
One piece: The rise of Ryuen

Gojo_xz · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Ryuen stepped into the clearing, panting heavily. After hours of running, his legs were burning and his breath came in ragged gasps. But Vice Admiral Garp didn't even look winded.

" Come on Ryuen, this is just the warm up! Start running or you'll really regret it later! " Garp bellowed, smacking Ryuen on the back.

Ryuen sighed and started running again, pushing himself through the pain. Garp was his grandfather's closest friend and mentor. Though gruff in manner, Garp actually cared deeply about the younger generation of Marines.

And so, Ryuen found himself frequently recruited for "training sessions" with Garp outside of his usual duties. Garp never went easy on him, seeing it as building character. Ryuen knew that, but it didn't make the exhaustion any less real.

Today, Garp had made Ryuen run circuit after circuit through the forest, doing calisthenics, spars and stretches in between. Ryuen felt like he would collapse at any moment. But he also felt a grim sense of pride. He was keeping up with Vice Admiral Garp, after all.

"You're doing well Ryuen! At this rate, you'll surpass even your grandfather and me someday! " Garp bellowed with a wide grin. Ryuen flushed, not sure if Garp was joking or not.

They came to a stop, and Garp finally passed Ryuen a canteen of water. Ryuen gulped it down greedily, feeling rejuvenated.

"Thank you...for pushing me, sir. I know it's for my own good. " Ryuen said respectfully.

Garp shrugged. " Nonsense! What are friends and mentors for if not to push you outside your comfort zone? Now, ready for another round? I won't go easy just because you're tired! "

Ryuen smiled, feeling stronger. Garp was gruff, but he was the sort of mentor Ryuen aspired to be. Someone who believed in him, challenged him, and helped him become a better Marine through grit and perseverance.

After several more grueling hours of training, Garp finally deemed Ryuen fit to return to his duties. Ryuen's muscles screamed in protest, but he felt an odd sense of accomplishment.

"You have potential, Ryuen, but you must push past your limits to truly unlock it. Do not forget the lessons I have taught you here today! " Garp warned him sternly, though his eyes glinted with pride.

Ryuen nodded and saluted sharply. " I will not forget, sir. Thank you for all you have done for me. I am stronger because of you. "

Garp waved him off brusquely, though Ryuen noticed the slight redness in his cheeks. For all his gruffness, praise and thanks always made Garp uncomfortable.

Ryuen left the training ground, heading back to marine HQ. But his mind drifted to thoughts of continued improvement. Garp was right, he still had far to go before surpassing his grandfather.

Ryuen wondered what other trials Garp might subject him to in their future training sessions. He grimaced, already dreading the soreness he would feel for days. Yet, there was a strange thrill to it too. Push himself he must, challenge and exceed his limits, in order to grow stronger.

When Ryuen returned to his duties, his subordinates looked at him with newfound respect. One could see the discipline and fortitude in his eyes after surviving Garp's grueling regimens. Ryuen's confidence swelled, wondering if he might now be able to truly lead them as their captain.

Though just 15, Ryuen felt he was coming into his own. His potential was unlocking through struggle and hardship. Soon, he might surpass even a legend like Vice Admiral Garp. The thought both terrified and exhilarated him.

Ryuen had survived the trial by fire. Now, nothing would stand in the way of his growth into a great Marine.

The next day while training,

Ryuen collapsed into the grass, exhausted. Even after weeks of grueling training with Garp, he still felt he had a long way to go before truly surpassing his limits. Yet, he was proud of how much stronger he had become.

As he caught his breath, Ryuen noticed Garp sitting by the river, fishing line in the water. Ryuen smiled, realizing Garp likely meant for them to continue their training together again today. But for now, a rest was deserved.

Ryuen went over to join Garp, sitting beside him. "Do you have any of those salted fish you caught last time? They were delicious. " Ryuen asked eagerly. Fresh sea kings were his favorite meal after a hard day's work.

Garp grunted, but passed Ryuen a couple of the fish. Ryuen gratefully ate them, savoring each bite. They sat together for a while in comfortable silence.

"You've grown into a fine Marine, Ryuen. Your grandfather would be proud. " Garp said eventually, still gazing out at the river.

Ryuen flushed, "All thanks to you, sir. The training you have put me through will make me a legend. "

Garp barked a laugh, "Nonsense! I have only done what was needed. Your dedication and strength of will are your own. Now, are you ready to continue, or shall I have to work you twice as hard for your laziness? "

Ryuen grinned, knowing Garp meant it as a jest. He stood up, shaking out his muscles. "I am ready to continue whenever you give the order, sir! "

Garp smiled, a rare unguarded smile that showed Ryuen glimpses of the mentor and friend beneath the gruff exterior. For all his harsh training, Ryuen knew Garp's belief in him helped drive him forward.

Their day continued with gripping races, spars and battle simulations as always. But there were quiet moments too where talk of life, purpose and justice could be found. Ryuen cherished both the challenge and camaraderie Garp brought to his development.

He knew that through continued hardship, their bond of teacher and student would only grow stronger. And one day, Ryuen prayed he might truly become the equal Garp always saw in him.