
Chapter 7 Four Arrows

Soon, system's voice rang in Rod's mind.

"Please note that the maintenance of Disaster Tide system will be completed in 30 seconds. Please get ready to enter Disaster Tide."

30 seconds passed.

A bright white light suddenly covered the dark field of vision of Rod.

When he came to his senses, Rod was already in the Disaster Tide.

In front of him, there were several rat men. They gritted their teeth and growled.

The maintenance of Disaster Tide system has lasted for an hour. It seemed that everything in Disaster Tide has been fixed for an hour.

Rod held the longbow in his hands, he didn't hurry and turned on the live room.

Rod changed the title of the live room.

"Kill rat men's final boss!"

The title was exaggerated, but there was nothing he could do. Rod was not an online celebrity, and there were not many friends in reality. He had to use this method to attract enough people to watch the live room.

Because the number of audience could increase his attack, and the reward from the audience could increase his critical hit rate.

This was his SSS level talent.

After the title was confirmed, Rod chose the third person's perspective. The live streaming picture floated in front of him in a transparent state.

"A young man in black linen, with a longbow in his hand, and several scary looking rat men standing not far away."

Maybe it was because the title of Rod was attractive enough, or because it had been bombarded by a series of information in the Japanese territory, the Disaster Tide attracted the attention of the whole world.

All in all, someone came in as soon as Rod started.

"Please note that the number of audience in your live room is +1, and your attack power is +1. The maximum amount is 50 points."

"Please note that the number of audience in your live room is +1, and your attack power is +1. The maximum amount is 50 points."


There were eighteen audiences in a row.

The attack power on the Rod board increased by 18 points.

There were also comments.

Because rat men were still roaring and didn't choose to attack, Rod continued to read the comments.

As an anchor, he had to communicate with the audience at any time to make his live room more popular.

And now, Rod was learning to be a qualified anchor.

Jack: "What kind of monster is that? It does look a little scary."

"Rat man." Rod replied.

Hacker: "You are the most arrogant anchor I've ever seen!"

Facing the doubts of the audience, Rod said calmly, "I have killed two elite level rat men, and the corpse is over there!"

The camera turned slightly, and two corpses of rat men appeared in the screen.

Hacker: "Awesome!"

Jack: "The anchor is so powerful. He has killed two elite rat men."

Ron: "The anchor is quite capable."

Just then, system's voice suddenly sounded.

"Please note that the audience of your live room subscription +1, and the real damage will be +1. The maximum amount is 20 points."

The real damage, as its name implied, was that it could ignore the defense and directly cause an attack on the target HP.

But... It's just... The fact that a subscription can actually increase real harm?

Rod's heart beat faster.

It might not be able to see much effect from the real damage now, but in the future, it would be a horrible trump card.

Ron: "The American government announced that if you kill the final boss of rat men, you will be rewarded with 1 billion dollars. If you can kill the final boss of rat men, you will not be troubled by money all your life!"

The reward for killing rat men's final boss is 1 billion dollars?


The good news came one after another, which made Rod's heart tremble.

Become a rich man.

It had always been his dream.

However, this dream had only been realized in his dream.

But now, he had a chance. He could get 1 billion dollars by killing rat men's final boss.

Ninety-nine percent of the American people must be crazy now.

Soon, another audience entered the live room.

"Please note that the number of audience in your live room is +1, and your attack power is +1. The maximum amount is 50 points."


When the number of people in the live room reached 30, the basic attack of Rod had reached 40 points, with a few more real damages.

Even if he didn't shoot attack arrows or use his skills, he could still hurt rat men badly.

Looking at rat men who was about to make a move not far away, Rod said, "Next, I'll officially live killing rat men."

After that.

Rod pulled out an ordinary wooden arrow and put it on the bowstring. Then he pulled the bowstring and aimed at the nearest rat man.

Holding his breath, Rod let go of it. The wooden arrow instantly left the string and flew towards an elite rat man eight meters away.

The wooden arrow moved very fast.

Rat man didn't dodge.


With a crisp sound, a "41" damage came out of rat man's body, and its HP fell slightly.


Just as the rat man let out a painful roar, the second and the third wooden arrows hit rat men from front to back like a line.


Although there was no critical hit, only the damage brought by wooden arrow directly turned rat men into a corpse.

The audiences in the live room were shocked.

"I didn't expect this anchor to be a master of archery!"

"In less than two seconds, he shot four arrows and all of them hit the target. He killed an elite rat man full of blood!"

"I just came from a professional anchor's live room and he was killing rat men, too. But in terms of speed, he's really not as fast as Rod."

"Killing rat man boss may not be a big deal."

"I want to reward this anchor!"

They didn't expect that rat men, who looked so horrible, were easily defeated by Rod's four arrows.

He almost killed them in an instant!

This anchor was not simple!

"Please note that the number of audience in your live room is +1, and your attack power is +1. The maximum amount is 50 points."


"Please note that the audience of your live room subscription +1, and the real damage will be +1. The maximum amount is 20 points."


"Congratulations! You will get a reward of 10 dollars. In the next ten minutes, your critical hit rate will increase by 1%, and the current limit is 20%."

The number of viewers had increased to 38.

After killing an elite rat man, the Rod got 5 more reservations and a reward of 35 dollars.

In other words, just now.

The real damage +5 for Rod!

His critical hit rate was +3.5%!

This was a very happy thing, but Rod at this time, did not have time to pay attention to the situation in the live room.

Because now there were four elite rat men running madly towards him.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

They even roared to gather their companions!

They wanted to kill him together!