
One Piece: Strongest Ice Dragon Slayer

King_Sarthak · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 9: The first day of training, elite assessment.

next day, Marineford , MarineRecruit training camp.

A ray of morning light rippled across the sky, and a half-red sphere was exposed between the clouds.

Today is Loya 's first day in Marine , so he rarely got up early, nibbling while running with a bunch of buns.

Anyway, if you don't need money, it's better to eat more.

On the way to the playground, the Recruits who were in a hurry by the side of the road couldn't help but take a few more glances.

" This man is delicious! "

" Is he that Loya? I heard it was brought back by the mole, Vice Admiral . "

" It should be him ... Be quiet, yesterday he was punched by the mole, Vice Admiral , and smashed through the armor of the warship. He looks like a monster again. "

" Um, uh. "

The news that Loya joined Marine has spread, after all, the goal of the warship that was returned to the factory for refurbishment was too big. At first, everyone thought that the mole , Vice Admiral , had encountered an attack at sea, but only after careful inquiries did they find out the reason, and Loya's name also spread.

Loya doesn't care about their discussions. As a traveler, he still has the illusion of watching 3D movies.

At this moment, Loya has also figured out the time point. It is now the sixteenth year of the Great Voyage Age, Sea Circle Calendar 1516 , there is still one year before Ace goes to sea, and he is shrinking in the windmill with Monkey D. Luffy , the Son of Destiny. The town prepares for the sea.

I trot all the way to the playground, where a lot of Recruits have already gathered .

While nibbling on the last bun, Loya glanced at his colleagues around him.

" Bearded? I don't know. "

" Blonde sea horse? I don't know either. "

" The guy with the two swords ... still don't know him. "

After a circle of exploration, Loya swallowed the last mouthful with confidence, it was great, it was all tricks!

The dragons are good, all the dragons mean that he will not encounter any mess, and he can practice under Zephyr with confidence.

Soon, a person dressed as an Instructor came to the playground. Seeing that the rank should be a Rear Admiral , he faced Recruit and shouted loudly: "The seventh team! All assembly! "

The Recruits , who had gathered slowly when he appeared, heard the order and quickly ran together, standing in several columns. Loya didn't know where to stand, but fortunately, the number of Recruits was not very neat, and there were two vacancies in the last row, so he hurried over and stood up.

There was an opening remark, and then the Instructor turned to his right and stood at attention and salutes: "Zephyr Admiral , the seventh team of Recruit Battalion, there should be 53 people, and there are 53 people, please instruct! "

Loya heard the words and looked, sure enough, in a corner of the grass in the playground, Zephyr in a purple suit appeared there at some point. Recruit on the playground also saw him at the moment, and the formation was chaotic.

" That's ZephyrAdmiral , so excited! "

" Yeah, I saw Zephyr Admiral with my own eyes ! "

" Hey, you said, what is Zephyr Admiral doing in the Recruit camp today ? Isn't he generally only in charge of the training of the elite camp? "

" Probably because of that ..."

" That thing? Could it be! "

Hearing the humming sound in the team, Officer Rear Admiral 's face darkened and he shouted angrily: " Silence! "

The chaotic team just now fell silent, and the recruits held their heads high and did not dare to make trouble.

At this moment Zephyr also walked to the front of the team, looking at the energetic Recruits in front of him, he frowned vaguely. Although most of the Recruits who can enter the Marine headquarters for training are the children of Marine soldiers and have laid a good foundation since childhood, the Recruits in recent years are far from being compared with the previous ones in terms of strength and temperament. .

But now is not the time to express dissatisfaction. Today, he will take the time to come to the Recruit camp, just to see that good seedling, and announce the incident by the way.

" I'm here today to inform you of something. I think some people already know about it, that's right! The annual elite assessment of the Recruit camp is about to start! "


Although there was some speculation, when Zephyr officially announced the news, everyone was still very excited. It was an elite battalion, and once they graduated, they were all lieutenants with the lowest rank!

