
Onichi the Phoenix

A man with a tainted soul dies and gets two wishes. Follow the journey of this man as he travels the multiverse causing chaos and living his best life. The Main Character is going to be absurdly overpowered even from birth. First World: Naruto Second World: One Piece Evil MC warning this is not for the faint of heart.

Stevemeh · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Street of Dreams

Chapter 3

Laying in my bed the sun peaking through the window hitting my eyes I sigh turning to face my open window the three stone heads carved in the side of the mountain shining in my eyes waving my hand the blinds sliding closed as I turn towards the door waving my hand again slamming the door closed closing my eyes. I hate mornings. I've always hated mornings and that hasn't changed in this new life. The only thing that has is the fact that I'm young now and have more leniency towards sleeping in. 

From the day I was born I knew I was reborn in the Naruto verse and frankly I am quite happy about that. I never finished the show, only making it to the end of the war arc but I know enough about it to be confident that I could conquer the whole world with time. Although I never finished the show I rewatched it through the war arc at least five times so I know enough about it. 

It's been six years since I've been reincarnated and through these past six years I've had quite a lot of time to think. I have another chance at life after all and what better way to spend my time then perfecting how to right my wrongs. My biggest downfall in my past life was thinking I was alone and trying to find a companion but in reality I don't need to find a companion. I have to make one. 

I always wanted to find someone who understood the art of murder just as much as I did and here it became clear that no one will understand murder as much as I do. In my last life I didn't have any family but here I have a mother, father, sister and Lady Phoenix. I like my mother and father but I'll admit my mother has more of an impact on my life. I am the adopted son of Biwako and Hiruzen Sarutobi. They may not be biological but they are the ones that keep me fed, trained me how to control my chakra, and even tuck me in every night. My father is around as much as he can be but his duties usually keep him busy and he only comes back late at night so it's mostly my mother who takes care of me.

The Phoenix force or as she likes to be called Lady Phoenix has been fused with me since I left the womb and is a part of me. She has full sentience and is able to speak freely to me whenever she likes but usually only speaks when she is needed. Lady Phoenix is one of my teachers and even my closest friend she is the only person I can say truly loves me. Lady Phoenix has all the memories of it's past but not of Marvel merely living through the universe doing its duty. 

She says her main purpose was to prepare for my birth to be fused with me so she's been doing her best to advise me and train my abilities with the Phoenix Force powers and my other abilities. She could quite possibly be the only person who loves me. Lady Phoenix would do anything for me we're connected after all and she was made to serve me so why wouldn't she. I was born with a string of natural mutant abilities outside of my chakra and the phoenix force powers but I've mostly been focusing on me telekinesis, telepathy, and Phoenix force powers that Lady Phoenix has been teaching me not taking into account my chakra training. 

There are many more powers that I can use but there is only so much progress I can have in six years of training. The first power I needed to focus on was my telepathy just because it was so powerful and erratic. At first it was uncontrollable for me so Lady Phoenix would put limits on them so I wouldn't get overwhelmed but now I put my own blocks on my powers when and if I don't want to hear others thoughts. I can listen and sort out around one hundred peoples thoughts at once but what I really enjoy doing is altering people's minds. I haven't become powerful enough to be able to fully add or remove memories but what I can do is change or alter their emotions. 

Wouldn't you want devoted followers who would leave their families for you, give their money to you, give their bodies to you, give up their lives for you, consider you god and will kill for you? Well that is exactly what my powers can do and that is what I plan to do with them. I have the ability to completely change peoples emotions towards me making a person who hates me become my most devoted followers making that hate disappear. I've tried it many times before and it really is fairly simple. I can manipulate someone's brain to train them so that whenever they think about me they can feel specific emotions so that I can train their mind to be undyingly devoted. 

What I do is make it so that whenever they think about me or complete one of my missions they feel a euphoric addictive high of devotion and love. If they think bad thoughts about me it simply changes to guilt and sadness about thinking bad about their master. It's not full proof though because people in this world are usually extra cautious about genjutsu so I have to be careful when doing it to high class ninja because even with it's undeniable results it can still be recognized and it does take time to fully set in place. As my powers grow Lady Phoenix says that I will be able to fully take over the mind of any human almost instantaneously but it becomes more difficult when dealing with aliens or humans with special powers like shinobi. 

Either way I am immortal and am at the ripe age of six so I still have a great deal of time to learn my powers.

