
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs


With the battle finished, Killer led the crew back to the Victoria Punk so that everyone could get their injuries treated.

Kureha welcomed them with a smile "I could see that you've been through one hell of a battle out there" She said, taking a sip from the bottle of alcohol in her hand "Get inside, I'll treat your wounds" 

"We'll be in your care, Doctor" Killer responded, smiling behind his mask.

"By the way, where the trouble making brothers at?" she asked, while bringing her medical tools.

"Don't worry about them, they'll be here in a bit" Killer informed her.

Bonney who only had a few scratches in her body, didn't bother to treat them and went directly to the kitchen, took out all the food stored in and started eating it "Hmmm!!!...So delicious!! Food always tastes better after an exhausting fight"

'She didn't even struggle against her opponent' Heat and Wire both said in their heads as they both witnessed her entire fight earlier.

On the other side of the room, Saga was cleaning his katana from the blood of his opponent in silence.

"Tsk…I'm gonna have to upgrade my armor, it keeps breaking every time I fight" Krieg said in frustration while taking off his armor and examining it.

Gin grabbed two bottles of sake and brought one to Krieg before he sat on a couch near him, relaxing and enjoying his drink in peace.

"Why don't you use Dials? They're pretty powerful honestly, you can add them to you weapon arsenal as well…maybe implement them in your armor in your next upgrade" Gin suggested, he was with Krieg for a long time, and he even had some inputs on how Krieg upgraded his armor a few times.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that as well, I have a few ideas in my minds"

Back in Shandora, Kid, Wyper and Gan Fall were all resting on top of a collapsed building while Enel was lying unconscious on the ground before a figure was seen descending from the sky.

Kid raised his eyes upwards, recognizing him "He's back…"

Kai slowly descended on top a cloud. Once he reached the ground, he hopped off the cloud and approached the three before waving a hello to them.

"Yo!...Did you enjoyed that song?" Kai asked, putting his hands on his pockets.

"So, it was you…" Wyper got up and approached him "I really appreciate what you did, I apologize about my rudeness before. Being in a constant war, you start seeing everyone else who is not from your people as an enemy"

"I understand, you don't have to apologize"

"Well, I know that you guys are here for the gold. After all, almost all the blue sea people who came here before you came for that" Gan Fall said, then he added "We'll give you as much as you want, but please leave the golden bell. It's sacred to the people of Shandia"

"Don't worry, I won't steal it"

"Almost all of people? What kind of person comes here and not take the gold?" Kid questioned with curiosity.

"There was a Blue Sea Pirate who came to the sky island 20 years ago, Gol D. Roger" Gan Dall stated.

Kid's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing Roger's name, after all he was the King of The Pirates "Gold Roger you said?!!"

"You know him?"

"Of course, everyone down there knows who he is…he's the most famous man in the world, the King of Pirates!!" Kid exclaimed.

"I see, I heard a few years ago from some travelers who visited here that he died. Such a shame, he was a good friend of mine…he left me with such joyful memories" Gan Fall said.

Kai proceeded to put his hand on Kid's shoulder "His name is Gol D. Roger, not Gold Roger" He corrected him.

Kid raised an eyebrow, looking genuinely confused from that "Huh? The hell are you talking about? I always read Gold Roger in the newspapers, and everyone calls him that as well"

"Well, the World Government wants to hide the 'D.' in his name"


"The family of 'D.' the natural enemy of God, or the Celestial Dragons, there is something that happened in history that lead the World Government to fear the people of 'D.'…" Kai explained "Blackbeard that we fought before in Drums Island, his real name is Marshall D. Teach. The Whitebeard Commander that we met in the bar and that was after him is Portgas D. Ace and his little brother that he was looking for is Monkey D. Luffy…They all have nothing in common but the 'D.' in their names, so its meaning and origins could as well be related to the lost history of the world" 

"How do you know all that anyway?"

"I did some research in my free time"

"I didn't think you're into history this much" Kid remarked.

"Well, we will have to learn it at some point in our journey anyway" Kai said before turning to Wyper who was listening to their conversation in silence "Don't you want to find out about the reason why your ancestors were protecting the Poneglyph in the golden bell? You know…the stone with ancient scripture in it?" 

"What are you on?" Wyper asked.

With a serious face, Kai asked Wyper "I'm saying do you want to know what happened to Shandora 800 years ago for it to crumble to ruins? for the reason your ancestors fought to guard the city and the Poneglyph? And the ones responsible for that?"

"Are you saying that you know that?"

"No, I'm saying that I know where you can find that knowledge. The Pirate that we were speaking about before, Gol D. Roger, he travelled all the Grand Line and found the last hidden Island Laugh Tale…There he found an incredible treasure and he learned about the entire history of the world" 

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Wyper narrowed his eyes asking.

"Isn't it obvious? I need strong people in order to achieve the same thing. We're not the only pirates after that place you know, all the strong people around the world are after it. So, I'm gonna need the help of strong people like you to reach it…"

"…I'm giving you an offer to join my crew and sail the blue sea with us!! I promise you, if you join me you won't regret it" Kai gave him an offer join the crew 'Wyper is a very strong person for someone who doesn't have a devil fruit nor Haki, adding him to the crew will be one of the greatest additions and he will boost our power greatly'

Wyper gazed at Kai directly in the eyes, trying to see if there was a hint of lies or deceive in them. After a moment he shifted his gaze away and stood in his place in silence, deep in thoughts before he finally answered "I won't promise you anything, but I'll think about it. I'll give you my answer before you leave"

"That's good enough for me, take your time. Let's go Kid!" Kai proceeded to walk away. Kid picked up Enel on his shoulder and followed after him.

The two went back to the Victoria Punk afterwards.

A while later, in the Victoria Punk, 

When Kai and Kid made it back, they were surprised when they saw everyone celebrating on the ship. There was plenty of cooked food and drinks.

The sound of laughter could be heard from outside the ship. When the twins boarded the ship, everyone greeted with a smile.

"You're back, Kai!!" Bonney waved at his direction while holding a piece of meat on the other one "Come and join us!"

Kid went down to the ship's brig and locked Enel with sea stone shackles before going back up to the deck.

"Hey boss, let's have some fun!!" Heat and Wire looked already drunk.

"I won't say no to a party!" Kid said as he joined in excitement.

"Hey Kai! you got to see this!" Heat wrapped his arm around Kai's shoulder "Bonney taught us this funny dance that her father taught her…Hey Bonney let's do it again!"

Bonney looked excited when she was asked to do it "Hehe…They say Nika would always come along, laughing to this rhythm…" With a smile Bonney put down her food and got on her feet and started singing and dancing "DONDO-TO-TO!! DONDO-TO-TO!!"

Kai looked surprised, the way she danced was the same way Nika appears beside the moon, and the rhythm she was playing was similar to the Drums of Liberation, aka Joy Boy's heartbeat "Kahahaha! Unbelievable…to think that your father and you know this much about Nika, it's really something"

"Wahahaha!! That's pretty funny!" Heat remarked as he joined her and started mimicking her. And soon everyone joined in, even Kai himself thought it was pretty fun and he started dancing with everyone.