
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 2: upgrade! Zero breakthrough!

The term Dragon Slayer comes from the manga "Fairy Tail". In the comics, the Dragon Slayer was founded by Irene Berserion . It belongs to a type of Sorcerer. It uses ancient magic that converts its Constitution into the Dragon's Constitution - Dragon Slayer Magic. It is a type of specialized hunting. Dragon Sorcerer.

Loya's favorite is Hokage when he crosses over, but he has also chased after this famous hot-blooded young man. Even during that time, the attraction of the three migrant workers to him was not as great as that of Fairy Tail.

Dragon Slayers have the constitution of dragons , and they can restore their physical strength and increase their strength by consuming substances with the same attributes as their own magic. Or by using the power of the dragon, the scales of the dragon can be burst out and the attack and defense can be improved. This kind of magic is used to kill dragons, so it is called dragon slaying magic

When Loa first came into contact with this comic this year, he regarded it as a sacred book for a while, and was deeply attracted by all kinds of handsome magic in it. Every week, he would go to the corner shop to buy the latest one with the pocket money he saved. Published, sometimes even his mother told him to buy soy sauce money.

However, no matter how great the enthusiasm, it will fade with the passage of time. Later, due to the procrastination of the plot of the original work and the aggravation of his studies with age, he slowly lost the motivation to continue to chase.

But these are not the point.

" Ice Dragon Slayer! Is there such an option in the original book! God ? Serena doesn't have this either? " Loya's eyes widened, carefully recalling the plot he had seen.

In the original work of Fairy Tail, there has never been an ice dragon slayer wizard, not in the first, second and third generations, not even a side description. Maybe Serena, who has eight dragon magic crystals, can do this kind of magic, but the probability is not high.

Because according to the urine nature of Riman, the ability of ice with the attributes of the protagonist will definitely be exposed very early, instead of not appearing for more than ten years like now.

" This is my life-saving golden finger, don't use any kind of strange magic ... not pure support like Wendy. "

In a touch of unease, Loya began to observe this interface.

This interface is simply divided into left and right parts, the left is a series of attribute introductions, and the right is a skill tree composed of block icons, which is somewhat similar to WOW 's former talent tree. Luo Yu curiously clicked the colored icon at the bottom of the talent tree with his finger, and a message jumped out.

Dragon Power: 1/100% , Dragon Power can increase the strength of Dragon Slayer's Dragon Slayer Magic, but more than 30% of his body begins to transform, and after more than 90% , Dragon Slayer's body begins to transform into a dragon.

The first attribute is not a good thing, and Loya's heart is cold when he sees it. As mentioned in the skill introduction, although the dragon slayer magic used by dragon slayers is powerful, it has serious sequelae. According to Erin Berselion , every dragon slayer will follow the annihilation. The use of dragon magic gradually turns into a dragon.

Loya is no longer the second-year junior of the year. If this effect can be reversed, or if there is a magical power of Gerald's level in this world, otherwise he really wants to try what it is like to become a dragon.

The next few colored icons are all extended by Dragon Power, and Loya clicks to view them in turn.

Dragon's body: 10/100% , the body gradually adapts to the degree of the dragon's power, improves the all-round quality of the dragon slayer, and can temporarily improve the degree of adaptation by swallowing energy, with large sequelae.

Roar of the Ice Dragon: Concentrate the power of the ice dragon in the lungs, strengthen it through the magic circle, and then spit it out of the body to attack. (Cannot be used due to insufficient magic power)

Ice Dragon's Iron Fist: Wraps the power of the Ice Dragon around the fist, and a powerful freezing effect erupts upon hitting.

Ice Dragon's Wing Strike: Wrap the power of the Ice Dragon around the arm and swing it like a dragon's wings to attack in a wide area. (Cannot be used due to insufficient magic power)

Ice Dragon's Claws: Wrap the power of the Ice Dragon around your feet, and a powerful freezing effect will erupt upon hitting.

Ice Dragon's Broken Teeth: Wrap the power of the ice dragon around your hands, and attack with claw-like fingers.

Ice Dragon's Grip: Grab the target and inject the power of the ice dragon into the target.

The good news is that what Loya feared did not happen. Although the roaring skill most commonly used by dragon slayers is temporarily unavailable due to the problem of magic power, it is harmless.

