
Onichi the Phoenix

A man with a tainted soul dies and gets two wishes. Follow the journey of this man as he travels the multiverse causing chaos and living his best life. The Main Character is going to be absurdly overpowered even from birth. First World: Naruto Second World: One Piece Evil MC warning this is not for the faint of heart.

Stevemeh · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Chapter five

Sitting peacefully in the back yard the shine of the moonlight rays brightening the night sky I close my eyes trying to focus on one specific item in my mind. 

"Lady Phoenix, where is the planet transport machine, why can't I find it?" I question while scouring the depths of my mind. It is in my best interest to train elsewhere and create a team for myself. Everyone needs a goal in life and I've decided that my new goal/hobby is going to be collecting powerful people from different planets. Not only will the collection of these people be a good test for my powers but the thought of having powerful people kneel beneath me sends shivers of excitement down my spine.

"It is in the deepest part of your subconscious. Keep looking, you are close." Lady Phoenix says her silky voice sounding reassuringly like a soothing warm fire in the winter.

"Fine then don't tell me I'll find it myself." There it is my impatience striking again but I want to leave here. As much as I enjoy the Naruto world I have to get stronger and although my control has improved it will get even better if I face strong opponents. There are strong opponents here who I could fight to get stronger but it's as I said before I run the risk of losing control and I won't ruin my home. 

At first I wasn't loyal to my family in the slightest because of Hiruzen's view of me as a mere weapon for the village and those views are still somewhat there but I can feel the small bit of affection towards me. My mother and sister are completely different stories; they both care for me dearly much more than my father does so I'll make sure they're kept safe. 

When speaking to Lady Phoenix she told me that I don't have the full power of the Phoenix yet. She said that as I age I will be given more and more power which is why it is so important for me to keep up with my training. If I slack off the risk of me  losing control of them like I did when I was born is higher. 

Finding the small storage in my mind I yank the item out of my head opening my eyes to see a much cleaner Millennium Falcon sitting in the open field. It's bigger than I ever would've thought almost forty meters long, thirty meters at its widest part and fifteen meters tall. Walking up to the beautiful new ship the ramp leading to the cockpit slowly lowers. Walking into the large ship I do a three sixty in the cockpit looking at the many steel cages all aligned in rows and crates on the upper raptors attached to the walls that have the tips of guns pointed out of the top.

"Wow…" I mutter in wonder looking at all the items littered around the room. Before I have time to take in the whole room I hear a burst of air as the door leading to the rest of the ship slides open. Quickly raising my hand in a closed fist I use my powers lifting the now revealed woman in the air restraining her limbs at her side. Staring at the oddly calm woman with exotic pale green hair tied in a bun, glowing green eyes wearing an all black republic generals uniform I speedily float her through the air in front of me slamming her to her knees. Doing my best to look as imposing as possible which is surprisingly difficult when you can't look down on someone even when they're on their knees I look slightly down into her eyes.

"Who are you?" I question with narrowed eyes not releasing any of my telekinetic hold on her. 

"I was not programmed with a name Master, but I am the pilot of this ship created to be of service to you Master Onichi." The robotic tone of her voice is oddly calming and trying to look into her thoughts she doesn't seem to have a mind at all. This woman is not a woman at all; she's a robot.

"We should give you a name then." Releasing my telekinetic hold on her I don't drop my guard just in case this is one last joke by the god to kill me. "How does Zena sound?" Looking up as Zena stands I watch her brush off the non existent dust from her clothes giving me an oddly human smile.

"You can call me anything you'd like Master. I'd be more than happy to answer to the name Zena if that's what you'd like." Her voice changed, it sounds more human now unlike the robotic tone it had before it's fluid now. She's learning.

"Well then Zena even if this is my ship you're the pilot and know the ins and outs of it so give me a tour and explain to me how traveling to other worlds works." With Zena giving me a nod maintaining her smile I follow behind her as she begins to explain everything there is to know about the ship. 


"So all I have to do is tell you the show name of the fictional world I want to go to and you'll be able to take me there?" I question sitting in the chair behind Zena slightly to the right with a booster seat beneath me giving me enough height to look out the window.

"Yes Master even if you don't remember the name of the world we have a machine I can use that can scan your memories for you so we can figure out the world and I'll be able to take you there." This ability is much more powerful than I thought it would be because it is not limited with any one genre. With it I'm able to go to any anime, T-V show, movie, hell it could even take me to any hentai if I really wanted. As long as the world has a bit of fiction in it it's considered a compatable world. 

