
Onichi the Phoenix

A man with a tainted soul dies and gets two wishes. Follow the journey of this man as he travels the multiverse causing chaos and living his best life. The Main Character is going to be absurdly overpowered even from birth. First World: Naruto Second World: One Piece Evil MC warning this is not for the faint of heart.

Stevemeh · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Important Decision

Chapter 4

Sitting on the forest floor I watch the ten clones of myself all doing different training tasks, some practicing chakra control others practicing my own powers of lifting large trees with their mind or practicing the amazing powers of the phoenix force. Sighing I clap my hands together drawing my clones attention. 

"Alright everyone I have to go to school so you guys have to remain hidden while I'm away. You all already know the anbu that are on duty now are already under our control so we're just hiding from our mother, father and sister. Father won't be home till much much later so you are all mostly just hiding from our sister and mother. I don't want an information overload when I come back so I want you guys to continue to despawn in waves of two's every five minutes while making more of yourselves. Is that clear?" I question, my clones giving me a curt nod in response. 

With this way of training I will be able to train multiple times faster than I usually can and can substantially increase my power in a short amount of time. I could just as easy wipe their memories of ever seeing the clones but with them hiding it improves my hiding skills so I'm hitting multiple birds with a couple stones. If I'm going to be completely honest I worry about how long I may have my powers. It would be foolish if I did accept them without taking into account how I got them. God wasn't so pleased with me when he gave me my final wish so I wouldn't doubt it if there was some catch with the Phoenix force or if he were to just take them away so I would like to have good abilities without it just in case. Lady Phoenix already assured me that the mind control on the people I mind control won't wear off so it's in my best interest to get as many people under my control as I can just to make sure I have back up protection if God does get rid of my powers. 

Leaving the forest in the Sarutobi compound I make my way back to the house feeling the memories of my clones slowly flow into my mind after around five minutes of walking. It is much easier to manage the memories of my clones when they've only been alive for five or ten minutes and don't have hours of intricate training memories being shoved into my brain so it's just easier if they despawn when they're young. When the memories do come I simply sort them out easy as pie.

Opening the door to the house I'm immediately greeted by my mother, her arms crossed across her chest immediately with a serious look on her face flipping me around grabbing my hand walking me out of the compound. 

"Onichi I said that you could go train for twenty minutes you've been gone for an hour. We have to go, you can't be late on your first day." She says sternly as she picks me up running across the rooftops until we make it to the similar red academy that I remember from the show landing in the front yard where many kids and parents are standing outside. "Alright sweetheart have a great first day; learn a lot and make many friends." She says crouching down cupping my chin kissing my forehead her former anger replaced with joy a bright smile stretched across her face.

"Alright I will." I say with a smile hugging her back. This is my first day coming to school so I didn't want to send a clone. I want to make a proper assessment first so I know what I'm sending my clones into.

"Love you sweetie." My mother says while kissing the back of my head.

"Love you too." I call to my mom looking behind me as I walk into the school with the other kids giving my name to a woman standing next to the entrance who gives me a small paper with a room number on it. Making my way to the classroom there's already some students in the rows of seats all a variety of ages and a young man in his early twenties standing in front of a chalkboard with Sensei Yakasu written in chalk on it. Looking up at the tall man with short black spiky hair and onyx eyes with a small smile on his face he walks over to me kneeling down in front of me taking the card in my hand. 

"Onichi Sarutobi." He says reading off of my card looking up at me. "So you're from the Sarutobi clan huh? Well it's nice to meet you Onichi Sarutobi now how about you take the seat next to heiress Inuzuka up in the top left." He says while pointing up to the young girl with spiky brown hair sitting in the aisle seat of the top most desk the two seats next to her vacant. "Tsume why don't you give Onichi a wave." He says while Tsume gives a small lazy wave. It is not a hidden fact that I am the adopted son of the Hokage but it isn't common knowledge either.

"Thank you Sensei Yakasu it is nice to meet you too." I say with a respectful bow walking up the steps past other kids until I make it to my tabel taking the rightmost seat that has a clear view outside. Sitting down I rest my head on the desk looking out the window. I am technically not the heir to the Sarutobi clan my sister is. As an adopted child the title of heir is my sisters rightful title being a biological Sarutobi opposed to me. I could care less if I hold the title of heir or not right now holding political power in the leaf village is not my priority or of any concern to me. Why would I think so small and only look to my village when I can conquer this whole world? Before I can do that though I must look towards my training and do my best to master my abilities. 

"Hey you're Onichi right?" Sitting up from my desk I turn and look towards the young girl with spiky long brown hair bullied back in a ponytail, slit eyes, and red fang marks on her cheek giving me a smile revealing her longer than normal canine teeth. 

