
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

85- Ban Dedessinée

The girls moved from one ship to another and started destroying them. The girls who participated in the fight were Lucy, Zora, Kuina, Alvida, Ann, Kaya and Sanju.

The girl who had the most easy time fighting enemies is Kaya, she used her Devil Fruit ability to make the pirates fight each other.

Using the hypnosis she had learned from Jango with her Devil Fruit ability, she was able to make every pirate under the influence of illusion possess much more power than they had before.

No one can escape her power of illusion and hypnosis.

The people who did not participate in the fighting are Makino, Nami and Nojiko because they are weak and still not used to fighting and one of them is still a coward. That's why the three of them stayed on the ship.

Ethan whistled towards the sky and moments later a panda-like bird came flying towards him.

"Balloon, take me to the noble ship that is over there." He directly gave orders to the bird in front of him.

*chirp* *chirp*

*OK, get on my back, I'll get you there.*

"Ethan, if you're going off the ship, shouldn't you give us Sora before you go?" Nami points to Sora, who Ethan is holding in his arm and apparently asleep.

"Take good care of her." Ethan gently gave Sora to Nami so he wouldn't wake her, and then Ethan climbed onto the bird's back.

.... ... ... ... ... ...

The remaining pirate ships scattered and fled like frightened birds, not daring to stop for a moment.

In the distance, the Louis fleet could hardly believe their eyes, what was going on, the mighty Dombark pirates were falling apart so quickly, and the one who helped them out of their trouble was another pirate crew?

Of course, the Louis fleet did not let their guard down. This pirate crew is no friend or foe. Maybe the next unfortunate one will be their turn.

"General Louis, what are we going to do, should we attack them from behind while they're still busy with the Dombark Pirates?" It is the consensus of all that the Straw hat Dragon Pirates are invincible, and the Dombark Pirates have proved this view with their demise.

"No, don't do anything rash!" Louis took a deep breath and made a difficult decision.

He wasn't sure he could fight these pirates, so he chose to try not to anger the Dragon Pirates.

"These are the Dragon Pirates. Their crew is much stronger than I imagined. There are even those among them who have no bounties but are stronger than most of the pirates in East Blue."

A soft, sweet voice sounded behind him, causing Louis, who had been taking it easy, to turn pale, "Queen, what are you doing out here? Please get back to the cabin! It's dangerous to go out at this time."

"If we are attacked by this kind of pirate, it is useless if you are in the cabin or here." The Queen referred to the ships that were sinking after being destroyed by the girls.

At this moment, one of the soldiers noticed a bird approaching them, so he warned everyone.

"This bird came from the Dragon Pirate Ship." Louis looked at the bird warily, and gathered the soldiers around the queen.

Ethan jumped off the bird's deck onto the ship, then spoke to the bird, "You can go back to Ann's side."

When everyone saw Ethan, the goosebumps spread all over their body, everyone became nervous, but Louis grabbed the handle of his sword at his waist, preparing to fight Ethan and protect the Queen.

"Don't worry, I won't attack you." Ethan raised his hand as a sign that he didn't want to hurt them.

"Do you think I would believe a pirate?" Louis frowned and then pulled his sword from the scabbard, not even caring if he lost his life as long as he would protect the Queen.

"Listen, if I were to attack you, none of you would stand on your feet at this moment." Ethan raised an eyebrow while looking at Louis sarcastically.

"cocky." When Louis wanted to move and attack Ethan, Ethan disappeared from his place and appeared in front of him very quickly, which made Lewis feel a little frightened, but because he is experienced, he swings his sword towards Ethan's neck quickly.

But the sword that Louis swung was broken a long time ago and all that Louis was carrying was the handle, when he noticed that his sword was broken without noticing his body starting to sweat.

"I told you, if I wanted to, I could kill all of you without you even noticing." Ethan smiled as he patted Louis' shoulder, all the soldiers looked at Ethan with great fear.

The Queen pushed the soldiers surrounding her and approached Ethan despite the warnings of her soldiers. She looked at Ethan without fear, "Black Dragon Ethan, you are very strong. Even though you showed great strength it seems that you did not use your full strength because from what I heard you could to turn into a giant dragon."

"It is an honor for the Queen to know about me. But I am at a loss, everyone here is afraid of my presence, but you are not." Ethan smiled at the Queen, who did not seem to be afraid of him.

"There's no point in being afraid since you don't want to kill us. If you wanted to kill us, you would have done so without having to talk to us."

"And even if you're trying to kill us, I'm not afraid of death." The Queen smiled as she looked at Ethan.

Ethan looked into her eyes and there was not an iota of fear in them.

"I don't know what you want to talk to us about, but I want to make you an offer as Ban Dedessinée, Queen of the Frauce Kingdom."

"If you protect my kingdom, I will give you anything you desire."

Dedessinée is a woman with short silver-blue hair, blue eyes and purple lipstick. She wears a white headscarf and a crimson outfit.