Judging from the skills that can be used at present, the ice dragon slayer magic is similar to the flame dragon slayer magic of the protagonist Natsu, both of which are purely offensive abilities. As for whether this is the case in the future, the current Loya is unknown.

In addition to the XX of these Dragon Slayer Standard Edition X Dragons , the skill of the Dragon Body makes Loa Vivi look at him ... Improve the all-round quality of the Dragon Slayer, which must be why he is now strong and stamina. for the increased reason.

And just like Natsu's dragon scales will explode after swallowing the magic wizard power in the Tower of Paradise, this skill can improve his own ability in a short period of time, the only disadvantage is probably the kind of thick lines that make Natsu grow. Rather than the aftermath of death.

" Very suitable for blasting seeds ~" Loya gave a pertinent evaluation.

The rest of the icons are gray, and nothing happens when you click them. This situation is very clear when playing games all the year round, and the level is not enough. Loya has some guesses, these remaining icons may be the skills that can only be used after killing the dragon and controlling the power of the dragon, which requires him to continuously upgrade and slowly unlock.

Then he looked to the left side of the interface, where the attribute introduction was displayed.

Name: Christopher Loya (world autocorrect)

Energy stage: first order zero layer

Energy value: 10/10 (can be increased)

Mana : 500/500

Mana Recovery Rate: 50/min

" What the hell is Christopher Loya , and the world will automatically correct itself. If you don't change your name, let's call it Loya! ... What is this energy value? " Looking at this attribute Column, Loya muttered to himself.

" Could it be ..." Loya glanced at the scattered coconut shells and had some guesses in her heart. Suddenly he raised his head and shouted loudly into the air: " System? Elf? Mastermind? I'm your host Baba, come out! "

After a few seconds, Loya coughed awkwardly. It was quiet all around, nothing happened, the sea breeze blew, and he seemed to hear a few " Fool ... Fool ... Fool ..."

After the embarrassment was over, Loya stretched out his finger and clicked on the arrow behind the word " liftable " .

Years of web articles and game experience told him not to hold back when he can upgrade. It is certain that some powerful enemies will jump out in the next moment to take his life, and only after upgrading can he save his life.


Suddenly, the entire interface became blurred, and a gorgeous blue ** formation appeared at his feet, and the upward airflow blew his hair upside down. At the same time, waves of blue energy emerged from the air around him and rushed towards him quickly. With the influx of energy, a blue pattern began to gradually spread on his body.

Although he hadn't tried to improve before, Loya still felt familiar with this scene.

" How many Super Saiyans am I? Speaking of which, what's the matter with this kind of strong visual sense of page game upgrades? "

The abnormality came and went quickly. It only lasted for less than three seconds, and Loya disappeared as soon as he finished complaining. The blue patterns covering his body seemed to have life, circling and swimming around him, and finally converged on his hands and wrists, forming two diamond-shaped patterns.

When everything was calm, Loya stroked the pattern on his wrist and checked the properties on the interface again.

Name: Christopher Loya (world autocorrect)

Energy Stages: One by one

Energy Value: 0/20

Mana : 550/550

Mana Recovery Rate: 50/min

The mana value has been increased by 50 points, and the energy value required for the next stage has been doubled. Then he looked at the talent tree on the right, but neither the body of the dragon nor the power of the dragon had changed.

" Could it be that the increase in the energy stage has nothing to do with my own dragon slaying magic ability? Or is it simply because the level is too low ..."

The specific situation of Loya is unknown, and he can't help frowning. If it is the first case, then if this world is the world of Fairy Tail, it is better to say that you can always find an expert who can teach you magic. But if not, wouldn't it be impossible to raise the level of Dragon Slayer Magic?

But at the moment, there is no need to worry too much about it. Loya doesn't even know the world right now. He hasn't even explored the small island below his butt.

goo ~

A thunder sounded, and Loya lowered his head and touched his stomach: " No way? I'm hungry just after I've eaten ... Is the energy value required for upgrading really biological energy? "

goo ~

The belly roared again, confirming Loya's thoughts. Well, it looks like I have to find something to eat.

But this time, Loya is not going to continue eating coconuts. He ate a dozen or so just now. Not only was he panicking, but he was also sick and tired. Now he wants to vomit when he sees coconuts.

Moreover, he became a dragon slayer and ate coconuts to satisfy his hunger. It was a shame for a dragon slayer!

So he decided to hunt and eat meat!
