath. Next, he was going to fight close.

He used to play close combat career in other online games, and her strength was not bad.

Plus the nature of the hunter machete and his current increased attack power, real damage and critical hit rate through live streaming, Rod next, he could kill any elite rat man in a second.

In the live room.

The moment Rod took out the hunting machete, the audience's comments immediately increased a lot.

"Bronze weapon!"

"I'm using a new weapon from system. The anchor's bronze weapon is really enviable!"

"When did you get the bronze level weapon?"

"Are you selling bronze weapons? I'm willing to pay five hundred dollars for them."

"I'm drooling with envy!"

"Sure enough, the anchor has trump card. Otherwise, he wouldn't have put that title on the live room."


The audiences were envious of the hunter machete in Rod's hand, and many people also wanted to buy it.

At present, it was quite obvious that a bronze level weapon could bring the players the lead.

Of course, Rod didn't see the information of the request. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't sell it.

Because money only depended on the strong, and the weak would only temporarily keep money for the strong.

As long as he continued to grow stronger, he would be able to obtain money.

Seeing the arrow in Rod's hand disappear, rat men's eyes turned red.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

With loud and clear roars, they rushed towards Rod.

Rod with the hunter machete in his hand, he saw the approaching figures of rat men. There was no fear on his face, but excitement on his face.

The next moment.

Rod went ahead.

Rod faced rat men.



He killed two elites.

System's message popped up in Rod's mind.

"Congratulations! You have successfully upgraded to level 3. The limit HP is +50. All the basic attributes are +1. You will get 3 free attributes."