
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
110 Chs

The End of The Battle

[Sky Island, Upper Yard],

The battlefield became silent as all parties froze in their place upon hearing the sound of the bell. The Shandian, Enel's army and Kai's crew all knew what it meant.

"S-Someone rang the bell?!" One of Enel's four priest Shura, said in shock.

"Faffaffaffa!! It only means one thing…Kai and Kid won!" Killer declared.

"Stop spouting crap, there is no way Enel-sama would lose! He's an invincible God!" Shura shouted in anger while riding his giant bird 'Fuza'. The animal has a Flame Dial in his mouth, and with it he breathed a blast of fire towards Killer.

Killer easily jumped to the side avoiding the flames before he ran towards Shura and leaped in the air with his Punishers spinning rapidly.

Shura uses a javelin as weapon of choice, it has a Heat Dial inside of it, granting incendiary capabilities to the weapon, which burns whatever it strikes. Shura proceeded to thrust his weapon at Killer, aiming to stab him in the chest.

The latter saw that, and he turned his body to the side while mid-air before he slashed down Shura's bird in the neck, making him scream in pain while losing his balance before it crashed down.

"Fuza!!" Shura looked at his pet in worry before he shifted his attention back to Killer who was trying to strike him again "You masked bastard! I'll make you pay for this!"

"I'd like to see you try" Killer rushed towards Shura and slashed him around his neck while his Punishers were spinning, with the intent of decapitating him "Beheading Claws!!"

ZWOOOSH!! CLANG!! Shura managed to parry Killer's attack and countered by thrusting his javelin at him, stabbing him in the left shoulder. 

Killer purposefully received the hit and grabbed Shura's weapons with his left hand, preventing him from using it. 

"You took the attack head on?! Are you stupid!" Shura exclaimed in shock, and he tried to pull his weapon away, losing his focus for a moment and thus he was not able to predict Killer's next move using his Mantra. 

Since all the four priests have Observation Haki, it was difficult to land a hit on them unless they lose focus, or the other person was very fast or also a Haki user.

Killer smiled behind his mask as he made the sickle on his right Punisher spin so fast that it reached the speed of sound before striking Shura with it, slashing him across the chest and creating a soundwave slash that bypassed his external defenses and damaged him from the inside.

"Scyther Sonic!!!"

SPLASH!! Shura couldn't hold on anymore as that attack caused immense damage to his internal organs, and he passed out on the spot.

Killer clutched his injured shoulder while breathing with difficulty "Huff…Huff…it seems like this battle is coming into an end" He said, taking a glance at the other ongoing fights. 

Nearby, Saga was having his first real fight as a crewmember of the Eustass Pirates. And it was quite a challenging one.

Much like swordsmen like Zoro and Mihawk, and since Saga trained in the same dojo as Zoro he is also a dedicated follower of the samurai philosophy and doctrine of Bushido, such as the code of honor and integrity where he strictly fights fair and square.

In other words, he is a pure swordsman.

"Even Shura was taken down…it's all up to me now" Gedatsu said while greeting his teeth from frustration. He was frustrated about his comrades losing one after the other, and about his inability to take down the opponent in front of him as fast as he thought he would. 

Saga rushed towards Gedatsu while swinging his katana horizontally at him, aiming to cut him through the chest.

The latter managed to predicted Saga's move a split second before he done it, and he used the Milky Dials attached to his shoes to fly high up in the air avoiding the attack, and then descending towards Saga at a high speed. 

"Jet Punch!!" Gedatsu activated one of the Jet Dials on his elbows to throw a punch so fast that he disappeared. 

BAM! Saga received a hard blow on his chest and he was sent rolling on the ground, but he quickly rose on his feet once again.

"You're a tough man, I'll give you that" Gedatsu remarked.

Saga narrowed his eyes and his veins bulged "I've been through worse than this" He said, clenching his katana tightly before he closed his eyes and breathed slowly and steadily. Then he proceeded to slash the air around him in a circular manner, launching a compressed, crescent shape air projectile towards Gedatsu.

"One Sword Style…Crescent Moon Slash!!"

FWOOSH! Gedatsu was taken by surprise as he never expected Saga to be able to use projectile attacks. The flying slash was fast enough that even if Gedatsu saw it coming, it would take incredible speed to be able to dodge it in time, so he had no choice but to cross his arms in front of him and try to block it.

"A-AGHH! Damn it!...my arms!" Gedatsu screamed in pain as he was shaken by the attack and both his arms were injured from trying to stop it. 

'Now!' Saga exclaimed in his head, as he took the opportunity to strike his disoriented enemy. He swiftly rushed towards Gedatsu while grassping his weapon with both hands, leaping in the air and raising his katana upwards before swinging it down while descending towards him.

"One Sword Style…Moon Splitting Blade!!"

"Fuck!!..." Gedatsu look startled and he proceeded to strike back Saga at the same time "Jet Punch!!" he activated one of the Jet Dials on his elbows to throw another fast punch, fast enough that he disappeared.