They are recruits from the headquarters , but if they are not strong enough, it is not impossible to become a Seaman First Class after graduation . Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. As a Marine , a member of the army, who doesn't want to climb to a higher position, and joining the elite battalion is a shortcut, enough to save them years of hard work.

" Quiet! If there are more critics, everyone will run 100 laps on the playground! " The Rear Admiral Instructor stood up again to maintain the order, and this time he also came up with the unique punishment method of the troops, sitting in a row!

All of a sudden, even if someone who can't keep his mouth wants to speak, the guys around him will immediately " help " him shut up.

Zephyr watched this scene expressionlessly, and waited for the team to calm down again before continuing: " However, don't be too happy! The elite assessment is also called the actual combat assessment! In other words, you need to face the real enemy. , Surviving the battle of life and death, only the best of them can join the elite camp, understand? "

" Yes! " The voice was weak, and it seemed that many Recruits were intimidated by Zephyr's word " survival " . Seeing this, Zephyr frowned impatiently and shouted again: " I didn't eat breakfast! I ask you, do you understand? "

" Understood! "

This time, his voice was much louder and neater. No matter what he was thinking, he couldn't provoke Zephyr now , or he wouldn't have good fruit to eat later.

Zephyr , who has brought countless Recruits , can't see what this group of guys is thinking, but he didn't explain, nodded, and turned to leave. But he didn't go too far, just sitting on the second floor on the opposite wall, watching the Recruit training through the glass window.

The actual combat assessment is really so terrifying, to the point of talking about the survival rate?

of course not.

Although Marine is a fighting force and needs to fight the pirates to the death, it is not a cruel underground arena. How can it be possible for Recruit to die in large numbers if they only pursue elites who are one in a hundred or one in a thousand.

Recruits ' first actual combat assessment is usually to send them to the small island where the Marine breeds beasts, hunt those beasts, and judge the merits and demerits according to their performance. Moreover, the island is full of surveillance phone bugs, and there is at least one Admiral among the accompanying Instructors , so the security aspect can be guaranteed.

The purpose of this is to make Recruit see blood. Only after they have really seen the blood will they go from being a hoax who only knows how to work hard and practice hard to become a soldier who can fight pirates with real swords and guns.

At that time, it will not be an actual combat assessment, and the word " assessment " should be removed.

However, there is no need to talk too much with Recruit . Once they are guaranteed and lose the fear of death, how can they become soldiers on their own? The flowers in the greenhouse can't stand the wind and rain, and the soldiers who don't know what death can't bear the name of Marine .

Marine headquarters, not a nursing home.


Zephyr left, the training began, with the group running 200 laps around the playground. This is the daily routine of the seven teams of the Recruit Battalion.

Recruit training camp is very large, and it is a full two kilometers in one circle. After all, there are seven teams of Recruits here. If it's not big, how can hundreds of people train in batches?

The seventh team that Loya is in is the last team, and only the last team will be dissatisfied with the staff when standing in the queue. But this last position is not divided according to strength, it is simply divided into groups according to the order of joining.

Thanks to the nine-year compulsory education, Loya has mastered the proficient long-distance running skills. He did not take the lead by relying on his physical strength, but maintained the rhythm of three steps, one exhalation, three steps and one inhalation, and kept in the middle of the team neither fast nor slow.

Dozens of laps ahead, gradually someone behind him overtook him, but he was unmoved, as long as it wasn't the last. At the critical point of 100 laps, a small number of Recruits began to fall behind, and were gradually overtaken by him.

In the last 50 laps, Loya maintained a constant speed, surpassed one Recruit after another , and came to the front of the team. There are not many guys who can maintain the lead at this time, only two or three.

" Isn't this physical? " Loya looked at the guys around him in admiration. After running for so long, his body didn't have any extra movements except for heavy breathing, and he stepped steadily on every step.
