
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

chapter 10: Showdown! The battle of dignity between diners and chefs!

200 laps, Loya only felt a little sore and swollen in his calf, but he returned to normal after a little exercise.

Dragon Slayer Sorcerers, apart from their appearance, are actually no longer human. Both strength and endurance are far beyond ordinary people. He paced slowly, shaking his hands and feet from time to time to relax.

Not far away on the second floor, Zephyr watched this scene through the glass, and his clenched brows could not help but relax a little. Although he was knocked unconscious by a fist of a mole, his defense is not strong, but his endurance is still worthy of praise.

" Maybe I should arrange a little more physical training for him, otherwise at this intensity, the purpose of training will not be achieved at all. "

Zephyr turned his head to look at Kuzan who had just arrived: " Have you been busy lately? You even went to the Recruit camp to hang around. "

"A la la, don't say that, Mr. Zephyr . " Kuzan still put on his boring look, leaning against the wall, looking through the glass to look at Loya, who was moving his body: "Marshal Sengoku let me have Sora teach that kid to develop the fruit ability, this is also a task. "

" Hmph, how can you become a strong person only by relying on the fruit's ability! " Zephyr snorted dissatisfiedly, and then stopped looking at him.

"Isn't that the case with Kizaru ? " Kuzan didn't say this. He has a good relationship with Zephyr . Zephyr is still his former teacher. It's okay to be lazy at ordinary times, but it's too bad to touch him in this matter. .

" But speaking of which, according to Mole, his freezing ability focuses more on temperature, not range, and I don't know how much I can teach him. After all, it's not an elemental fruit. "

" That's something you need to consider. Zoan 's Mythical is extremely rare, not to mention a legendary creature like a dragon. Although I don't agree that his main energy is spent on developing fruit abilities, he can't waste such a good seedling. . "

" Yes, yes. I see ..."


Dragon Fruit Ice Dragon Form .

This is the fruit ability that Loya has woven for himself. Before coming to Marineford , Mole repeatedly inquired about his background and fruit ability. While the world doesn't have the rigor of censuses and national ID cards, it's a hassle to keep getting tangled up.

So he weaved the background of a tragic orphan in his childhood, working as a handyman on a merchant ship, and was attacked by pirates when he returned, the merchant ship sank, only he fell to the lonely island in a storm, and found a demon on the island fruit.

The ocean in this world is so vast, Marine has no way of knowing where the little-known merchant ship Nobita is, nor can he know which pirate group's flag is a blue-skinned and white-bellied civet cat, maybe this is the pirate The flag the regiment uses to hide its identity, there are too many unknowns in everything, so this story is almost seamless.


At the end of the run, after about five minutes of rest, Rear AdmiralInstructor arranged the second exercise: back discus squat.

Loya's performance is still praised by Zephyr . Generally , the number of Recruits squatting with a discus on their backs is between 50-100 , and the number below 50 is the tail of the crane. After graduation, they can only start from the Seaman First Class .

As for Loya, the Instructor finally looked impatient, calculating the time to do the next training, and then let him stop the action.

During this time, the Recruits on the same team counted for Loya, and they did 973 squats! The movement is standard, the speed is average, and there is no problem at all except that the person is a little short of breath.

After all, Loya's dragon body has reached 18% , and the increase effect is very powerful. Mole is a strong Vice Admiral who majors in swordsmanship and fighting technique . Being knocked out by his punch does not mean that Loya is really weak.

Recruit camp is still very simple for Loya, and the morning time has passed quickly. Following the Instructor 's order, everyone got up from the ground and patted the dust off their hands.

" One hour to eat, and continue training in the afternoon! Now, disband! "

" Eat! " Loya's eyes lit up and he couldn't help swallowing.

The Dragon Slayer has risen to Tier 2, and his need for food is greater than ever. The buns I ate in the morning were digested cleanly in the middle of the morning, and my stomach was beating gongs and drums for a long time.

And even if he was hungry and growling, because of the reason that his magic and physical strength were still abundant, Loya sadly did not feel a trace of fatigue, and even had some energy. This strong sense of contrast made him uncomfortable.

Now that he heard that it was time to go to dinner, he jumped into the air with excitement, found the direction of the cafeteria, and stepped on the Ice Block and quickly left.

After the performance in the morning, the veterans had a good sense of this newly added guy, and they were about to go to dinner together.

" Loya is still a devil fruit person! "

The news spread like wildfire and quickly spread in the Recruit camp.

Although there are countless Devil Fruits in the sea, and there is one in every corner you don't know, but compared with the population of the entire world, this number is still too small. Their Marine parents may have been able-bodied, but in the Recruit camp, the appearance of an able-bodied person was still very eye-catching.

Seeing Loya's body speeding away, Zephyr asked, " Kuzan, can you move in this way? "

In Loya, Zephyr saw the possibility of mastering the air. The flying ability of the former Golden Lion and now the first team leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco , has made Marine suffer enough. He desperately hopes to solve this problem. . But Kuzan's answer disappointed him.

" Short distances are fine, long distances are difficult, and the gains outweigh the losses, so it's better to attack directly "

Kuzan is a frozen man who has eaten frozen fruits. His body is composed of ice. When attacking, all Ice Blocks are split from the body and cannot be created out of thin air. If there is liquid in the air, he can also use the instant touch to freeze these liquids to form an Ice Block , but if not, he can only watch.

Otherwise , the flying ability of Marco , the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, would not be called no solution, and jumping on it directly is a fist. As Admiral , the speed is definitely faster than Marco .


As for the dialogue between Kuzan and Zephyr , Loya is unknown, he now has only one purpose: to eat!

Swooping down to the ground, a series of tumblings vented the impact, and Loya rushed to the front of Ms. S in the cafeteria. He swept around first, and immediately knew what lunch was today.

" Twenty servings of white rice and stewed meat, plus a pot of broth for me! "

" One pot ..." Ms. S was stunned for a moment, and then she put the spoon on Loya's forehead fiercely: " Boy, can you eat so much? If you dare to waste food, my mother won't spare you! "

Loya stepped back, raised his head and added the gravy at the bottom of the spoon to clean it up. He smiled and said to Ms. S , " Don't worry, I will never waste food! I'm afraid you don't cook enough for me! "

" Huh? My mother has been cooking in Marineford for 30 years, and no one dares to say this! " Ms. S threw the spoon aside, put on a clean one, and put it on her chest in a fighting posture: " You must be the reason Mole Vice Admiral told us to make 20 more servings of each meal! Then, duel! Let's see if the old lady can cook up to your speed! "

Luo Ya was instantly appetizing, but after thinking about it, he gave up the beautiful scene: " Forget it, I have to train in the afternoon, and I will be punished if I go late. "

" Is that so ..." Ms. S 's tone was relieved, and she suddenly recalled that this cafeteria was dedicated to the MarinefordRecruit training camp and elite training camp. She was more familiar with the rigor of the recruits' training than Loya .

" Sister S, since he is going to train in the afternoon, your duel can be played in the evening. At that time, many Recruits would go home for dinner, and there were not many people. " The chef who was watching the fun gave the two of them a suggestion. Yesterday, the mole Vice Admiral sent someone to notify the cafeteria, and they were also very curious about Loya's appetite.

Hearing this, both sides were brightened up.

" Then, duel! The time is tonight! "

" Well, okay, okay, okay! "
