
One Piece : The Grand Adventures of Vergil

Abandoned and scorned by his parents and clan due to his appearance, Vergil decides to get his revenge against them. But why stop there only? Watch his adventure as he takes the World by storm. I do not own One Piece or Naruto just my own OCs

Magivision · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Prologue End

Reaching towards the door I slowly pushed it open. Slipping through I got in and slowly close the foor. Despite it being around midnight my parents were wide awake.

It seemed they were talking as I stepped in. Our gazes met and I saw it in their eyes. Their eyes went from shock to confusion and finally to hostility.



I simply kept walking towards them with a blank expression on my face. Seeing that I had no intention to talk my father got up and leap towards me and it was slow... or would underwhelming be a better word. Was this really the same man from all those years ago? I slightly move my body to the left as he harmlessly sails past me destroying the wall behind me.

Seeing as his initial attack didn't work he starts launching a furry of attacks. Whilst he was weak he was persistent, I had to give him that.


Seeing no harm in accepting his challenge I took a stance. Dashing towards him I moved faster then he could see I punch him in the gut. The floor cracked as my lunch connected blasting the large man through the walls and out of the house.


Looking behind me I see my mother with a deranged smile and blood on her hands, looking down I see a knife slightly buried into my back, seeing my indifference towards being stabbed my mother tried running away. I grab her by the back of the neck and held her up. Seeing as people were gathering up outside due to the noise of the clash I decided there wouldn't be a better time to show them despair then now.

Throwing my original plan away I walked towards the ledge whilst holding my mother by her neck.

"WHOEVER YOU ARE WE SUGGEST YOU LET THE CHIEF'S WIFE GO, WE WILL GRANT YOU A QUICK DEATH IF YOU DO." One of the men shouted, it seems like father hasn't informed them of my identity, probably to hide the bis failure in killing me. The crowd had around 30 people in it and counting. About 15 of them held spears, with 6 of them holding dufferent unique weapons. Those 6 must be the councilmen.


Increasing the strength in my hand a loud *crack* resound through the area as I drop my mother lifeless body to the ground. Slience and disbelief dominated the area until someone let out a blood curdling scream.

"HOW DARE YOU" my father shout. His grab a kanabo of one of the councilmen and leap towards me holding the kanabo with both arms above his head. His already large muscles bulging so much they threatened to rip through skin.

"GREAT RAGNAROK STRIKE" my father bellowed

This. this exact moment would be the best moment to show them despair. Unknowingly to me a twisted grin creep it's way on my face as I leap towards my father intending to meet his attack head on.

"GREAT DEMON'S FIST" I shout back as I enlarge my fist .

*POV change *

"What a foolish man, meeting the Chief's strongest attack head on li-"

Before he could even finish his sentence he was blown away by the collision of the 2 attacks, leaves were ripped of trees and great gust blow through the entire village.

Not even a second after this all transpired a large *BOOM* could be heard throughout the entire village as the surrounding houses were knocked off their foundations killing those inside. The surrounding crowd was blinded as dust dominated the area.

The dust was suddenly blown away and what the villagers saw next suprised them.

Not only was the strongest Oni in the village's attack completely overwhelmed, he laid dead and standing over his body was his cursed son that was supposed to be dead. The demon suddenly started laughing, looked up and point the crowd and said ever so softly "You're next".

Panic ensued as the council men tried to attack the demon at omce only to be impaled by strange black rods over a 1.5 metres on length pinning their dead bodies to the ground. Houses were destroyed as the demon threw large rods through them killing those sleeping in them.

Those on the outer section were woken up by their kins screams. The man who was killing them all sporting an eerie smile whilst humming a tune to himself.

*POV change back to Vergil*

By the time everything was over the sun was rising. The rise of a Sun usually symbolised a new start journey, whilst this was true for me it was the complete opposite for the villagers. None were spared in my rage.

The village that used to be bustling with life was now dominated with the feeling of death and the ground dyed red from the blood of the villagers. The smell of irom permeated through the air as the remains of house were all over the place. Large black rods dominated the area too and under some of these were the bodies of the deceased.

"It's finally over" I though as I took a deep breathe in. Now I leave this island and start my journey on the seas. Though I currently faced a predicament, there were no boats and no one to build any....

Perhaps I should've spared a fee craftsmen and let them build me a ship in return for their lives.

I couldn't even get any instructions or anything as most of the buildings were just rubble now. Atleast a few tools were still there so I could atleast make something myself.

*1 month timeskip*

I've finally managed to make a decently reliable raft. Considering my life depending on how good this draft was I'd say I did a decent job. Now all I needed to do was gather some food and water and transfer them to the boat. My hopes are I'll find a ship ( preferably a marine ) and get of on the nearest town and get a clue as the year and and which sea I'm on. My actions would drastically change depending on which sea I'm on. As I know nothing about the New World I'd rather not go there right now.

After moving all my things I got onto my raft and start sailing now looking back to the island once. From here I'm a new man.


In all honesty I'm not really sure how I feel about this chapter. I'll likely change it later on when I've got more experience. Also I've decided upon 10 before Luffy's journey. Whilst doing before Roger's execution would be fun and interesting it would also make me come up with more original content which with my lack of experience I fear would lower the quality of the fanfic which in turn would make it less enjoyable for you guys.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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