
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 4: The World of One Piece/King of Pirates ! Nominations.


The explosion sounded again, and Loya turned his head quickly. This time it was the explosion sound from the direction of the beach. Even if he was so far away, he could smell the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

" Is someone here finally? No matter who it is, I have to leave here! " He was fed up with the days on the lonely island, Loya thought fiercely, and then jumped up hard.


At the highest point, Loya began to fall from the air, but immediately, a piece of ice the size of a palm appeared under his feet. Lightly on the top, the figure that had just started to fall quickly stopped the castration, and then he jumped again to another piece of ice, and so on and so forth, stepping on the Ice Block , and rushing to the beach from the air


Vic feels very aggrieved and angry now. He is just an ordinary pirate with a bounty of 3500w . He has just arrived on the Great Route and has never even seen a merchant ship. Why should he be hunted down by Vice Admiral of the Marine headquarters ! It's two days and two nights to chase! Did I provoke you?

If it weren't for the specially made Flying Fish, which was not weaker than the Marine warship, he would have been shackled to Impel Down as early as two days ago .

But the luck ends there. The warships behind seemed to be tired of this game of cats chasing mice. From just now, the cannons on the bows of the warships kept firing, and even if they destroyed their sails, they did not stop.

Losing the sail is fatal to a wooden sailing ship like the Flying Fish, and Vic, in grief and indignation, ordered a desperate attempt to get close to the shore.

What about the headquarters Vice Admiral ? I'm Vic Scissorhands! Absolutely will not be caught!

Although this island is a bit strange, it is obviously a summer island, but there is a ten-meter-high ice sculpture on the beach. However, Vic, who was driven to a dead end, couldn't care less. After docking, he quickly ordered the crew to fire back with artillery to prevent the warship from approaching.


The shell exploded again, this time directly hitting the broadside of the Flying Fish. The pirates who were loading shells below the deck suffered heavy casualties, blood and severed limbs scattered all over the place.

After all, it's just a pirate, how can the artillery hit rate be comparable to a well-trained Marine . Moreover, in order to increase the speed of the flying fish, it did not carry a few cannons, and the scattered counterattacks did not pose a threat to the warships that were getting closer and closer.

At this moment on the warship, seeing the pirate's artillery being destroyed, the Marines raised their muskets and broadswords one after another, waiting for the charge order .

An officer walked quickly to the man standing at the bow of the ship, approached and saluted: "MomongaVice Admiral , the Scissor Pirates have lost their artillery counterattack ability. Do you order a charge? "

Hearing this, Vice Admiral , a mole rat wearing a lavender striped suit and dark blue shirt with a dark purple mohawk head, looked at the pirates on the beach with a serious expression, and waved his hand: " Cannon cover! Strike! "

" Yes! "

Upon receiving the order, the warship immediately stopped power and began to slow down. At the same time, several small boats were released, and the Marines quickly approached the coast under the cover of artillery.

"Marine 's here! Brothers, kill! " Vic roared, raising his musket and firing.

Loya came to the beach outside the forest and saw such a messy scene. He saw the Flying Fish flying with thick black smoke at first glance, and then saw the blue seagull flag with the words "MARINE" in the distance.

No way, after all, the scene after the explosion of such a big ship is really spectacular.

Hiding behind the coconut tree, Loya narrowed his eyes: " This is, the Marine logo in the OP ... In this way, I came to the world of One Piece/King of Pirates ! "

Loya looked at the lively scene on the beach in shock, a little confused. Came to the world of One Piece/King of Pirates with the Fairy Tail system ? It's not! A good cut with a completely different power system?


The situation on the beach now is a simple show of Marine chasing pirates.

Loya turned his gaze to Vic, who was in command of the battle, and carefully identified him, thinking that he should just be an unknown guy.

Marine in the world of One Piece/King of Pirates is not easy to mess with, but Pirates are different. This group of guys fighting each other may be very strong, but after all, it is just a piece of loose sand.

After Loya learned which world this was, he didn't want to provoke this group of Marines . Looking at the pirate ship that was blasted away, it seems that if you want to leave, you have to rely on Marine .

So, he aimed his gaze at the Scissor Pirates who shouted and shot to prevent Marine from docking, and sneered.

