
One Week (Book 1)

Cloud 9 went to a secluded resort for leisure. They did not expect that they would meet a group of men and be with them on their one-week break at Resonance Resort. When Louise and RealSeven first met, she didn’t recognize them immediately because of her blurred vision. Will they make a strong bond between RealSeven and Cloud 9? Is this the right time to be with the person that Louise prayed for? Is there still a chance for both of them? Who will be her end game?

Licca_6549 · Others
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40 Chs

Day 4(II)

"Oh, God! Where have you been? We've been looking for you and I'm really worried about you." Ivan said as he hugged me.

My brows furrowed while looking at my friends. There was a glimpse of teasing on their faces and when I shifted my gaze to RealSeven their faces were worried.

"Ivan Oppa I can't breathe," I said awkwardly. He let go of me and held me on my shoulders.

"Are you okay? Tell me." Ivan asked worriedly.

I was just looking at him because why is he like that? Why are their actions and reactions like that? I'm confused.

"Hey, Louise." Marvin grabbed my arm.

I just looked at Marvin but I still didn't speak. Why are they like this to me? Why do they always check on me? I do not want this. I don't like the attention they're giving to me.

I ignored them and sat to pick up the necklace that had fallen.

"Louise who gave that to you?" Jacob asked.

"A vendor at the little town. She said that she will give this to the person who has a pure heart and a full of love. I don't deserve this necklace because I'm not that good." I smiled at them all and I stood up.

"You deserved it. I've heard your words and It's inspiring. You have a good soul." Johan suddenly said.

I looked at him and my tears were about to fall.

"Johan Hyung is right. When we had a conversation yesterday, I know that you're an amazing person. Everyone will love you because you have a bright aura that no one can't resist. You're one of the best people I've known." Karl said, smiling.

I looked up so that my tears would not flow.

I don't want to show my tears.

"Why are you crying again?" Jacob asked.

"No, I'm not." I smiled at him. "I'm happy because you appreciate me and my words. You felt how I did my very best to give you soothing words. And I'm grateful to hear those words from Karl Oppa and Johan Oppa."

We fell silent. All my life I used to hide my tears because I know if I start crying, I won't stop shedding tears. I'm weak and my heart is weak as well.

"I'm sorry guys if I didn't say goodbye to you all where I'm going. At least I experienced wandering alone and I was able to overcome my fear." I smiled.

Coleen pulled me. "You look like a fool! Let's continue our activities."

Arthur grabbed me by the head and Haye threw me sand. Before I could revenge on Haye, Justin grabbed my wrist.

"I know that I'm not good at English but I just want to talk to you," Justin said. We're walking behind them.

"Don't worry I won't judge you. Even me I can't speak English fluently so it's a tie." I laughed.

"How are you? Getting better?" Justin asked while looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better compared to yesterday. Thank you." I said, smiling.

"No problem," Justin said.

"How 'bout you? How's your day? Did you have fun?" I asked.

"I'm okay. And I'm enjoying the activities we're doing." He replied.

"Oh! That's nice!" I exclaimed. The two of us fell silent and we just stared at our friends.

"I love my members. Even though they always nagging me and hitting me, I still love them." He uttered, smiling. "They are my siblings for a lifetime. I'd still choose my Hyungs over everything here in this world." He added.

I looked at Justin and smiled because I saw in his eyes the reflection of his members.

"You are their baby and you're still their little brother. Do you want them to get married?" I suddenly asked.

"Yes of course. They are good men." Justin replied before he looked at me.

"I couldn't agree more! Hopefully, you guys will find your wendy." I smiled widely.

"Marvin Hyung already found his wendy." Justin covered his mouth and looked in the other direction.

He was about to leave my side but I pulled him right away. "Why are you leaving already?"

"Because I spilled our secret." He replied.

I'm hurt but I don't have to show it to Justin. "Oh! That's RealSeven's secret? Now I know."

"I'm sorry Louise but Marvin Hyung is already engaged with his girlfriend." He said. I saw the sadness in his eyes. Is it for me?

I took a deep breath and suppressed the tears that will about to flow. I thought the universe was already on my side but, the universe doesn't want me to be happy.

"R-Really? I-It's good to hear that. I-I'm happy for him." I stuttered but, my heart is already crying.

"A-Ahh I need to change my clothes. T-Thank you Justin Oppa." I tapped his shoulder before I turned my back on him.