But it was useless…

SPLASH!! Blood splashed from Gedatsu's chest as Saga appeared behind him with his katana painted crimson red. The last standing priest was defeated and collapsed in the battlefield.

*SHING* Saga slowly put his katana back to its sheath and walked away victorious.

Bonney, Krieg and Gin were all still fighting their opponents.

Bonney was facing the commander of the Divine Soldiers Yama. Who on oppose to his obese look is very acrobatic, agile, and fast. His comparatively tiny limbs are very strong as well.

Yama proceeded to jump in the air and then used the momentum to perform a body slam, targeting Bonney, whish with his weight, can be devastating.

"Mountain Belly!!"

BOOOM!! Bonney jumped to the side avoiding it, and the ground where Yama landed was destroyed from the force of the attack. 

"That's pretty dangerous!" Bonney remarked while observing Yama who quickly got on his feet and charged at her before throwing a simple punch, yet it was a powerful one due to Yama's strength and weight.

BAM! Bonney punched him back and their fists clashed against each other.


"HAAA!!" The two kept pushing each other, but Yama was obviously physically stronger than Bonney when she's in her normal form, so she swiftly retracted her fist leaped in the air while using her ability to age herself up into a possible future version, gaining a physique she imagined like Nika, and enlarged her arm similar to a giant arm.

"Distorted Future…Nika-Like Future!!!"

"Huh?! What kind of ability is that?!" Yama was taken aback by Bonney's ability, but he proceeded to leap into the air as well, flipped several times, and delivered a flying drop kick to her. 

BAM!! Once again, both their attacks connected, Bonney giant fist and Yama's leg. But their clash didn't last long before Yama was quickly overpowered by Bonney's strength.

Bonney ended up slamming his body into the ground, rendering him unconscious. She landed near him before she clutched her growling stomach and said "*GROWL*…I'm really hungry, I want some pizza…fighting always makes me very hungry"

Beside her, Krieg and Gin's fights were coming to an end as well. The duo was fighting Lieutenants Kotori and Hotori, the younger twin brothers of Satori, one of Enel's four priest that was defeated by Wyper earlier.

Gin was fighting in his half human, half panther form. While Krieg used his gauntlets, the 'Diamond Fists'. metal gauntlets with a small diamond over each knuckle and a larger one on the back of each hand. Combined with Krieg's natural strength, these can shatter a full-sized mast in one blow.

Krieg charged at one of the twins, when the latter saw him, he used an Impact Dial hidden on his arm on Krieg, unleashing a powerful blast of compressed force towards him.

The Impact Dial was strong enough to crack Krieg's armor, but not enough to destroy it "You think a pathetic attack like that is gonna stop on me?! Know your place insect!!" Krieg exclaimed as he charged towards him again and sent a barrage of powerful punches from every angle and direction, trying to overwhelm him. 


His opponent had no choice but to get in a defensive position and try to block as many as he could. When his twin brother saw that, he immediately came to help him and attack Krieg from the side. 

Using an Axe Dial whish able store and release slashes. He delivered a thin slashing blast in the shape of an X that is capable of slicing through iron in one blow. 

"I won't let you!"

CLANG! BAM! Gin suddenly appeared in front of him, redirecting the slash away using his sharp claw.

"It seems like you forgot about me" Gin said while gazing at him with his sharp eyes, he was carrying one tonfa in his left hand since the other one was destroyed by Marine Captain Shu in Asuka Island.

Gin proceeded to reveal his sharp teeth while growling loudly and then…he suddenly disappeared, moving at an extremely high speed that he gained because of his Zoan fruit and then he leaped in the air.

He spun sideways in the air while his body was facing the ground and swinging his tonfa, generating powerful winds around him in the shape of a sphere, before he descended towards his opponent and smashed his face with his weapon. 

"Demonic Devour!!" Gin managed to break his opponent's teeth, jaw and nose while sending him flying away defeated. 

"Eat this!...A champion's punch!!" Krieg shouted while grabbing his opponent by the shoulder and punching him down to the ground with his diamond gauntlets.

BAAAM!! The punch generated a powerful shockwave while destroying the ground below, smashing Krieg's enemy into the ground and causing enough damage that his face was unrecognizable afterwards. 

"Kuhahaha!! That's what you get for standing in my way you garbage of a fighter!" Krieg taunted his defeated enemy, but he did not stop there, and he kept bashing his head with his feet afterwards. 

"That's enough Krieg, he already lost" Gin said to Krieg as he walked up to him. He slowly shifted back to his human form. 

Krieg smiled before he responded "You're right, it's not worth wasting my time on him anymore" 


And with that the battle finally came to an end, with all the higher rankings of Enel's Army defeated, the rest lost their will to fight surrendered. The Shandian did not attack the crew afterwards, but they also didn't show gratitude to them.