" Although we have no grievances, but I need to use Marine 's warship to leave this island, which of course requires a certificate ... So, I'm sorry! "

After talking to himself, Loya jumped up directly. The soil under his feet was trampled into cobweb-like cracks by the strange force, and the huge power increase brought by the dragon's body made him appear in the sky in an instant.

Because he was behind the Scissor Pirates, Vic who couldn't Observation Haki didn't notice Loa in the air. But he didn't notice, which doesn't mean the mole couldn't notice.

His eyes narrowed, and he carefully observed the figure that jumped up: " Who ... who is that person ? "

Loya stepped on the ice generated in the air, his lungs bulged high, his hands clenched fists in front of his mouth, and the magic in his body began to gather.


A blue magic circle with the height of one person appeared in front of Luo Yu, and the center of the magic circle was facing his open mouth.

"The ice dragon's ... roar! "

The next moment, an ice storm blasted out, from the fist thickness at the beginning, it quickly expanded in the air, and turned into a behemoth with a diameter of several meters, like a roaring dragon, slammed into the scissors pirate group. inside the formation.


Under Loya's control, the ice storm explodes as soon as it reaches the optimal kill point. A roar like a spring thunder sounded, and Vic was swallowed up by the explosion before he could react.

Driven by the strong airflow generated by the explosion, countless tiny ice chips are mercilessly harvesting the life of the scissors pirates like a razor-sharp knife. The strong cold makes the pirates' wounds frozen before they bleed. became a statue. At the very center of the explosion, where the magic was the most violent, not even a complete corpse could be seen.

Dragon slayer magic, even if it is of the ice attribute, is extremely violent. Otherwise, what's the difference between it and Gray's ice modeling magic.

The ice storm exploded, followed by a terrifying chill. The scattered frost instantly froze the surrounding scene, and the waves had just blown up before they were frozen into shape and condensed into a hard Ice Block .

Even on the warships far apart, the Marines felt a biting chill. Not to mention the Marines who were already on the dinghy .

" The ability to freeze ..."

This scene was somewhat beyond Mole's expectations. He guessed that Loya would attack the Scissor Pirates, but he did not imagine that it would be such a crushing massacre. And it uses the freezing ability!

But now is not the time to worry about these things. Seeing that the area of ice in the sea is about to cover the vanguard, the mole Vice Admiral snorted coldly, pulled out the samurai sword from his waist, and swiftly slashed out.


The huge light blue sword energy that was enough to stop the waves quickly passed over the vanguard, tearing apart the ice that was spreading unrestrictedly. The strong sword qi left a dent on the sea surface. From a distance, the sea was dug out like a piece of jelly.

Marine of the vanguard was caught off guard, and it was too late to change the direction of the boat, so they all fell into the sea.

But they are Marines , except for a few devil fruit abilities, the rest are proficient in water. Although the boat capsized, it quickly resurfaced. It's just that everyone is floating on the water, holding hands and lips turning blue, and their teeth shaking.

It's so cold!

Upon seeing this, Mole Vice Admiral slowly put the samurai sword back into his waist, and commanded the adjutant: " Send someone to pick up the leading troops immediately! "

" Yes! "

The adjutant glanced at Mole gratefully, and hurried to convey the order. Vice Admiral Mole of Marine headquarters is such a general who loves his soldiers.

Luo Ya also saw the light blue sword energy, and suddenly looked a little annoyed: " I went, the first time I opened the big I couldn't control the power, and almost froze Marine to death ... But I can swing it out . Sword energy of this intensity, according to the comics, is at least a swordsman, right? Probably ..."

Thinking back on that heart-pounding sword energy, at this moment, Loya was full of resentment towards Eiichiro Oda. The power system of the One Piece/King of Pirates world has always been criticized. The more powerful the characters appear in the later stage, the stronger it is . It feels like a big explosion of attributes in WOW . At level 100 , it refreshes every three minutes. The turtle is more terrifying than the previous team boss .

This kind of confusion makes it impossible for Loya to judge which level of Marine is on the warship a few hundred meters away from the comics .

But then again, this situation is basically a common problem in Japanese comics. Think about Dragon Ball, think about Hokage, think about Shinigami, isn't that the more exaggerated the combat effectiveness in the later stage?