When I turned away, my tears fell which I have had been holding back. I sobbed quietly as I entered the hotel. I even heard Justin calling me but I didn't look back at him. I closed the door of our room and cried for a while. The news is too heavy for me. I lose again and I'm used to being a loser in the thing called love.

After I cried, I cleaned my body for our picnic later. I don't feel like seeing him but I have to enjoy our vacation. As a fan, I have to be happy for him even if it hurts. Marvin is a good person and like I told them before that they have to prioritize their happiness more than anything in this world. Happiness is a choice and I guess, Marvin found his happiness in that woman.

I just stared at the ceiling and wondered if I should say that I'm hurt, that I'm not okay. I know it's valid to be hurt but, some people will invalidate my feelings so I chose not to say it. While I was spaced out, there was a knock on our door so I quickly opened it.

"Hi." Jacob greeted me with a smile.

"Hey, Oppa. Do you need anything?" I asked.

"We will buy food for our picnic later and you should come with us," Jacob said.

I frowned at him. "Why? I'm still weak." I lied but, I just don't want to go out.

He's reading my face. "You're lying."

"No, I'm not," I said while staring at him.

He sighed heavily and he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"Hey!" I hissed but, he didn't let go of my hand.

He's grabbing me towards where Coleen stands. I withdrew my hand from him before I threw a glare at him when we stood in front of our companions. Coleen is with Marvin and Ivan.

"You asshole," I whispered.

Coleen clung to my right arm. "Let's go! Let's wander around at the little town u visited."

She grabbed me and walked ahead of them. We feel the presence of the three boys behind us.

"Where are the others? Your boyfriend?" I asked as we're walking towards the little town.

"They're sleeping," Coleen replied.

We fell silent. I don't know if I should tell her that Marvin is already engaged. It's RealSeven's secret but, I can't control myself to tell Coleen about the engagement thingy.

"Hey, why?" Coleen asked and gently nudged me. I stopped walking so they stopped as well.

I looked at Marvin and our eyes met. I want to cry while looking straight into his eyes. That eyes will never be mine as well as his heart.

"Do you want to say something?" Ivan broke the silence. I just shook my head as my response and then I looked ahead again.

"Marvin is engaged," I mumbled.

"How did you know?" Coleen asked in disbelief but, she seemed to be laughing because of what I have said but she became serious again.

"Justin said. That's the secret of RealSeven so don't spill it to anyone." I said.

"I thought he likes you because of his actions." She covered her mouth in an overreacting way.

I laughed at her. "Next time, make sure if that person likes your friend because in the end you won't be hurt, it is your friend." I sighed heavily. "But let's forget about it. I'm used to this sis, I'm used to being hurt. In the meantime, I want to enjoy this trip with you all."

"I'm sorry," Coleen said, laughing out loud.

"Why are you still laughing?" I frowned at her.

"Nothing." She replied.

We enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the little town. We bought fruits, sandwiches, snacks, and drinks. We also tasted the plates of seafood sold there because they look delicious and fresh. After we wandered, we headed back to the resort.

Laura and the two boys sitting on the blanket they prepared. We walked towards them and we organized the food. This is called a picnic with a sunset.

"Can we have food?" Marie pleaded with her puppy eyes.

"Stop doing that. You're not cute. You're annoying." Axel said.

We gave them a portion of food just to leave us. They have had a picnic yesterday but, we didn't ask for a portion of food. It's unfair.

Jacob sat next to me as he picked up the guitar. I didn't forget what he did to me earlier. He hustled me out the door.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Ivan asked as he ate a sandwich.

"Just relax," I replied. I didn't do anything but, I'm tired of my life.

"What if Jacob will sing a song for us while we're looking at the waves and to a few people?" Ivan suggested.

"Agree!" They exclaimed. I just nodded.

Jacob played the best part. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at him. I used to watch him on social media while playing his guitar but, now I've already seen him in person. I can die peacefully. Just kidding.

"Hays!" I sighed heavily as I bite the sandwich.

"Do you have a problem?" Laura asked as she leaned on Emmanuel's shoulder. I just laughed at her.

"You forgot that you still have a fever, Louise." Axel reminded me.

"I'm okay now." I smiled.

"Your nurse took good care of you." Emmanuel teased me. They have made a dolphin's noise again.

I closed my eyes because it's embarrassing and my eyes went straight to the sea when I opened them. I took a deep breath while I'm spacing out.

I shouldn't be hurt but, I can't help myself not to think of it. We've met but, I have to understand that the stars are not aligned for us. There's someone who's waiting for him and I have to accept that.

At least we've met even if he's not mine.