
One Piece : The Grand Adventures of Vergil

Abandoned and scorned by his parents and clan due to his appearance, Vergil decides to get his revenge against them. But why stop there only? Watch his adventure as he takes the World by storm. I do not own One Piece or Naruto just my own OCs

Magivision · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Prologue 5

"What the fuck hit me", there was no sign of anything around me so why am I currently flying through the air. I flip in the air and manage to reorient myself and land on my legs. Just as I touch the ground I felt another hit landing pushing me back.

Whilst the hits didn't necessarily hurt it was quite a troublesome situation as I was out of breath.

Seeing as it seemed like I was dealing with an invisible enemy I decided to switch to my lifeforce vision causing everything to go dark. Everything gave of a lifeforce with the life force of plants being barely visible and animals and other races giving off a much larger lifeforces. Whilst my lifeforce sight comes with benefits its also came with a few negatives. Keeping it on for prolonged amounts of time made my head and eyes hurt and it was basically useless in clustered areas as all the lifeforces seemed to merge together.

I managed to spot the creature and without wasting any more time I shot a rod at it, as the rod was leaving my palm I increased it's size enlarging it to 2 metres


My attack connected pushing the animal back and pinning it against the tree. Seeing as I caught onto its location the pinned animal released it camouflage and revealed it's form. It looked like a chameleon but instead of sporting a regular chameleons scales it was instead covered in short spotted fur. It's 4 limbs were sticking out the sides of the enlarged rod with it's head poking out.

I approach the animal with full intent to kill it and it seem to catch on to the look in my eyes. In a last ditch attempt to kill me it shot out some acid which I easily evaded. I shot out one last rod which easily penetrated its skull killing it.

Using my lifeforce vision to make sure the tree and it's surroundings are clear. I geppoed up to the top of the tree were I took a rest.


I've been running for a few hours now. The sun was almost directly above me now. This area was significantly hotter then the other 2 sections which could be contributed to the fact that the trees here are more sparsely spaced making it so more sunlight reaches the ground.

Suddenly I saw something running directly next to me which was a suprise as I was running at speeds faster then any supercar from my past life. Taking a closer look at the animal that managed to catch up to me I saw a velociraptor with the head of a dolphin??? How did that remotely make sense,I understand One Piece is a world full of crazy shit but this has to be among the crazier shit in this world.

As fast as this abomination appeared 2 more appeared with one to my left and ine behind me. Summoning a rod I am it a few metres ahead of the raptor to my right and as soon as it step over I increased it's lenth sending the raptor flying through the air. With one dealt with I focus my attention on the other two, I jump into the air and twist my body letting me face the one behind me. Creating another rod I shot it at the I was facing, the rod slice through the air and exploded the dolphin's head as soon as it made contact with it.

Whilst I was still airborne I englarge myself to 4 metres allowing me to crush the last raptor with my landing.

Shrinking back down I made it back to my regular size I continued on my journey to the mountain.

Judging by the suns current position I can deduce that it's about 5pm, if I start climbing the mountain now I should reach the top around 9pm. This helped as I intended infiltrating the village in the night anyways. I could probably make most of the journey using geppo before I get tired then find an area where I can rest for an hour before climbing the rest of the way. Right, sounds like a plan.

Jumping into the air, I started kicking off the air itself pushing me higher. Using geppo felt weird as whilst I was pushing off something I couldn't feel what I was pushing off creating a weird sensation.

A downside to geppo was the large amount of strain it put on your muscles, I was especially feeling it now that I was halfway up the mountain, luckily I managed to find a small cave on the side of the mountain as the sun started setting. Climbing the mountain wouldn't be a problem as Deka Oni's had developed night vision to aid us hunting in the night.

After resting for an hour I took off again, I managed to find a handhold and made ny way from then on and in cases where I couldn't find a handhold I simply dug my fingers into the mountain and continued on from there.

I spotted something about 100 metres above me and upon closer inspection I noticed it to be a bird nest, at the same time I heard an ear piercing screech. Digging one of my hands into the mountain I turn around to see what made the sound. A large eagle was zooming its way towards me at breathtaking speeds. I shot a rod out at it and much to my suprise it dodged it. Frowning I shot a barrage at the bird which simply weaved in between them.

This time I enlarged all the rods flying towards the bird which crashed violently against one of them killing it.

After that little encounter I wasn't ambushed my any other animal and made my way to the top. Hoisting myself over the ledge I look and scan the immediate area seeing no one close by. I easily could've gone in through the front door and start killing them all but that wouldn't satisfy me. I wanted to see how they'd react as dawn came and they saw their chief's head sat on my lap. I wanted to see their despair personally with my own eyes before I killed them.

Shrinking down to 30 cm I started making my way to the village. The village was surrounded by 15 metre walls with watchtowers on each wall corner. The town was designed in a way that the Chiefs house was in the surrounded by the councilmen's houses. The order of the houses went down according rank until you reach the shoopping district.

I geppoed over the wall in my tiny form and made my way to my old house. Nothing much had changed about the house. It still resembled a large white and gold building resembling old African architecture. Entering through one of the windows on the second floor I walked towards my parents room and tried calming my emotions. I revert back to my old height and made my way to their door. My footsteps the only things I could hear in the dead of night.

Despite how much taller I am the this hallway had never felt longer.

A house filled that used to be filled with love and kindness that turned to hate and sorrow.

My footsteps soon stopped as I reached the door.


What's this you see, it's the very 1st cliffhanger in an important moment. I suggest you get used to it as it's gonna be the 1st of many on our long journey.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Our prologue is coming to an end and we'll soom venture into the vast world known as One Piece!

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