
One Piece~Adventure of a lifetime~

The_Reek · Anime & Comics
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After my little episode I then woke up on the beach in the middle of night.Then Realized that my arms were catching flames.Even with my limited emotional capabilities I started to panic and tried to wave them out but then I realized they my arms were the flames.I stopped and just started to short circuit.I just looked at my arms in amazement and them push them forward causing a small 1 foot blast of flames.

Over the next week I started to work with my flames and start to use them to purify water and get water I started up a small farm of grains to barely feed myself.I started to make a small boat to try to find island and a small human civilization.You may be wondering how I survived for the days before the grain farm.Well… let's just say that there are no more bodies of those two people I killed.

I now have a solid understanding of my ability and have a move called fire fist which is the simplest and most stamina effective way to use my ability.I have now made a small boat and have started my voyage to hopefully find a civilization.It's has been 6 days I'm on the verge of death I regret going on this voyage I have a feeling I'm going to die out here.I finally see a island with house on it I'm so clos…

As I wake up I feel something soft under my back.I realize Im in a bed a woman with green hair comes in and she doesn't seem to realize I'm awake.When she leaves a red screen pops up in-front of my view it says to activate the massacre system you just kill everybody currently on foosha village the village you are currently in.As if something clicked in my I click the accept button which is under the red screen.As I get up which is slightly difficult.The green haired woman who's name should be Makino comes in but before she can react a blast of fire in the shape of a fist comes and burns her alive.Immediately a brown haired man comes running in but before he can't react he gets killed by the flames currently rampaging around.As I walk out of a bar the red screen comes up and says 77 people remaining.I go up to each out and as it it is night I start to light all the houses on fire in the cloak of night.

The red screen then comes up and the number is going down 66,63,60,50,44,42,38,34,32,30,15,0.When the number hit the zero the screen popped and and said welcome to the {Massacre System}.I smiled as a unknown feeling roared its head coming from the inner part of my chest.I realized the emotion I felt was happiness and so I realized that if this gave me happinesses then maybe doing it even more it may give me even more emotion before I set off in one of the boats on the dock I go to the houses and scavenge for books and I find many which detail language,the great age of piracy,marines and a wide view of the world I try to smile because of my luck but I couldn't i couldn't feel the emotion in my chest it confirm my thoughts on massacre was confirm and I decided to do it again.As I get into the boat I start to float away from the burning island and I just smile a wide disturbing smile that's promises pain and suffering.