I haven't been able to do it on too many people because I've mostly been in the Sarutobi compound out of fear of losing control of my powers but I have been able to use it on the Anbu who watch over me. The Anbu squad views me as a God but that took years of minor mind changes, it wasn't an instant change. It took longer than I expected for me to manipulate the Anbu squads' minds because they were much more powerful than the average human's mind and it was my first time doing it. It felt like I was playing a game for the first time in the hardest game mode.

It would've been easier if I was making a temporary change that would have faded but I was making a permanent change that can't be changed. Each of their minds were different and had their own challenges for me but each time I finished one mind the next became easier and easier. It also helped that Lady Phoenix was teaching me and if I was really in a bind then she could just take over my body and do it herself.

Many people's goal in life is simply surviving but I don't want to just survive. I want to thrive and have fun so that means doing whatever it is that I want so if that means I have to mind fuck ever person I come across then so be it. Lady Phoenix told me herself I am a cosmic entity that means I can do whatever I want until someone bigger or stronger tells me I can't which is highly unlikely to happen unless I go to a world that has another cosmic entity or I run into a ROB which would be extremely bad. 

I want to have fun but first I have to catch up on my training and master my power to become the most powerful cosmic entity I am because I will not be beat by any mere mortal.

Being broken from my thoughts by the sound of pounding feet and the sound of my door swinging open I open an eye staring at my mother holding my little sister in her arms, her free hand resting on her hip glaring at me.

"Onichi what did I tell you about slamming the door?" She questions as I sit up holding out my arm towards the closet the door sliding open my clothes for the day floating out.

"Good morning to you too mom but I didn't slam my door." I say with a smile while lazily stretching and yawning.  "I didn't even leave my bed mom so how could I slam my door?" I question as my mother sets down my little four year old sister Saya Sarutobi who's four who quickly runs to my bed jumping up wrapping me in a tight hug. Saya is a fairly serious child always taking the more realistic output compared to other children her age. My mother says that she has the mind of a true shinobi unlike me who has more of a carefree attitude. I lived my last life too seriously, always questing for a companion which made my life boring other than when I killed people so I refuse to make that mistake again. I will live as carefree as I can be. I'll still of course train as much as I can. I want to have fun, and getting killed or sealed away would be extremely not fun.

"Good morning little sister." I say with a smile kissing her cheek while she giggles. "Did you sleep well?" I question setting her next to me on the bed, her straight brown hair neatly combed with a headband holding back her shoulder length hair revealing her hazel eyes.

"I know what I heard Onichi, now get changed and come to the breakfast table. I have something to tell both of you." My mother says before turning away from the doorway walking back to presumably the kitchen.

"I slept good Onichi but you have to be careful mom got really mad when you slammed the door." Saya lectures while I ruffle her hair.

"It's like I told mom I didn't even leave my bed so I couldn't slam the door." I say with a smirk while lifting her off my bed.

"Yeah well you might've not closed it with your body but you could've closed it with your kekkei genkai." She says, making my smile widen as I lightly float her with my mind gently carrying her out of my room as her giggles fill the air. Apparently whenever I use my telekinesis it looks similar to when I use my chakra but that's fine it's easier to explain that way.

"I guess you're right Saya but that's supposed to be a secret. You know that mom doesn't like it when I use my powers." Placing her gently on the floor outside of my door I wave my hand gently closing the door this time. My telekinesis is considered a brand new kekkei genkai which is why I'm allowed out of the compound very rarely out of fear that I'll suddenly lose control and injure someone which will not happen. I've trained enough over the last six years to know that unless I wish to injure someone then nothing will happen unless I suddenly feel a strong emotion. Hell it wasn't even my telekinesis that murdered those people in the hospital that was my fire and I have complete control over it hell it's more stable than my telekinesis.

Standing from my bed I raise my hands above my head lifting my shirt off of me, floating my new one on doing the same with my shorts. Walking out of the room I make my way to the kitchen where my mothers stands by the stove cooking eggs on a pan and my sister sits at the round table her legs swaying in the air not touching the ground sitting next to her.

"Good you're on time." My mother says while turning off the stove putting eggs and bacon on two plates setting them down on the placemats in front of us before sitting across from me. "Now then it's time for the announcement. I would have liked to tell both of you this with your father but with his duties he is very busy so I will tell you guys it alone. You two will both be older siblings soon." My mother says with a smile while placing a hand on her stomach.

"We're going to have another brother or sister?!" My sister asks excitedly with wide eyes and a toothy gin.

