
Onichi the Phoenix

A man with a tainted soul dies and gets two wishes. Follow the journey of this man as he travels the multiverse causing chaos and living his best life. The Main Character is going to be absurdly overpowered even from birth. First World: Naruto Second World: One Piece Evil MC warning this is not for the faint of heart.

Stevemeh · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Trial by Fire

Chapter 2 

Feeling the warm confines around me I carefully shift my weight inside of the womb finding comfort in the constant feeling of being hugged. I don't know how long I've been here but I know it's been long enough and it's time to be born. At first it was nice but now I'm starting to get annoyed by the increased capacity and the booming of my and my mothers heartbeat always in my ear but it's finally here the day to enter the real world and see God's so called "favorite world". I can hear my mother's heartbeat and everything happening in her body and it feels as if my ears are bleeding twenty four seven but it will be over quickly enough.

Shifting my weight I make sure that I'm properly positioned to be born. Feeling the walls around me contort I slowly get pushed towards the light.


Toga POV

Shouting in agony the whites of her knuckles showing as she grips the sheets of her hospital bed Toga releases one last push her yell filling the room as the cries of her baby enter her ears. Sighing in relief Toga visibly relaxes, laying back on the bed watching the doctor wipe off her crying child .

"It's a boy Miss Toga." Handing the baby off to Toga she looks down at the squirming child looking at it with a mix of disgust and horror. 

"Wha-what is this?" She questions glancing up at the doctor before looking back down at the platinum haired red eyed child. Thi-this couldn't be right. She thought. This baby didn't belong to her or her recently dead fiancé. Toga has black hair and black eyes and her fiancé also had black hair and black eyes this baby couldn't be hers.

"It's your son Miss Toga." The doctor says trying to reassure her walking to her side looking down at the crying babe.

"No it's not thi-this thing can't be mine. Just look at it, it looks nothing like me." Holding up her child to show the doctor he rockets across the room being thrown through the window falling from the third floor of the hospital causing the nurses and Toga to shout in surprise. Before any of the members in the room have a chance to react the babies cries grow louder. To the horror of the occupants of the room a red flame surrounds the baby raising the temperature of the room by at least ten degrees before a bright light surrounds the child and a wave of fire gets released disintegrating everything inside the hospital except the child. 


Hiruzen Sarutobi POV

Hiruzen has seen many horrific things in his long life. He's fought through three wars after all but nothing disgusted him more than senseless death especially senseless death on innocent people and looking at the burning hospital he couldn't help but be overcome with rage. That hospital was filled with women, children, doctors, and nurses innocent civilians who had done nothing wrong.

"Sakumo, give me a status report." Glancing to his side he stares at the white haired Shinobi looking intently at the raging fire.

"No one was able to escape. Witnesses say that the building just burst into flames after a doctor was thrown from the third floor window. The shinobi that were nearby are patrolling the surrounding area for any suspects but so far have come up with nothing and more are coming to put out the fire. Don't worry Lord Hokage, we'll figure out who did this… I'll make sure of it." The legendary shinobi says as Hiruzen hums in thought.

Who could've done this, missing nin, maybe another village? It could very well be another village hoping to capitalize on the village but it's extremely unlikely they'd provoke one by burning down a hospital. Hearing the cries of a child Hiruzen's thoughts stop as he focuses his senses confirming the cries of a child and feeling the chakra of a genin inside the building being unmistakable. Looking over at Dog who gives a short nod they both rush into the building doing their best to ignore the insanely hot flames focusing on finding the child.



Pain. All I feel is PAIN. It feels as if everyone on this planet's pain is being inflicted on this body of mine. I can feel their pain, fear, sadness, anxiety, happiness, anger, and even death. 


Wailing in agony I stare up at the flames dancing around me the floors having collapsed long before this I try to make the flames even hotter and bigger. If I set this whole world on fire then the voices will stop and my pain will stop. Feeling another wave of pain wash over me I wail even louder the burning rubble around me beginning to float slightly only to slam back into the ground. 

"CALM DOWN!" A feminine voice shouts in my mind drowning out the other screaming voices and waves of pain as a beautiful woman made of fire walks out of the flames walking to my downed form kneeling next to me softly stroking my cheek. "You have to calm down to control the voices and feelings I am blocking them for now but you will have to learn to control it yourself soon enough but for now I will put up a barrier in your mind to block them." She says with a smile as my wailing stops.

"Are you the Phoenix Force?" I question in my mind as the woman softly chuckles.

"Yes I am Lady Phoenix. It must've been a shock for you to be born and immediately have your powers awaken all those thoughts and feelings coming in at once is never pleasant." She says while softly lifting me in her flaming arms softly rocking me the flames feeling like a warm blanket. "It will get easier. I will teach you how to control your powers but right now you have to focus and put out the flames." 

"How do I do that?" I question while staring up into her flaming eyes.

