
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

third 3: Step up! Daily life on the island.

Unknown seas, unknown islands.

" Ice Dragon's ... Iron Fist! "

An angry shout resounded through the woods, and blue light flashed past, followed by a dull crashing sound and a crackling sound of freezing.

Loya fell from a height of more than ten meters in the air, and after a few taps on the ground, he stood on his heels.

" Very good, this wild boar is enough for me to eat for three days. " Loya sighed as he looked at the wild boar that had been frozen and smashed into several large petals.

The size of this wild boar is not small. The two exposed fangs alone are as thick as Loya's arms. It lies on the ground like a hill. Even the hind leg that is now broken on the ground is bigger than Loya's. high.

This body type can no longer be described in kilograms, but in tons.

But even so, it was barely enough for Loya to eat for three days!

On the day he accepted the identity of the Dragon Slayer, Loya began to explore the island. At first, for the sake of safety, his hunting target was a little guy who looked like a rabbit but covered with scales. Now, this giant wild boar that dominates the island has also been moved to his recipe.

Because in such a few weeks, Loya sadly discovered that it seemed that only these wild boars were left to eat on the island, and he ate them all except the poisonous animals!

The special body structure of the Dragon Slayer needs to consume a lot of food every day. In addition to this, Loya also needs to strengthen his own attributes, so he needs to eat a lot of food every day.

In the first level and zero level, the energy value required to upgrade only needs to eat a dozen coconuts to replenish the full amount. But starting from the third layer, pure coconut can no longer provide Loya with a shred of energy, which makes Loya have to change his recipe and hunt the creatures on the island.

He found that the more powerful the creature, the more energy value provided to him, in order to keep up with the pace of upgrading.

In this way, all the way to upgrade and change the recipe, Loya got the first rare achievement after crossing: eat a poor island!


Dispersing the surrounding Ice Blocks , Loya used ice to turn into sticks to connect pieces of pork in series. With a single stroke of his hands, he easily carried a wild boar skewer that was more than 10 times his size .

The strength bonus brought by the body of the dragon is far more than the point that was shown on the day of crossing, because Loya did not recognize his current strength at that time, and the instinctual protection mechanism of the brain automatically limited his strength. And with the proficiency in the past few weeks, Loya has been able to unlock this restriction and exert his real power.

Carrying the meat skewers, Loya quickly returned to his residence, a cave. This cave turned out to be the den of a three-meter-tall brown bear, which was occupied by the loa dove and killed the owner to eat meat.

Taking out the lighter in the bag, Loya shook the fuselage. Only a thin layer of liquid butane was left inside, and it seemed that it would not be used a few times.

Putting the meat skewers outside the cave, Loya went inside, and quickly came out with a pile of velvet. These kneaded things from dried leaves are very handy for starting fires.

For this, Loya would like to thank Lord Bei and a guy who lived alone on an island for four weeks. By watching the videos they shot, Loya learned at least the basic wild survival skills - ignition.

After finding dry branches, Loya used a lighter to ignite the velvet, and soon a bonfire was created. Thanks to the great ice dragon slayer magic, he didn't have to worry about starting a forest fire and burning himself to death.

Taking off a piece of hind leg meat, Loya cleaned a large piece of pork leg meat by the stream, skewered it with a thick wooden stick, and baked it by the campfire. Skillfully freezing the rest of the food, Loya looked up at the sky, waiting for the pork to be cooked in a daze.

The experience of the past few weeks has transformed Loya from a cheerful game nerd to a taciturn island hunter. He was flustered for the first three days, curling up on the beach to sleep every day, afraid of missing any passing boats.

But as time went by, this expectation and anxiety was gradually shrouded in despair. He vented, roared, and cried, but it was of no use to the current situation. It is better to find more clean ones if you have that energy. Leaf cushion bed.

After calming down again, Loya packed up her mood and used ice to leave the erected S0S sign on the highest point of the beach and the island. He doesn't know if people in this world can understand this meaning, but even if he doesn't understand, the appearance of words on such an uninhabited island is enough to attract attention.

Then came the long wait ...

The white marks left by the seawater on the stones are the source of the salt in Loya these days. He knew that this thing had mild toxins, and eating too much was bad for the human body, but if he didn't replenish the salt in his body, he didn't even have the strength to go out hunting every day.

A thin layer of roasted pork was rubbed on top of it, and Loya bit into it with a big bite. After a while, a piece of pork thicker than his waist entered his stomach.

Then he took out a piece of pork again and continued to set it up. The stomach is full, but the energy value is not enough.

Loya recited " Goldfinger " silently , and the panel appeared in front of him.

Name: Christopher Loya (world autocorrect)

Energy stage: first and ten layers

Energy Value: 85/100

Mana : 1000/1000

Mana Recovery Speed: 100/min

Because of the frequent use of dragon slaying magic during this time, the dragon's body increased with training, from 10% to 12% . The increase in dragon power that Loya was most worried about did not appear, it was still 1% .

Other than that, it is these attributes that have changed the most. The mana value reached 1000 , twice as much as when he just crossed, and the mana recovery speed was also doubled.

The energy stage has finally reached the first and tenth stages. Today, according to the urine quality of page games, it is the moment to break through to the second stage.

Continue to eat a few large pieces of pork, and the energy value finally increases to 100/100 !

Loya sucked the oil on his fingers with his mouth, put his fingers on the arrow, and chose to lift.


The familiar buzzing sounded, and the blue ** circle appeared again. Then, streaks of blue energy began to emerge, quickly pouring into his body.

But things are a little different today. These blue energies, both in quantity and size, are more and more powerful than they were before. Almost in the blink of an eye, countless energies wrapped around him like a whirlwind, forming a blue cocoon of light. At the same time, an inexplicable coercion leaked out from the inside and spread to the surroundings. The whole forest seemed to have been pressed the prohibit button, and not even a chirping of insects could be heard.

Trees are forbidden, water is still, and even the clouds in the sky are still. In this static image, the only thing that is still in motion is the cocoon of light that keeps flickering.

This feeling seems to have passed thousands of years, but it seems to be only a moment. Suddenly, the surroundings began to move again, the sea breeze continued to blow the leaves, the creek began to flow, and the forest became noisy again.


A soft sound came, the light cocoon was dark blue at this time, and a small crack appeared on the blue eggshell.

Click ... click, click!

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and looking from the outside, you can already see the faint blue light inside.

Bang! !

There was a sudden explosion, the light cocoon burst open, and strong cold air shot out, freezing a large forest. In the white water vapor, the humanoid creatures inside were gradually revealed.

From his appearance, he couldn't see Loya's original face at all. Now he is ten centimeters taller and stronger. Pieces of light blue dragon scales the size of fingernails are densely covered on him, and patients with intensive phobia may faint at a glance. At the same time, Loya's pupils turned into golden vertical pupils, and the cold dim light exuded a sense of danger that made people's back numb.

But this state did not last long. After the energy dissipated, both the dragon scales and the sharp fingernails slowly shrank back and returned to their normal appearance. Loya closed her eyes quietly, feeling the surging magic in her body. After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked excitedly at the diamond pattern on his hand.

" Finally, it's time to open up! "
