
One Piece : The Grand Adventures of Vergil

Abandoned and scorned by his parents and clan due to his appearance, Vergil decides to get his revenge against them. But why stop there only? Watch his adventure as he takes the World by storm. I do not own One Piece or Naruto just my own OCs

Magivision · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Prologue 4

• 10 Year Timeskip•

I estimate I've been here for about 10-ish years now. Training this fruit has surprisingly been really hard, telepathically controlling the black rods took an enormous amount of concentration, at the point in time I could control 20 of these rods in a 50 metre radius, also what I mean by controlling 20 I mean telepathically and other then that spamming them in a certain direction at high speeds doesn't stop me, with the only problem being that the rods that come put aren't that large.

I can also eject the rods from most parts of my body.

I've made large amounts of progress when it came to shrinking and enlarging. My current height is slightly shy of 2 metres so I'd say I'm about 195ish cm. I could shrink to 30 cm and increase my height to 4 metres.

I also had success in increasing the size of specific parts of my body.

The fighting style that was directed in the book reminds me of the way Jin Mori used his Yeoui. The style consist of large thrusts and suddenly increasing the size of the rods. And since you can control it telepathically you don't have to wprry about it's weight. I also decided that I wouldn't lose anything by trying it so I started working on the Rokushiku.

Geppo, Soru and Rankyaku were easily the easiest to understand. They all just required your legs to be strong enough to use them.

The other 3 though were just beyond my understanding so I'd need to see them in action to understand their mechanisms.

Another thing I noticed about my Devil Fruit is that my eye changed. My eye was now yellow with black edges and 8 black lines going outwards to the edge. The eye was not just a visual thing as it increased my perception abilities and also let me switch my vision to be able to see life force.

After my long time of vigorous training I decided I was ready to take on my clan, the moment I've been dreaming off after being thrown down the mountain and abandoned like a dirty rag. I'll make sure they all regret the moment they started looking at me with disgust and scorn. The only problem is this place doesn't really have an exit and I'm not entirely sure how far deep I am into the ground. The only way I could think of was the hole that I fell from.

"Right, let's get some clothes from the wardrobe and leave" I said aloud. Walking back to the bedroom all the memories I've had here start flashing up, though most of them consist of training and nightmares the place still held a special place in my heart.

I got to the wardrobe and opened it and got a robe and cargo pants. The robe was white with black lines near the bottom and on the arms, I got red wristbands and a red neck brace and put them on.

Making my way to the large doors that kickstarted my journey to revenge, I gave the cavern one last look and then close the doors.

The journey down the tunnel was much easier then I remembered it to be the 1st time I came here, granted I was over 140 cm taller and currently at my best but that's neither here nor there.

I got to the hole I fell down from and started climbing my way out, certain areas didn't have handholds or the handholds were too far apart and in those cases I just used geppo to get them.

After an hour of climbing I got out. The suns touch on my skin was warm and soft, the air fresh and crisp.

"Aaah, how refreshing"I said with a smile on my face, I sat down and bask in the Sun for a few minutes. You never know how much you miss the Sun until its taken away from you for 10 years.

After 10 minutes of basking in the sun I got up and left back and focused on the task at hand. I was obviously back in the middle section and it would take me about 2 days to reach the mountain and maybe another half day to climb the mountain. Based on the position of the sun it was probably midday.

I've been walking for about 30 minutes now humming the tune of Luffy's iconic song to myself until I suddenly heard a growl behind me, looking back I see the familiar visage of a large T-Rex with 4 tiny arms. The dinosair charged at me, shrugging my shoulders I decided to charge back and meet its attack head-on. A wind was produced as we clash and unlike all those years ago I wasn't knocked back. In fact I'd managed to completely stop the dino in it's tracks. Seeing as it's intital head on attack didn't work the dino decided to swipe it's tail at me but was met with the same result. I simply had simply caught it's tail in my hands, immediately after this the dino tried retreating which I obviously wasn't going to allow. I started swinging the dino around ny but it's tail and slam it into a tree which promptly snap in half. Producing a black rod a metre in length I throw it to the dinosaurs underbelly. Half the rod penetrated with the other half sticking out. With a simple thought the rods size increase to .that of a tree completly bisecting the creature in half immediately killing it.


It's been a few hours ever since I killed the T-Rex and despote my display if power the other animals continued attacking me. Though they were quite weak and were all killed by a rod penetrating their brains the sheer number of them is what got to me.

Originally I decided to walk there to preserve energy put these constant attacks starting getting to me, so I simply decided to run there. Crouching down and getting into a started position, I push my feet of the ground causing it to crack.

Weaving in and out the trees the journey that was originally going to take me one day was shortened to 5 hours at the cost of me being out of breath. Reaching the inner most section I decided to take a break to catch my breath.

Sitting down I decided to take a look around and see what the area looks like. The section itself had a lot less trees then the other 2 sections, though the trees here were much larger then then the other 2 sections standing at a staggering 20 metres. At this point the sun was going down so I decided it wouldn't hurt to take a break.

Getting ready to climb a tree and seek shelter on there I suddenly found myself being thrown through the air.


I'm struggling to make a choice between 5 years before Roger's execution or 10 years before Luffy starts, so I decided to ask you guys what you think.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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