
One Punch - Visiting Different Animes

Aomori, equipped with a monster-fighting system, arrives in the world of One Punch Man and gains the ability to enter various dungeons (worlds). Thus, titles such as "Founder of the Hero Association," "No.1 Hero," "Great Marshal of the Multiverse," "Sin Exterminator," "Pure Love War God," "God Slayer," "Savior," and "Lord of the Myriad Realms" fall upon him one after another. A crossover, set in the main world of One Punch Man. First World --> Pokémon * * * * * * * * Currently completed dungeons: Pokémon - Demon Slayer - Sword Art Online - Pokémon - Digimon - Jujutsu Kaisen - Yokai Comprehensive World (including Inuyasha, The Girl Who Sees It) - Pokémon - One Piece - Re:Zero - Dragon Ball, and more. * * * Not my story. Translation If you want to support me you. My pat*eon Id is pat*eon.com/Lord_Immortal_0170

Lord_Immortal_0170 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Egg Hatched

Two days later, about 15 kilometers from Pikachu Village.

Aomori crouched cautiously in the grass, carefully hidden among the bushes. About ten meters in front of him, there were several walking grass Pokémon, seemingly sleeping soundly in a cluster.

Only three more grass-type Pokémon were needed to complete the mission. However, it was unexpectedly difficult to find grass-type Pokémon in such a vast forest, with bug and flying types making up the majority.

Aomori had searched for a long time to find the last few grass-types and naturally didn't want them to escape.

With a wave of his hand, dozens of smirking Pikachu slowly surrounded them.

When the distance was right, Aomori clenched his fists tightly. The Pikachu, following his command, threw the prepared vine nets towards the walking grass Pokémon, easily trapping them.

Startled, the walking grass Pokémon trembled under the strong pressure of the Pikachu's intimidating presence.

Aomori took out the "Totem Chain" and activated it, turning it into a two-meter-long stick.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

With three strikes, the three grass-type Pokémon fell down.

[Ding! Main Mission 1/3. Super Novice (Defeat 50 grass-type, 50 bug-type, and 50 flying-type Pokémon alone within 10 days) completed, gaining ☆☆☆, rewards 2200 experience points, 200 points, and six regular Poké Balls.]

[Ding! Main Mission 2/3. The goal is Pokémon Master!]

[Mission Description: The goal is Pokémon Master! Not only can you solo Pokémon, but the Pokémon you've captured will also serve as your strength.]

[1) Capture six Pokémon ☆ within 10 days.]

[2) Capture six Pokémon ☆☆ within 5 days.]

[3) Capture six Pokémon ☆☆☆ within 1 day.]

After reading the mission, Aomori immediately lifted his stick to knock out the remaining grass-type Pokémon, then took out the six Poké Balls he just obtained and threw them towards the grass-type Pokémon.

Ding! Ding! Duang!

All captures were successful,!

☆Ding ☆Ding ☆ 

Ignoring the system's simulated effects, Aomori found that Main Mission 2 had prompted completion, rewarding him with experience points, points, and a Pokémon egg.

He released all the grass-type Pokémon he had just captured and looked at the third mission:

[Ding! Main Mission 3/3. The goal is Pokémon Master 2!]

[Mission Description: The goal is Pokémon Master 2! Defeat all the trainers you encounter, and you will become the next Pokémon Master!]

[1) Defeat 20 trainers ☆ within 20 days.]

[2) Defeat 30 trainers ☆☆ within 15 days.]

[3) Defeat 50 trainers ☆☆☆ within 10 days.]

Defeating 50 trainers within 10 days, it was neither easy nor difficult, but he definitely couldn't stay in the forest all the time.


Two days later, at the small waterfall.

For the past two days, Aomori's morning exercises included pressure resistance training under the small waterfall.

The training under the waterfall had increased his attributes by a few points. However, after persevering for a few days, he had completely adapted to the pressure of the small waterfall. Today, Aomori decided to take it a step further.

Under the pressure of the small waterfall, he slowly stood up.

[Ding! Friendly reminder: The Pokémon egg in your backpack is about to hatch. To prevent damage to the Pokémon's body, please remove the Pokémon egg from your backpack and place it in a suitable location.]

The sudden system prompt momentarily distracted Aomori. He slipped and was washed down from the boulder by the flowing water.


Aomori jumped onto the shore, put on his fur pants, and wasn't concerned about the Pokémon egg about to hatch. Instead, he felt annoyed with himself for being distracted by the system prompt. 'It seems that my concentration training is far from enough. If I get distracted in battle, it's tantamount to seeking death.'

He didn't blame the system prompt for the problem because there were many more external distractions. Improving himself was the fundamental solution.

As Aomori contemplated how to improve his concentration, he walked towards the cave. Along the way, he encountered many playful Pikachu and Pichu chasing each other. They greeted him warmly, and he responded to each one with a sincere and polite smile.

In the Pikachu village, his reputation had reached the level of reverence.

To prevent the cave from being destroyed by the Pikachu's skills, Aomori moved the training ground to an open space near the cave entrance.

As soon as Aomori approached the open space, several Pikachu there trembled in unison, focusing even more intently on the whirlwind-shaped cotton weed in front of them.

