
One Piece~Adventure of a lifetime~

The_Reek · Anime & Comics
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As I continue on my journey, I came across an island which houses many rare animals that could be considered extinct as I walk around on the island many animals come up to me and try to grab ahold of me for some unknown reason. I'm a curious person so I follow the intelligent animal which looks like a monkey crossed with a tiger.It leads me to a run down house which looks like it has been abandoned for many years.As I am walking across the grass to the house I hear a click and a wooded log secured with a rope drops down and goes right through me as my chest turn into a flame.I immediately throw a punch made of flames at the trees where it came from.A bright green monkey falls down and starts to scream in what seems to be anguish.

I look at the bright green monkey with suspicion but as I walk over to the monkey I hear bones shifting in the monkey and it then turns into a half monkey half human creature with no definable gender.It then looks at me with anger clear in its eyes and then rushes blindly at me.As I fist come closer and closer to my head I do knowing as I know my flames will protect me from its fist but during the last second it fist momentarily flashes black and hits my head with extreme strength which I believe will give me a concussion.As I Kay there on the grown I'm thing what why did the fist not go through me but instead hit me and why did it feel like 20 men were hitting my head at the same space.I quickly role to the side to dodge the monkey fist which it back to its green coloration and no longer has that black shine.The monkey comes up with a wild uppercut i dodge it and swing my fist at it while saying under my breath fire fist.The fire hit the monkey head on and burn him moderately.The monkey then retreats into the woods.

I give chase to the monkey as it is swinging through the trees a branch falters under its wait and the monkey gets knocked down.When the monkey does get knocked down I know this is my chance to kill it.My foot lands on with a bang as it breaks it skull open as the blood and crush up brain run over my foot I feel the feeling of happiness well up inside of me and I smile.

{Mission completed:Kill monkey monkey fruit model Pygmy marmoset user}:Reward is 100 blood points.

I look at the screen hovering inches from my face and wonder what is blood point at this point I realize under this notification a tap called shop is blinking a dark black color as my finger goes at to touch it my vision gets obscured my black.I blink to get a better look and I see different panels in a blood red room.Only one of those panel are open though and it's says shop.I walk up to the panel and it has two simple buttons that say shop and sell.The button that is blinking is the seal button so I click it and it's says do you wish to sell or eat the monkey type fruit below that is says warning if you ear another devil fruit you will die.After thinking it over I decide to sell it and that seems like the logical decision right now so I click it and it's says you have been awarded 500 point for selling a peaceful type zoan devil fruit.After the sell is finished I go to the shop section and there is a few option that Interest me like blood collector sword,rusted armor,basic rokushiki along with a both.The one which I decide to by though is minor blood control talent.The description of it says This Inate technique will allow you to 1/4 a gallon of blood also increase the amount of blood you produce by 300 percent along with give you thing talent it will also give you slightly increased physical abilities from the blood delivering more oxygen to your muscles and brain.After reading that i then decide to buy that as I click on the buy section it says are you sure you wish to buy this skill for 1250 blood points?I click yes but as I do I start to feel drowsy as it feels like the blood is getting sucked out of my body as I panic I start to faint as I do I try to speak and I realize I cannot.I finally faint into the blackness of my consciousness as I am fainted a-lot of blood rush from the corners of the room and soak into my skin and dye my skin a permanent red after this happens the black room starts to fade but right before it disappears you can hear the screams of many people wishing for death.