
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

86- Agree to help

"Let me hear the state of your kingdom first, and what are your enemies." Ethan did not directly agree to Ban Dedessinée's request, because he did not know whether the revolutionary army was the cause of what was happening in her kingdom or not.

If the revolutionary army is causing the problems, this issue will become very complicated, and Ethan may refuse to help it.

After all, if the revolutionary army decides to attack her kingdom, it means that her rule of her kingdom is very bad. He also does not want to fight his father-in-law.

"Let's sit down and talk." Ban Dedessinée smiled and pointed to a nearby table with a large umbrella and some chairs around.

After the two of them are seated, Dedessinée begins to tell Ethan about her current enemy, who threatens the peace of her kingdom. "My enemy is another kingdom. The current king of that kingdom loves wars and is trying to annex all the islands near his kingdom to a part of his lands. The island where my kingdom is is close to the island of the enemy kingdom, so there is a war right now."

"Why don't you seek protection from the World Government or the Marines? Isn't your kingdom affiliated with the World Government?" Ethan inquire.

"Although my kingdom is subordinate to the World Government, the enemy kingdom is also subordinate to the World Government, so the marines and the World Government will not interfere in the war between us." Dedessinée sighed, the World Government and the Marines would not meddle in the affairs of the kingdoms and would not help unless they were attacked by pirates.

"I have other questions." Ethan looked into Dedessinée's eyes seriously, "Since your kingdom is at war right now, what are you doing at sea? Are you trying to escape?"

"I'm not trying to escape. I'm trying to ask someone for help, and I was going to meet someone to talk about protecting my kingdom." Dedessinée raised her cup of tea and drank a little from it while looking at Ethan.

When she saw that he was trying to ask another question she said, "I can't tell you about the person I was going to meet."

'How did you know I'd ask about the person she was going to meet? Or maybe she guessed what I'm going to ask.' After thinking for a while, Ethan ignored this and didn't care much about it.

At this moment the girls finished defeating most of the pirates and the rest of them fled.

The big black ship approached the queen's ship, the soldiers looked at the ship nervously but didn't make any attack because they were sure if they did, Ethan would definitely kill them. They see Ethan as a monster and don't want him to get angry.

The Straw Hat Dragon Pirate Ship has stopped by the Queen's ship and then all the girls moved onto the Queen's Ship and stood behind Ethan.

Ethan starts telling the girls about the state of the Frauce kingdom and about the queen's request that they help her protect her kingdom.

Nami's eyes turned to Belly as she looked at Dedessinée, "How much would you pay for that?"

"I will give you anything you want. Just say the amount of money and I will do whatever I can to collect it. But please choose a reasonable price." Dedessinée smiled, thinking that dealing with people who love money is easy, and she can move them as she wants by just putting in a sufficient amount of money.

"Don't look down on us, we don't care about your money. Did you think that if you gave us a large amount of money we would listen to all your requests and act as if we were your soldiers?" Ethan stared at Dedessinée sharply, he hated it when someone acted as if they were superior to him and better than him.

"Isn't that exactly what you should do? I will pay you money and you will carry out all my orders and plans." Dedessinée looked strangely at Ethan.

"We are different from other pirates. We are pirates looking for freedom. Taking orders from someone else is not what we do. Isn't it? Lucy." Ethan smiled and looked at Lucy who is sitting next to him.

"Ethan, you're right. The pirate represents freedom, we do whatever we want whenever we want, no one controls us." Lucy nodded in agreement.

"So you're saying you're refusing to help?" Dedessinée looked at Ethan and Lucy.

"We didn't say that. It's just that we're going to help you but in our own way, we don't want you to give us orders as if you own us."

Dedessinée frowned slightly, she hadn't expected this. She was expecting all the pirates to run after money and would do anything.

"Well, as long as you can protect my kingdom, I agree. But I have one condition, and that is not to harm any innocent citizens."Dedessinée sighed, as long as they would protect her kingdom she could agree to something as simple as this.

After discussing more about this topic, Ethan and Lucy agreed to help, then Ethan and the girls returned to their ship.

Ethan quickly ends the conversation because he wants to get back on the ship and rest, he hasn't rested since they left Nami's hometown.

"Queen, is it a good idea to ask pirates for help? There is a possibility that they will betray us." After Ethan and the girls left, Louis approached Dedessinée and expressed his concern.

"It's okay, I can see a person's nature just by seeing them and talking to them. They will help us." Dedessinée stood up and went to her room after saying that.

After Dedessinée entered the room she sighed, "He genuinely wants to help my kingdom, but it looks like he's trying to form a relationship with me."

'Let me see what kind of man you are during this period.' Dedessinée thought as she lay on her bed.