
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

chapter 5: Mole Vice Admiral , Seasick Loa

But even so, there is one thing Luo Yu can be sure of.

That is, the person who is coming will definitely not be Admiral .

Because from the era of Garp and Zephyr , there seems to be no Admiral in Marine who specializes in sword fighting . Kizaru , who can compete with Pluto Rayleigh in swordsmanship , has always been biubiu 's motion photosensitive wave, or turned into a dynamic photosensitive wave and sent it out.

If it is the group of Admiral , the shot will definitely use a very representative attack. Think of Hawkeye, who is known as the world's greatest swordsman, and several Vice Admiral who have played for less than a minute, and you can see that although sword energy is a very powerful ability, on the whole, this ability is premature. .


At this moment, the battlefield can only be described by the word hell. There are scattered limbs and pieces of meat that have been frozen into Ice Blocks , and several pirate heads are well preserved, with a blank expression on their faces.

Loya jumped out of the air and exhaled a cold breath. The air flow contacts the moisture in the air and turns into a star-like fine particle that falls to the ground.

" Killed ... why don't I feel sick? "

Loya thought about this philosophical question. Perhaps it was the desert island hunter who had been hunting for too long, and Loya's view of life had changed in ways he couldn't understand.

In the distance, Loya was seen standing on the beach, and Vice Admiral the mole ordered the warship to pass by.

No matter what purpose the opponent killed the Scissor Pirates, whether it was a pirate or a pirate hunter, or a hidden master who lived alone in the mountains and forests, as MarineVice Admiral , he was obliged to investigate.

The warship stopped 100 meters away, and there was a thick layer of solidified ice in front of it. Warships without ice-breaking equipment could not pass. Mole was not interested in using sword energy to open the way for the warship, and jumped off the ship with a small group of Marines .

As he got closer, Mole finally saw Loya's appearance clearly, and he was surprised by his immature appearance. You must know that the attack just now was not much better than that of Kuzan Admiral when he was young. He thought he was a master of his age. As a result, it has only been discovered that this person may be a little younger than Kuzan Admiral when he first joined Marine .

Marine Admiral Kuzan , code -named Kuzan , joined Marine at the age of 19 , until he became Marine Admiral in his thirties , and was already hailed as a monster-level genius. The man in front of him looked younger than Kuzan who had just joined Marine , but he already possessed such a powerful strength, which undoubtedly shocked the Mole.

It would be funny if Loya knew what he was thinking ... God TM is younger than Kuzan , I call it Babyface! Looking tender! Among the newcomers in the company, he is the best, because he looks good and has a sweet mouth.

The Ice Dragon's Roar is a great ultimate move that can only be used after Roja's upgrade, and its power is naturally certain. In comparison, Kuzan's freezing ability was not as good as his when he first joined Marine . But what about consumption? With just such a move, the magic power in Loya's body was reduced by one-third! Even if he used all his strength, an attack of this magnitude could only be used three times.

At that time , Kuzan 's attack in the frozen sea area of 100 meters was not as powerful as the roar of the ice dragon, but how many times could it be used? A dozen times should be fine.

Think of the ten days and ten nights of the battle between him and Akainu in the original book.

The two sides stood face to face, looking at Loya's expressionless expression of thinking about philosophy, Mole said first: " Thank you for your help, I am the Vice Admiral Mole of the Marine headquarters , may I ask if your Excellency is ..."

" mole? "

Hearing the mole reporting his home, Loya came back to his senses, and the memory that was not very clear in his mind was instantly sorted out. He looked up and down at the person who came, with a mohawk head, a funny beard, a samurai sword on his waist, and a justice cloak on his back. This was indeed the appearance of a Vice Admiral mole in the Marine headquarters .

This is a good old man! Loya's eyes lit up.

Be upright and upright. She loves and cares for her subordinates, and she is powerful but not as ruthless as Akainu . In general, if Loya wants to leave the island, he is the right person to look for. Even if the Scissor Pirates are not eliminated as a vote, they will definitely help Loya who is in distress.

Loya was not as cold as he was when he was a hunter on the island. Although he had great strength, his mentality was still the same otaku he used to be.

I haven't seen anyone in the past few weeks, and I burst into tears with excitement: " My dear! Someone is finally here! Take me out of here! I was on a desert island a few weeks ago, and I will eat all the wild boars on the island! "

Mole: "..."

Mole Vice Admiral didn't turn his head for a while, what's going on? Where did the expert just run off to? How did you suddenly become such a refugee?

But looking at the dirty and tattered clothes on Loya's body and bare feet, Mole's mouth twitched, and he chose to believe Loya.


Under the watchful eyes of Marine , Loya boarded the warship. Even if they were far apart from the attack just now, they could feel a strong chill. At this time, they all looked at Loya with admiration, and they didn't care about his refugee outfit.

OP world, what we believe in is that strength is respected, and people with strength will be respected wherever they go. Besides, there are many powerhouses in the world who like weirdness. At this moment, they all turn Loaam into a powerhouse dressed in a maverick fashion.

Just stepping on the deck of the warship, Loya suddenly grabbed the fence very seriously and stared at the sea motionless.

Mole Vice Admiral arranged for the soldiers to clear the battlefield before following Loya onto the warship. Seeing his appearance, Mole asked in confusion, " Mr. Loya? Are you ..."

Loya raised his hand, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then showed an ugly smile to the mole.

" Mole Vice Admiral , do you have any medicine for seasickness? "

Mole: "... what a weird guy! "

Then he said to the adjutant next to him: " Go to the ship doctor immediately ... and prepare a set of clothes by the way. " Mole looked at the beggar costume on Loya's body and ordered.

After receiving the mole's order, a gray-haired accompanying ship doctor rushed over. He made Loya lie half-lying against the fence, opened his eyelids with his hands, and asked, " Your symptoms are very serious ... and the boat hasn't started moving. It's been like this since I was a child, or it happened recently. ? "

Loya didn't know what to say, he couldn't blame others for being stupid. Previously, he wanted to leave the island, but he forgot the biggest weakness of the Dragon Slayer, which is to dizzy all means of transportation!

At this moment, his face was pale, and he said weakly: " Eat ... eat the devil fruit ... that's it after that, doctor ... is there any help for me? "

" Devil fruit? " The mole next to him lowered his head and thought. Indeed, apart from devil fruit, there is no other way to explain Loya's attack just now.

But what kind of devil fruit can make people seasick?

Eating devil fruit is hated by the sea, and if you touch the sea, you will lose your ability and go limp, which is a curse in itself. And compared with ordinary fruit power users, Roja also has an attribute of seasickness.

The Mole was really curious and fortunate at the moment: what a ... unlucky guy this is! I'm too smart not to eat Devil Fruits!

In fact, this is an excuse that Roja thought up. Dragon slayer magic is not the original power of this world. After all, it needs a reason to be exposed to people, and the devil fruit is the best excuse.

The ghost knows how many strange fruit powers there are in this sea. The so-called dead without proof is such a thing.

Besides, Loya is not lying. It is true that he became like this after eating the " Devil Fruit " , and there is no psychological burden to say this.

Hearing Loya's words, the ship doctor's expression became serious. He first found a jar of potion from the medical bag and handed it to Loya, then took a piece of cotton soaked with alcohol and wiped it on the position of Loya's temple.

" If it's the sequelae caused by the devil fruit, then the disease can't be cured. You drink this first, it will make you feel better. I'll get you some medicine later, although it won't cure it, But it will give you a good night's sleep. "

" Thank ... thank you, doctor. "
