
One Piece~Adventure of a lifetime~

The_Reek · Anime & Comics
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Hi there if you are reading this then I have completed my adventure and wish to share it to others.Well if you are still here then that means you want to read about what my adventure is about well let me tell you where it started.

Huh where am I.I look around to see a vast island that resembles a desert there is nothing in this island except shrubbery.I try to remember why I am here but it's blank there's nothing there just black it likes I'm a blank slate.I decide to look around as I walk I start to get tired and find some food but I can't find any so I go around the very edge of the island and try to find some snails.But are there is some dried up shells so the that plan is a bust.As I go around trying to find some food.I see two man arguing over a fruit as I have been on this island for days with only rain to satiate my thirst for water I start to think of how to get that fruit the men seem slightly muscular one has short black cropped hair with a hard with googles and the other man has blue hair and a small mask on his eyes.They seem distracted so I sneak up with a heavy rock and right when it about to hit them they turn around but it's too late and the rock pierces there skulls.As they pulled out on the ground I feel like I should feel something but I don't so I bend down and pick up the fruit that has now been stained with dark red blood.As I take a bite I feel like u want to vomit but I don't.After I finish eating it I feel a red hot warmth in my body but I ignore I tea the black haired men's shirt and shorts and googles to cool me off and to help the aun not glare into my eyes.When in about to leave I start to feel drowsy then I release my foot is in the ocean as I start to faint I can only spit out what the fuc...

(Tell me if I should continue this story and please comment and tell me what to improve about to)