
One piece: The rise of Ryuen

Gojo_xz · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


After training with sengoku for months,

Ryuen rested after a difficult mission, enjoying a meal at Navy headquarters. His powers had grown tremendously under Sengoku's guidance, but Garp's training left him battered and broken.

Though resolve remained unwavering, Ryuen knew he was still mere kindling, easily crushed under boot of a truly formidable foe.

Sudden pain cracked against the back of his skull, sending Ryuen sprawling once more. He twisted to see Garp standing over him, annoyance barely masking pride in his student's indomitable spirit.

"Survive this blow and get ready to train again, you pathetic worm! We have only just begun unlocking your potential. Another round of punishment and perhaps you'll start actually earning your keep as a Marine!"

Garp's words were harsh but truth. Months of training had unlocked far more resilience than ability, yet still Ryuen knew there were greater heights of power to reach. He nodded, gingerly rising to continue exercises as ordered.

Ryuen's abilities seemed boundless, yet in reality he remained a fool's punching bag, easily overmatched by any pirate or warlord possessing a fraction of true skill and experience. Garp refused to declare Ryuen's preparation complete, seeing only the continued weakness and incompetence beneath layers of newly forged endurance.

And so began another grueling round of training, as Garp sought to beat Ryuen's will and body into submission until purpose could no longer be mistaken for pathetic delusion. Ryuen smiled, respect shining in his eyes, "You have given me strength of spirit, Vice Admiral, but my path is still my own.

There are villains out there waiting to grant harsh lessons, and I shall face each blow as it comes."

Purpose was awakening, but Ryuen understood how far he had yet to go before standing as guardian. For now he remained merely kindling, his power a dim flame dependent on struggle to stave off being crushed into oblivious ash.

The world was not yet safe under his guarded hand, but Ryuen was ready to evolve through each danger faced, evolving closer to mastery with every bout of violence survived.

Ryuen's journey continues with Garp declaring the current round of training complete but immediately preparing to begin another, seeing only continued weakness and incompetence.

Months of struggle have unlocked far more resilience than ability. His purpose is awakening but the road ahead remains long.

Ryuen is ready to evolve his power through facing each threat as it comes, surviving blow after blow and emerging stronger from each brush with death.

The world shall be his to guard, but not yet to shield completely. Power and competence will grow side by side, purpose a flame forever dependent on struggle to repel darkness.

Another round begins,

The blows rained down like hammers, shattering Ryuen's bones into countless splinters. Yet he stood, and stood again, rebuilt from ruin by will alone.

Garp saw only the pathetic worm beneath layers of new scar tissue. Months of struggle had unlocked resilience, yes, but skill and power beyond imagination? Never. "Is this the height of your growth, do you believe this broken thing could stand against true villainy? We have only just begun unlocking potential, and already you tremble on the brink of collapse!"

Ryuen said nothing. Words were weakness. He stepped back into position and beckoned the storm to rage once more.

Purpose was his flame, reason to continue walking this path of punishment. Though Ryuen remained a fool's punching bag, easily crushed, he knew a fire was kindling within - a guardian's light, born of agony and edged on each sobbing gasp.

His abilities seemed boundless, and yet he had only just started walking this road. Mastery was a horizon forever out of reach.

Each blow shattered him, as if battered by madness given form. And with each collapse, Ryuen rebuilt stronger. Strength grew through suffering, not Vanquishing. Power would be his through enduring, not defeating.

The world was not yet safe under his hand. Ryuen could barely stand, let alone shield from threat. But he smiled, dropping to the floor once more, and beckoned the storm. Purpose was flame, guardian's light.

Ryuen had only just begun.

The training continues with Garp unleashing a furious assault, shattering Ryuen's body into ruin. Yet he stands again, rebuilt from collapse. Purpose grows through agony, a guardian's light kindling in the flames of suffering.