"You created it so all you have to do is concentrate and you'll be able pull it back in. Now close your eyes and feel the flames then pull them back inside you." Shutting my eyes I take a deep breath and feel the flames around me giving them a strong tug pulling them all back inside me. Opening my eyes once more the flames are all gone except for Lady Phoenix who's looking off in the instance before looking back down at me.

"Two people are coming, they have good intentions, let them help you. If their intentions change I will protect us. We'll talk soon Onichi." Onichi, I like that name. Setting me on the ground Lady Phoenix kisses my head, her lips burning my head as she disappears leaving me alone before two people appear in front of me, two younger men one with white hair wearing all black and the other with brown hair wearing all black. Sakumo Hatake and Hiruzen Sarutobi staring down at me in my small crater. So this is God's favorite world.


Hiruzen POV

Running through the scorching flames Hiruzen could feel the sweat running down his face disintegrate almost as soon as it forms the flames licking his skin burning it as he and Sakumo make their way to chakra of the child. The cries have stopped but he could still feel the chakra and as long as it was there they would not stop until. 

Stopping in front of a small crater, Hiruzen and Sakumo stare down at a small naked baby lying quietly on the ground. Stepping down, Hiruzen kneels lifting up the child that has enormous chakra reserves inspecting him, getting shocked when it's clear that there are absolutely no injuries on the child except for a single burn mark on his head in the shape of lips.

"How is he alive?" Sakumo asks as Hiruzen picks up the child who's abnormally warm.

"I don't know we will check if there are any records of the baby and see if there are any living relatives if not this child is now an orphan." Speeding out of the building standing amidst the gathered crowd muttering in confusion with shinobi gathered around looking at the scorched building.

"Lord Hokage did you put out the fire? When we got here it just disappeared. " One of the chunin says, his voice laced with confusion.

"The fire is gone, clear out the civilians and cast earth walls around it to contain the damage if it does collapse." Hiruzen orders beginning to walk away cradling the child walking to a nearby medic nin handing the baby over as it begins to cry in the arms of its new holder grasping in the air towards Hiruzen his hands bursting into flames the crowd gasping their muttering growing louder.


Sitting in his office Hiruzen pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing as he watches the large stack of papers lift in the air scattering in the room before falling to the floor. Standing up from his chair Hiruzen walks over to the crib in the corner of the room where a small baby lays on his back waving his hands in the air.

"Are you hungry Onichi?" Hiruzen questions while lifting up the child an anbu appearing in front of him handing him a sealing scroll before disappearing back into the shadows. Opening the scroll with a puff of smoke Hiruzen takes out a baby bottle with lukewarm milk putting it to the child's lips.

It's been one month since the incident at the hospital and no one has come to claim the baby but who can blame them in the civilians eyes it was little Onichi who caused the fire which is looking more and more likely the more time he spends with the child. At first it was believed that the child had extremely high comparability with fire nature chakra and once he was born it went crazy whether by fear or other factors. This in turn caused the hospital fire and the death of everyone inside; but once he had begun taking care of him it became clear that there was more power this child was hiding. Hiruzen has never seen anything like the powers that little Onichi has shown unless you consider magnet release but his powers are not limited to magnets. 

Onichi seemingly has control over everything around him being able to lift and control everything nearby. When Hiruzen had first seen this power he had thought it was in fact Magnet Release but once his papers began floating it was clear that it was not. Hiruzen had many theories as to what the powers were and the Hyuga just confirmed it. Somehow Onichi is able to spread out his chakra and is able to mark the items with his chakra then is able to manipulate the chakra on the items able to control them at will. The only thing about this power is the fact that because he is a child he can't knowingly control them.

That's not even taking into account his fire ability which he hasn't seen since the day of the hospital. All things considered this child has extraordinary abilities that seem to be highly unstable which is why Hiruzen decided to adopt the boy. 

It would be foolish to put the child in an orphanage. It'd cause more problems than good and giving the child with such extraordinary abilities could be viewed as favoritism amongst the clans if he did decide to give the boy to one specific clan so it only makes sense that he keeps the boy for himself. As Hokage it is Hiruzen's duty to take care of all threats to the village which is why he will be monitoring the training of this child to make sure that he becomes stable and a useful asset to the village. 

It was difficult convincing the council he could practically see the desire seeping from Danzo's eyes but he is Hokage. As Hokage it is his duty to deal with any active threats and that is what he is doing and after that he signed the adoption forms and now little Onichi is officially Onichi Sarutobi his first son. Biwako and he had been trying for some time to have a child but they didn't have much luck so when he brought up the idea of adopting Onichi for themselves she became ecstatic. Everything is prepared for Onichi at the house and he made it clear to Biwako that it is of the utmost importance to get this child's chakra under control so a repeat of the hospital does not happen again. 

hope you guys enjoyed please comment and review if you did

second chapter done I'll release the third in two days.

Stevemehcreators' thoughts