
One piece: The rise of Ryuen

Gojo_xz · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Ryuen gazed at the peaceful island with lush forests and white sandy beaches. It was the perfect place for his marine team to train in solitude.

After they sailed and anchored their ship offshore, Ryuen's team began their training routines. Some practiced wielding their cannons, others sparred with each other to hone their swordfighting skills. Ryuen himself practiced summoning his bone sword, enhancing its thickness and length as he sliced through the air.

Summoning bone swords was but one of Ryuen's many abilities as a Marine Devil Fruit user. His skeleton could withstand immense pressure underwater, and he had super-human strength and durability. Ryuen's powers made him a force to be reckoned with, but he did not become a Marine to indulge in his own power.

He trained relentlessly to hone his skills so that he could uphold justice and protect the innocent. This was the very purpose of his existence.

As Ryuen practiced, he sensed a disturbance in the sea. He turned to see multiple pirate ships approaching the island, at least 30 of them. The lead ship bore pirate flags, marking them as pirates.

Pirates began flooding out onto the beach, brandishing cutlasses, flintlocks and cannonballs. Ryuen's marines bravely readied themselves for battle, though they were outnumbered 5 to 1.

Emerging from the lead ship was a pirate captain with a tricorne hat and eye patch. This was Redcliffe, one of the Seven Seas' most notorious pirates. His crew of over 200 pirates cheered as they saw Ryuen and charged at the marines, eager to plunder and pillage.

Ryuen summoned his bone sword and rushed forward, slicing through pistol shots and hacking away at pirate swords. Within minutes, he had impaled over a dozen pirates on his blade.

The remaining pirates grew frightened at the sight of Ryuen's prowess and began to flee. All except Redcliffe, their captain, who stood before Ryuen.

Redcliffe drew his twin flintlocks and aimed them at Ryuen, rage burning in his eyes. "Die, you dirty marine!" he roared and fired.

Ryuen dodged the bullets with ease, causing Redcliffe to growl in anger and charge forward, cutlass swinging. Ryuen caught Redcliffe's blade and twisted, breaking the pirate captain's wrist.

Redcliffe screamed but reached for his cutlass with his other hand, forcing the broken bones back into place so he could continue fighting. Ryuen sliced across Redcliffe's chest, leaving a deep gash that spilled blood across his coat.

Redcliffe knelled before Ryuen, grasping at the wound as he struggled for breath. Ryuen stood over him, bone sword at his throat.

"Surrender, pirate, or face death!" Ryuen bellowed. Redcliffe stared up at him, realization dawning that he had lost. His life of piracy had come to an end.

Ryuen had defeated the notorious pirate captain Redcliffe and brought him to justice at long last. His marine team cheered at their victory, bringing peace to the seas once more.

Ryuen gazed at the defeated pirate captain, seeing within him a reflection of all the reasons he had chosen this path. To uphold justice, even against those most hardened by injustice themselves. Their story was at an end, but Ryuen knew he would remember this day.

Ryuen's marine team cheered as Redcliffe was dragged away to the brig of their ship. At long last, the seas would be safe from his terror and pillage. Peace had returned once more.

As Ryuen's team began dismantling the pirate ships, he noticed a figure watching from the shadows. It was a young boy, no more than 10, clutching a dagger and a pirate hat.

Ryuen approached the boy slowly, hands raised to show he meant no harm. "Did you sail with Redcliffe's crew?" he asked.

The boy's eyes were hard and distrustful. He did not respond.

"There is no need to fear us," Ryuen said gently. "We are the Marines. We uphold justice and protect the innocent."

A flicker of hope appeared in the boy's eyes. "So you won't make me join your crew?" he asked in a small voice.

Ryuen shook his head. "No. We have no need to forcibly conscript children into our ranks. You are free to go where you please."

The boy's face broke into a grin and he bowed eagerly to Ryuen. "Thank you, marine! I shall never forget your mercy!"

Ryuen smiled, "Go, and sin no more."

The boy nodded, clutching his dagger and hat, and ran off into the forest. Ryuen gazed after him, his faith in justice reaffirmed.

Though their battle was won, Ryuen knew Redcliffe's legacy of terror would long endure in the hearts of those who sailed the seas. But there would always be marines like himself to stand as guardians against the darkness. To protect the innocent, and offer mercy even to those who did not deserve it.

Ryuen turned to his crew and hauled down their flag. Their work was done here, but there were still evil forces in the world that needed vanquishing. And Ryuen, as a Marine, was ready to vanquish them all.

The end.