"Yes I'm, Onichi it's nice to meet you Tsume." I say simply with a small smile taking a peek into her mind to see how she feels. She feels excitement about joining the academy and a small bit of curiosity towards me.  

"Aren't you excited? We're in the academy which means we're one step closer to becoming ninjas." The enthusiasm in her voice and her feral smile makes my small smile go to a full blown grin, my child emotions taking over.

"Yeah I can't wait, I've been training for so long." I say giddily as more students begin to flood into the classroom a young indigo haired girl with clear eyes catching my eye. A Hyuga girl with indigo hair and stoic features walking to sit between me and Tsume. I remember reading up on the Hyuga clan in my past life. Hiashi Hyuga and his brother should've already entered the academy and all the other girls from the Hyuga clan that I remember were in the same generation as Naruto. So if I'm not supposed to recognize any of the Hyuga here why is it that this girl looks so familiar? 

Looking at all the kids filing into the classroom I don't see Minato Namikaze, the boy I was hoping was in my class. I remember reading about Minato in my last life and if I remember correctly if the age difference is as I suspect he should be nine years old a year before he was supposed to graduate and somewhere in that year span Kushina came here from Uzushiogakure. 

I didn't really expect to even see Minato until possibly years until now but that could change now that my parents decided I should go to school.

"Alright everyone take your seats and we'll get started." Sensei Yakasu loudly shouts over the chatter of the kids, my eyes following the indigo haired Hyuga who sits next to Tsume and me politely smiling at both of us. 

"Hello my name is Ryone Hyuga." Ryone says her small smile disappearing going back to its resting stoic features giving us a small bow as she sits. 

"Onichi Sarutobi, it's nice to meet you."  I say simply as Tsume says her greeting as well. 

"Alright now that everyone's in their seats we can get started."


As everyone begins to walk out of the classroom I stay near the back of the crowd walking next to Tsume as she excitedly tells me about the nin pups that she's picking from.

"And there's this black one that has red eyes like yours. I think you'd like her, you should come by and see her." Tsume excitedly says while putting a hand on my shoulder looking up at me with a wide smile.

"I might have to now Tsume; but I don't know what I'd be able to do with them without your clan's techniques." A nin ken would get in the way of my battles and I truly don't need one but it would be interesting to experiment on them. I can't say that experimentation hasn't crossed my mind. I am an immortal with the Phoenix Force so if I'm going to be living forever it would help if I had a hobby for me. It's nothing concrete. I'm just spitting out ideas for myself to find things to do other than murder and training.

"You don't get a dog just to help you in battle. Dogs are extremely loyal and dependable. They are good house pets, you'll see the pen if you do come. We can train together too."  She says as we begin to walk outside Tsume giving me a wave goodbye as she walks over to a large man wearing a Jonin  jacket. "Bye Onichi come over if you want to see the dogs!" She calls out with a childish giggle as I glance out across the yard looking at the faces of all the parents spotting my mother.

Quickly running to her she lifts up into her arms smiling at me kissing my cheek. 

"How was school sweetie?" She asks lovingly as I smile a genuine smile at her. 

"It was boring. I already know everything I shouldn't be in it." Honestly this first day of school told me everything I need to know. It is not worth my time to be here when I can just send a shadow clone. I wish to live in this world because of how much I enjoy the Naruto universe but if I wish to have as much power as I can I can't limit myself to staying here which is why I think it best to leave in search of more powerful items and people.

With my powers it would be more convenient for my situation if I went to a different world. I am extremely powerful for my age. I've been fused with a being that has the power to destroy whole universes so I am not a push over even if I am six. With my young age and only having six years of training I run the risk of losing control and I don't want to accidentally destroy the planet.

If I mess up and ruin my home I'll be extremely upset. Not only that but why limit myself to one world when I can travel the multiverse and make myself a team full of powerful people to serve me?

"Well then maybe if you do good enough your father and teachers will let you graduate early." My mother quips back, beginning to walk back to our house. 


Laying with my back on the mattress staring up at the ceiling I feel the minds of sixty different people listening to their thoughts and feeling what they're feeling before severing the connection. It's decided I don't want to stay here anymore. I like my family and all but I don't believe that I can train here without cracking the core of the planet and I won't ruin my home. I'll leave for now but I'll be back quick enough. 

hope you guys enjoyed please comment and review

hope you guys understand my decision on having MC leave. In his mind he isn't able to go full throttle with his training because he doesn't want to lose control and destroy the planet so he'd rather do that somewhere else than in his back yard. he won't be gone long I do want the main plot to happen in the naruto verse for now

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