
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 11: The showdown begins

How much Loya can eat, I am afraid that even he himself does not know. After all, he can no longer be called a human now, but a humanoid dragon. Thinking about being gluttonous at night ... No, overeating ... After eating and drinking, Loya is full of expectations for the duel at night.

The training in the afternoon was much more complicated than in the morning, because it was Marine who was going to fight pirates , so fighting skills such as fighting and swordsmanship also required a lot of practice.

Fighting training room.

Loya casually banged the sandbags in front of him with a " pop " sound, using his fists and whipping his legs to fly the sandbags out like cannonballs, and from time to time he sucked the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, although he was very dissatisfied with Loya's inattentive performance, Officer Rear Admiral didn't say much. When he arrived at his position, he had already received some inside information.

This Loya's performance in melee combat was rough, but his overall quality and fruit ability were very strong. The training of the Recruit camp has not had much effect on him. In order to balance the crowd, he did not give him a separate small stove. training.

The place he should go is the elite battalion that Zephyr directly manages, and those guys called monsters are his kind. Staying in the Recruit camp now just needs an excuse for promotion and passing the actual combat assessment.

Finally, the Instructor shouted the " dismiss " password.

The news that Loya was going to duel with Ms. S in the cafeteria was revealed by people familiar with the matter. The recruits in the Recruit camp were very excited. Every day was a repetitive and busy training. So a group of people surrounded Loya to the cafeteria.

Zephyr didn't stay in the Recruit Camp this afternoon. Just now, he went to the Sengoku office to confirm the Recruit actual combat assessment in a month. When he came home, he passed the Recruit Camp and saw Loya being surrounded by a crowd and entering the cafeteria.

" What are these guys doing? "

The cafeteria tables were moved by the chefs, leaving only two in the middle. One has cutlery on it, which is for Loya to eat later. The other one is full of ingredients and stoves. Later , Ms. S will make food on the spot to ensure the fairness and openness of the duel.

S held her chest with both hands, a spoon in one hand and a spatula in the other, and saw Loya walked in surrounded by her, with a confident smile on her face.

" It's too late for you to admit defeat, otherwise you won't be able to eat it later, so many people will look embarrassed. "

Loya walked to the opposite side of her, fastened the napkin on her chest, and her eyes were full of war: " Stop talking, kiss ... cough cough, let's serve! "

" Hmph, have the guts! "

A middle-aged chef stood up, came between the two, and held a spoon as a microphone: " First of all, welcome to watch this showdown, if anyone is hungry, there is a curry we prepared over there, please take it yourself. Then I announce the rules of the game. "

" First, during the game, if Luo Yasang has not finished eating one portion of food, he shall not eat the next portion. At the same time, Ms. S cannot make unpalatable food that does not meet her status as a chef. Once there is a foul on both sides, the game will end. "

" Secondly, Ms. S must finish her first serving of food within five minutes of the timer, otherwise she will be deemed to admit defeat. "

" Thirdly, the two sides must not obstruct each other in any form and for any reason, otherwise the game will end. "

" The outcome of the game is determined as follows. When Luo Yasang has eaten the last food on the table, if Ms. S 's next food has not been cooked, Luo Yasang will win. The remaining food on the table exceeds the food that has already been cooked. One-third, and the number is greater than or equal to five, or when Luo Yasang can't eat it, then Ms. S wins. "

" Do you have any objection to this? "

" No. "

" Neither do I. "

Hearing Ms. S 's words, Loya gave her a disdainful look: " Do you want to choose something simple to do, or you won't be able to keep up. "

" Humph! Arrogant brat! " Ms. S countered, not to be outdone: " Even if the old lady cooks according to the meals normally served in the cafeteria, you will be the only one who can't keep up! "

" Let's read the newspaper by bike, let's see! " Because there was no such creature as a donkey in the world of One Piece/King of Pirates in the original book , Loya had to change the vocabulary of this saying.

Just make up your mind.

Anyway , Ms. S was provoked. She picked up a potato and nodded to the middle-aged chef serving as the referee: " Stop talking nonsense, let's start! "

" Okay ... Okay. " The middle-aged chef touched his sweat, then raised the kitchen utensils in his hands seriously.

"3 ! "

"2 ! "

"1 ! "

" Clang! The competition ~~~ Start! "

With the crisp symphony of gold and iron, the game officially started.

S threw out the knife flower, and quickly cut a large basket of potatoes between the knife and the fall.

" So fast! As expected of Ms. S , this hand speed cannot be achieved without decades of skills. "

" Yes, and you see, those potatoes are evenly sized and even peeled! That's amazing! "

Listening to the discussions of the " explainers " next to him, Loya also became serious. He activated the magic in his body, causing a large amount of gastric acid to secrete, and carefully stared at Ms. S 's movements: " This old woman should not be underestimated. ! "

S skillfully chopped vegetables, turned the pot, and stir-fryed them. In less than four minutes, she neatly dried and fried the meat of the sea beasts and placed them in front of Loya.

The air was filled with a strong aroma of meat, and the onlookers sniffed greedily and their stomachs began to growl.

" Please use! "

S finished speaking briefly, and turned back to continue the preparation of the next dish.

" Oh! "

Loya picked up a plate of dried sea beast meat, and poured it directly into his mouth without using chopsticks. Before he could chew a few times, a large plate of food was swallowed. Then he picked up the next disc again and repeated the action just now.

" This kid, you are still hiding at noon ..." Seeing Loya's bold eating method, Ms. S 's eyes narrowed, and she turned the fire to the maximum and accelerated the movements of her hands.

" Okay ... awesome, on both sides. "

" Yeah ... I didn't expect Loya to eat so much. At noon I thought someone was joking. "

Almost at the moment when Loya ate the last plate, another string of well-sized barbecue was placed in front of him. He and Ms. S looked at each other, and both of them became serious.

" It's not easy to deal with ~ This kid (this old woman). "

The game continued to be fiery, and the Recruits onlookers were booing and eating curry. Under the influence of Loya, they also had a big appetite.

Zephyr stood outside the window, watching the lively scene inside. Several times he wanted to rush in to teach this group of undisciplined boys a lesson, but he held back. Finally, he relaxed Issho and shook his head: " Forget it, let them make a fuss ... Who doesn't have a young age. "

Then turned to leave, the back was pulled very long by the setting sun.

The people inside didn't know that the Iron Faced Instructor Zephyr Admiral was outside just now. Otherwise, they would have been so excited to cheer for both parties if they had already done the birds and beasts.

Over time, the game has reached a white-hot stage. Loya's speed began to slow down, and Ms. S was also sweating profusely. The laborious skill of flipping the pot could be omitted.

A bunch of cooks were busy cleaning up the blank dishes on Loya's table, and they all cast their admiring glances at Loya.

As a chef, what's more comfortable than having your own food eaten cleanly by your guests. At this moment, Loya gained the respect of all the chefs in the cafeteria of Recruit Camp. This is probably what he didn't expect.
