
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

84- The pirate fleet

Ethan looked in the direction that Jango was pointing, and at first he saw two ships, but the closer they got, the more ships appeared.

[New mission available]

Ethan frowned when he saw the new mission, apparently they will be a little late before he goes to the Grand Line.

But after thinking a little, he realized that this would buy them time to train before they entered the Grand Line.

..... .... ... .. . .. ... .... .....

In the endless ocean, the two fleets are in a stalemate. The atmosphere is so tense that war is on the horizon.

"Captain Dombark, if you're willing to let us go, I can offer an entire ship's worth of supplies." The nobleman dressed as a middle-aged man said softly, "But if you want to fight us to the death, we'll never be afraid!"

As if to prove what the middle-aged nobleman had said, the fleet roared in unison, something that no ordinary merchant ship could do.

"Hey! One ship's worth of supplies won't satisfy my appetite, but if you give me all the supplies you're transporting, it'll be barely enough!" The pirate captain with the hawkish nose smiled maliciously.

"Too much appetite for this and beware of blowing yourself up!" A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged nobleman.

"Hey! Then it would not be worth Louis- sama' trouble."

"You." said Louis, so angry that his large hands crushed even the fence but finally resisted and said, "One third, at most, of the supplies!"

'Damn, why are we being attacked now when the Queen is with us, this is really bad luck for us and the kingdom.' He had no choice but to make some concessions to make this pirate go without a fight.

Dombark pretended to clap his hands: "Geez! Louis-sama can compromise, this kind of offer even I am a bit tempted, but unfortunately, I am an honest pirate who says that he will kill your whole family!"

"After all, I'm sure King kamaz wouldn't mind paying an even more generous amount if he could collect the head of the Protector of the Frauce Kingdom... Louis-sama!"

"What? The kamaz Kingdom would even cooperate with a degenerate pirate like you?" Louis asked incredulously.

"Oh, Louis-sama..you's so naive and adorable, who cares about those silly rules if you can get victory in a war. your two sides are already at war, and it's not such a difficult choice for King kamaz to make such a decision."

"In that case, there's nothing more to say, I've killed countless pirates like you anyway!" The anger was evident on Louis' face, he really wanted to rip the pirate's throat in front of him.

"It seems I must make you understand the difference between land and sea warfare General Louis! Rookies at sea like you won't be a match for our Dombark Pirates, no matter how many more come!"

Dombark arrogantly commanded, "Everyone listens up, you can try to be a little gentle with them later, selling them into the hands of those the slave hunters' ships can be another huge income!"

"Hahahahaha!" The surrounding pirates also laughed freely, charging look-down with disdain for these Kingdom self-defense forces that had barely been out to sea.


Gunfire was roaring, and waves were splashing.

As it turned out, sea battles and land battles were indeed not the same things, and those kingdom self-defense forces that were invincible on the island were surprisingly finding it difficult to barely manage to hold their ground, let alone make any decent counterattacks, in this uncertain sea, falling into an absolute disadvantage practically the moment the battle began!

"Hahahahaha! What kingdom self-defense army, in my opinion, it's just as bad as those bandits!" Dombark laughed with disdain, recalling when he had taught some punks who called themselves "Bandit King" a lesson.

"Captain, Captain, something doesn't seem right, there's a pirate ship approaching." a pirate warily leaned in front of Dombark and reported.

Good thing Dombark restrained his rage in his excitement and said with a glance backward, "Pirate ship? Cannonball!"

"Wait, Captain, that's a pirate ship of.." the pirate in front of Dombark sweating.


The pirate who spoke fell straight down, the blood gurgling from his forehead, concealing his disbelief in his eyes.

Dombark blew away the smoke from his muzzle and said to another pirate with trembling legs beside him, "Do you need me to show you how to do that?"

"Need... no, no need, I'm going to tell them to prepare for a cannon attack.." the pirate experienced a powerful desire to survive and ran towards the back without stumbling.

..... .... ... .. . .. ... .... .....

The eyes of Ethan flared, his killing intent surged, Seeing that a few iron balls had been shot high into the air.

Ethan pointed his finger at the iron balls and then lowered his finger, the wind rippling and pushing the iron balls out to sea, away from the ship.

Ethan plans to control the sea water to destroy all pirate ships and make them sink into the sea. But Lucy grabbed Ethan's shoulder, "Ethan, let's fight too. It's not fair for you to do everything. We want to fight too."

"As you wish, I won't interfere so you have to beat them quickly." Ethan smiled and gave Lucy a quick kiss and then took Sora from her.

The pirate fleet continued to shoot cannonballs towards the ship that had Ethan and the girls on it.

Their ship gradually approaches the pirate fleet, while Zora, Kuina, and Lucy fend off all the iron balls bound for the ship.

When their ship reached the pirate fleet, the girls started to fight the pirates closely, destroying the pirate fleet's ships one by one.

Dombark saw this and was very shocked then noticed the shape of the pirate flag and started to sweat, "Damn it, they're Strawhat Dragon Pirates."

"You fools, why didn't you tell me that the pirates who are approaching are the Strawhat Dragon Pirates." Dombark slapped one of his crew members standing in front of him.