They were now undergoing version 2.0 of special training. The previous version had been a great success, and Aomori's ability to control electricity had advanced to a higher level. The system's "Electricity Affinity" had also risen from level 2 to level 3, and he could now easily control the flow of electricity.

The Pikachu participating in the training had also benefited greatly. Not only had their sizes increased significantly, but their electric-type skills had also become more than twice as powerful as before. However, the constant coming and going had left many Pikachu with psychological traumas, and they were also afraid of Aomori, the emotionless "demon king."

Version 1.0 of special training was already falling behind the times, so Aomori, who was regarded as a great demon king, decided to start version 2.0 of special training. He aimed to develop alternative electric-type skills to pave the way for the creation of new abilities in the future.

Indeed, the identity of being tools for the job was something the Pikachu couldn't shake off.

As the saying goes, "electricity and magnetism are inseparable." According to the theory Aomori had learned from his past life's studies under Professor An, a spiral current would generate a powerful directional magnetic field.

Version 2.0 of special training aimed to teach Pikachu how to use spiral currents. Would Pikachu then learn the Thunderbolt move?

Or perhaps, more boldly, the Zap Cannon move?

Aomori looked forward to future developments, momentarily ignoring the Pikachu pretending to work hard as he walked into the cave.

Behind him, the Pikachu, who were always attentive to Aomori's movements, collectively breathed a sigh of relief. They were genuinely afraid that Aomori would suddenly introduce new special training methods.

'But it seems like ever since they started Aomori's training, the fruit on the trees has become tastier, and my back doesn't ache anymore. Wait, could it be that Aomori's training has miraculous effects in that area?'

Pikachu No. 1 was convinced he had discovered something significant, and his fighting spirit was rekindled.

"Pika..Pika!" it scolded the other Pikachu, concentrating on the spiral cotton weed in front of it, imagining the electricity inside its body flowing in a spiral, and then...

And then? Pikachu No. 1 fell into contemplation.


On the other side, after entering the cave, Aomori first fashioned a small nest out of straw, then took the Pokémon egg out of the system backpack and placed it in the nest.

Just like when he first obtained it, there was nothing unusual about the Pokémon egg.

But since the system had said it, it must be about to hatch.

Aomori sat cross-legged and began to practice controlling electricity on his own.

After a while, there was a sudden noise in the cave. Prepared as he was, Aomori immediately exited his training mode and looked up. The Pokémon egg had started trembling and emitting intermittent flashes of white light.

Was it starting?

Aomori approached, watching as the white light from the Pokémon egg grew brighter and began to change shape.

"Ding!" The white light faded, and the newly hatched Pokémon appeared before Aomori's eyes.

It was small and had a dog-like form, almost entirely white. A crescent-shaped blue horn protruded from the right side of its head, its bangs and fur forming a nice pattern. Its slender tail was partially curved, resembling a sickle. Its newly opened pure eyes looked at Aomori in confusion, and it opened its mouth, letting out a soft call.

'I remember this one...'

[Ding! Congratulations to player Aomori for obtaining the rare Pokémon Absol. For Pokémon details, please refer to the Pet page.]

Sure enough, it was Absol, the Disaster Pokémon!

Opening the Pet page, the first box had been replaced by Absol's image, and Aomori selected to view the details.

[Species: Absol]

[Individual Name: Unnamed]

[Level: Lv1]

[Contract Status: No contract (After contracting, defeating enemies will provide additional experience points for the player)]

[Title: None]

[Type: Dark]

[Stats: HP 7, Energy 10, Spirit 7]

[Intimacy Level: Lv1]

[Ability: Justified]

[Skills: Leer (Lv1), Tackle (Lv1)]

[Introduction: Absol usually resides deep in the mountains' treacherous regions and almost never appears in inhabited areas. However, it is said that disasters occur when it does appear before humans, earning it the title of "Disaster Pokémon." In reality, it possesses the ability to perceive changes in the balance of nature and will often inform humans when disasters are imminent due to its sense of justice. Over time, it has been misunderstood by humans as a sinister Pokémon that brings calamity.]

'No specific species values, individual values, or ability values unique to the Pokémon world, just directly converted to the system template? Tsk! Lazy system. But this is also good; the comparison of attributes is not so chaotic.'

Aomori chose not to change the nickname, simply calling it Absol. He put away the system and looked at Absol.

Unlike mischievous Pikachu, Absol stayed obediently in the nest, not crying or fussing, just looking at the things in the cave with wide, innocent eyes, tilting its head.

Noticing Aomori's gaze, Absol quickly turned its head back, shyly meeting his gaze.

Aomori squatted down, wearing a gentle smile on his face, and reached out his hands towards Absol.

"Absol?" Absol looked at him with confusion. After a while, it tentatively extended its head and lightly licked Aomori's fingers. Seeing that Aomori had no other reaction, Absol gained some courage, slowly approaching, and placed its little head in his palm, rubbing against it twice.

"Absol~" Absol called out comfortably, then jumped directly into Aomori's arms.

The newly hatched Absol was only the size of an adult cat. Aomori easily hugged it, rubbing its small head.

"I'm Aomori. I will take your care for now and in the future please take care of leveling me up."



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