"Yes Saya you're going to get a little brother or sister." My mother says while hugging her.

"That's great mom." Taking a bite from my eggs I look up giving my most excited face. It's happening! I am visibly seeing cannon get started because Asuma Sarutobi is being born or well he will be born. Whenever I read fanfiction I never really believed in the main character trying to make the timeline exactly the same as they remembered it because in all actuality just them being born severely changes what may happen and that is just cemented in place for me. On the day that I was born I killed at least a hundred people and one of those hundred people could have been the ancestors of one of the main characters of one of the characters of the Naruto cast so I don't care what I change now. I'm not going to constantly contemplate whether or not my actions are going to change the timeline because I don't care if the timeline is going to change. At the end of the day this story is no longer about Naruto it is about Onichi. I am the main character now.

"Yes it is, but this means that you two are going to have more responsibilities. Onichi you did a great job helping me with Saya and I expect that to continue with this baby also and Saya you are going to have to help me more too." My mother says with a voice that demands cooperation.

"Not a problem." I say casually taking another bite out of my eggs.

"I hope it's a girl I already have Onichi so I don't want another brother." Saya says hotly while beginning to eat her food, not noticing our mothers frown.

"If I have a boy or a girl it does not change the fact that they are your sibling and you will love them either way." Mother says standing turning around grabbing a cup of coffee. "And Onichi, your father and I have discussed it and have decided to enter you into the academy." My mom says making me pause in between bites holding my fork midway in the air looking at her with wide eyes.

"Why would I do that? You and dad said I'm stronger than any genin so why would I waste my time there when I could be helping the village doing actual shinobi work?" I question taking the bite of food that I left in the air. Although going to the academy would help me figure out where I am in the Naruto timeline but with my mother being pregnant I have a rough idea of where I am. If Asuma is going to be around seven years younger than me then I should be in Minato Namikaze's generation. Even if I am in his generation that still doesn't show why I should go to the academy it'll just be a waste of my time. Time flows constantly and doesn't care about people who are struggling so wasting my time playing student isn't how I would wish to spend my childhood.

"It's not that simple Onichi, it's not all shinobi work. There are politics in this and both of you have to start learning fast. You going into the academy is to learn and get to know the ninja that are going to be fighting by your side in the future. To make bonds with your future comrades. Now you are going to go to the academy and you are going to make connections with the other students. Do you hear me Mr." My mother questions as I sigh rubbing my face in annoyance. I don't have enough time for me to play politics in the Naruto verse. I want to learn how to use all of my powers so I can be as strong as I can and then I will be able to do what I want in this world and every other world I go to. 

"But I thought you wanted me to focus on my kekkei genkai. You said that it was unstable and I needed to focus on it." If I can get out of this I will. I refuse to waste my time in the academy. My mother and father already made sure that I learn chakra control, Shuriken, and kunai throwing. I know everything that an average ninja knows and could easily kill any genin with ease and might I say that I could even kill a jonin but I'd need to have actual combat experience first to see how I fare.

"Onichi we have trained your kekkei genkai enough you have enough control over it. Your father and I are confident that you are safe to the public so you will be going to the academy and that is not changing. You start next week so I want you to be ready. We will be going out to get all the supplies you need later today." There's no getting out of this, this just means I have to learn how to do the shadow clone jutsu not only will I be able to progress leaps and bounds in my training but I won't have to waste my time doing things I don't want to like going to the academy. 

"Fine then if I don't have a choice I guess I have to go." I pout while taking another bite from my food. 


Sitting down on the bed in my room I look out the window watching the moon set behind the heads on the mountain sending out small bursts of chakra acting as a form of echolocation for me and Lady Phoenix. 

"What are you doing Onichi?" The sound of Lady Phoenix's voice rings in my head as a man clad in all black wearing a deer mask.

"I refuse to waste my time learning things I already know in a classroom for politics purposes so I am going to learn how to make a copy of myself using the shadow clone so I can make multiple copies of myself and I don't have to have my real body in the actual classroom learning useless material." I say in my mind while waving to deer one of my mind imprinted soldiers. 

"Hey Deer you wouldn't happen to know how to make a shadow clone would you?" I question with a smile. I could always ask my mother or father but then I might get in trouble for ditching school but in all honesty would it actually be considered ditching? A question for another day I guess.

hope you guys enjoyed please comment and review if you did

chapter four will be out wendsday

Stevemehcreators' thoughts