"Well then Zena in your expert opinion what would be the world that gives me the most promising outcome?" Zena gave me a full tour of the ship and apparently it was made based upon my subconscious so everything in it was a deep desire in my mind. I already have an idea about which world I want to go to to advance my training but having a smart ever learning AI's opinion seems like a good idea. During the tour I found out that Zena already knows what shows we have options to go to so it just makes sense that I'd get her opinion. Even if I already have an idea of which world I want to go to I'm not foolish enough to not take into account Zena's opinion.

"If it's training that you desire then you should go to a world that will be capable of giving you a challenge. Upon closer inspection I believe that there are multiple worlds that you can train in all with different difficulties. The first world that I believe would help you is Highschool DxD; there are multiple people in the world that have near multi continental levels of power and Gods that have as much if not more power than you. It is risky because there are God's like Ophis there but if you wish to train it will be good for you to train against powerful opponents." She says as a hologram of a hologram of a world pops up from one of the control panels. 

"The next planet that would be of interest for you is the world of Game of Thrones. This world has no one that can pose a challenge for you and you can truly let loose. One of your main fears is losing control of your powers and destroying the planet you wish to put under your control but this world you have nothing to gain or lose from so you can let loose as much as you want." She's not wrong and believe me when I say there are many beautiful people in that world but I can't say that I would enjoy wasting my time in an underdeveloped world. Highschool DxD sounds like it would be more of my style. I want to try my mind manipulation on a God but that seems like a big risk.

I love living and I'm immortal so I live forever but I'd rather not get sealed away and that can happen in most worlds I go to so I'd rather see the full extent of my powers before I come back here. This leads me to my most important question should I go to a powerful world first to use the full extent of my powers and battle powerful people or should I go to a weak world and just slaughter. 

"These are not the only worlds I would suggest if you would like more suggestions please tell me." Zena says looking back at me with her green eyes analyzing me.

"Those are good suggestions Zena but I think it's in my best interest to battle stronger opponents so I can understand where I stand power wise in the universe." My power won't be the only thing I will be testing because if the opportunity arises and I can take a powerful person I will and then I will convert them.

"A wise decision please tell me which world you would like me to take us and we will go there." The weakness of me being sealed away will follow me wherever I go so the only thing that can help me is becoming so strong that no one will be able to beat me and seal me away.

"Let's go to the world of One Piece there are some people that I would like to take and some things I would like to experiment on." The world of One Piece is a good place to start. I always loved the show and there are some powerful people that could help me gage my power level and I want to test out the Devil Fruits to see if they work on people from other worlds. I would also like to test out and see whether or not I can genetically modify the fruit to negate the effects of sea water. 

"Of course just tell me the time, and location then we will be able to go." Zena says while flipping some switches on the ship that I have now named Falkor. Time and place huh well that's harder to choose then some may think. Should I go before cannon or during cannon? It can't be before Luffy's birth I don't know enough about it to be comfortable going there but then again I'm not going for the plot. Outside of following the Strawhat crew much of that world is a mystery to me. I never got caught up with One Piece I stopped watching around episode five hundred but that doesn't change the fact that I still want to get some important items.

"Well then if you need a time then put me in the world the year Luffy becomes a pirate." If I go the year Luffy becomes a pirate that gives me enough time to get enough practice with my telekinesis and telepathy while training the powers of the phoenix force. It will also give me enough time to get what I'm going there for. "As for place, put me on a desolate island in the East Blue." 

"I will begin our journey now it will take a single day to get there. Master, you can sleep or train if you would like. I can also make food for you if you are hungry but for now you must stay seated during our launch." Nodding my head I clip my seatbelt around my waist as I watch our ship slowly rise from the ground above the treeline before rocketing into space. There's a cloaking device on the ship so we don't have to worry about prying eyes. Even an elite tracking ninja couldn't find us on my ship. 

"Ok Master you can go now we are on track to go to the world of One Piece I will keep you updated on our status." Gazing out the window watching as we fly past beautiful stars and planets dodging asteroids I slide off of my chair turning to leave.

"Of course come to me if you see any problem you can't solve. I will be in my room."

hope you guys enjoyed please comment and review

Hope everyone is doing good i will post chapter 6 wendsday

Stevemehcreators' thoughts