
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Back on The Blue Sea

A few days have passed since the battle with Enel and his army ended. Everyone rested well and recovered from their injuries.

The first thing Kai done after his victory is stealing Enel's Goro Goro no Mi and gave it to Killer. As the third strongest member and the Vice Captain of the crew, he was the most deserving of having it.

It was also perfect for his fighting style since Killer relies on speed so much in his combat. But more importantly, it would have much more potential in the hands of someone as strong as him. 

Krieg got his hands on some powerful Dials, and he decided to add them into his arsenal while also using some in his newly built, upgraded version of his armor.

As for Skypiea, it went through some changes in the past few days, the most important ones are Gan Fall becoming the new God of Skypiea for the second time in his life as well as the truce between the Shandian and The Skypiean.

So now the war was finally over, for the first time in 400 hundred years. Other than that, Shandia went back to Shandora and they started rebuilding the ancient city it in order to inhabit it once more.

Kai and the rest took down all the gold that Enel stole from Shandora in order to build his flying arc 'Maxim'. But Kai didn't completely destroy the Ark, and he kept its blueprints safe to rebuild it again.

After all who wouldn't want to go in a trip to the moon.


[Sky Island, Angel Beach]

The ship was docked near the island's shore while the crew was loading supplies inside.

"I think we have enough food with us!" Wire said while carrying a large crate of fresh sea food of the Sky Island.

"I don't think so…" Heat responded while placing a large barrel of sake. 

"What do you mean, this is enough for a month" Wire asked.

"Did you forget who's with us?" Heat said while glancing at Bonney and Kid.

"Yeap, you're right…forgot about that" 

The crew was preparing to leave the Sky Island today since the Log Pose captured the magnetic fields of the next island.

Kai was sitting on the ship's railing enjoying the breathtaking view that Angel Island offered. He was also eagerly waiting for the arrival of a certain person.

"We're ready to leave any time, Kai!!" Killer informed him. Kai waved his hand in understanding while calmly sitting in his place.

Kid approached him from behind and offered him a drink "Still waiting for that Shandian guy?" 

Kai nodded his head, taking the drink "Yeah, he's got a lot of potential. It's really hard to find someone like him these days…it would be a shame if we can't have him in the crew" 


Thirty minutes have passed, and Wyper still haven't showed up yet. Kai sighed in frustration as he stood up, he wanted to believe in Calgara's descendant, but it seems that he had his hopes up for nothing.

"Looks like your guy is not coming" Kid commented while he was checking his flintlock pistol and sharpening his dagger.

"Maybe not everyone is ready to leave his home for an adventure into the unknown" Saga stated, he himself was in the same position as Wyper a few weeks ago when Kai offered him an invitation to join the crew.

"Shame, he seemed like a cool guy to hang out with!" Bonney said while sitting on top of the ship's mast.

"It can't be helped then…lower the sails!! We'll leave at once!!" Kai gave the order, and everyone got into their respective positions. Killer took the helm, Heat assumed navigational duties, Saga and Gin raised the anchor and Wire and Krieg lowered the sails "We will go back the way we came from the first day!"

"Aye-aye captain!!" Killer replied while rotating the helm to the side and the Victoria Punk started sailing away from Angel Island. But before it could make it far, everyone heard the voice of shouting behind them. 

"Hey, guys!! Someone is following the ship!!" Bonney stated while looking with a spyglass from the top of the main mast "…It's a Shandia Warrior!" 


Kai quickly glanced outside the ship. A smile stretched across his face when he saw Wyper "Hahaha…you came after all!" 

Wyper was using his Shooter to travel on the sea clouds with a high speed. He proceeded to hop in the air and landed inside the ship with grace.

"How could you leave like this after inviting me to your crew?!" Wyper exclaimed.

"Everyone thought you won't be coming" Kai said. 

"Tsk…" Wyper proceeded to light up a new cigarette "…Puff…I'll take your offer…But you better keep your promise. If I find out that you've been lying about what you said before, I'll kill you myself, you understand?" 

"Sounds good to me" Kai stretched his hand to Wyper for a handshake. Wyper looked at him for a second before he shook his hand with a smile "Welcome to the crew"

"I'll be in your care" Wyper said. But his welcoming was quickly interrupted by the loud ringing of the Golden Bell.


Wyper looked at the direction of the Upper Yard with a smile "Haha, those guys…I'll come back in the future for sure, just wait for me"

RING!! RING!! The ones who rang the bell were the Shandian of course, they were singing goodbye to their comrade and fellow warrior who helped bring peace and prosperity to Shandia at last.

"Alright everyone!! Hold into something tightly, we're about to fall!!" Killer informed everyone, before they reached the edge of the sea cloud and the ship started falling down from the sky. However, an octopus jumped out from sea clouds beside them and wrapped his tentacles around the ship and helped slow down their descend.

"What the hell?"

"Whoa! A giant octopus?" Bonney looked at it in relief "We've slowed down because of him"

"What a relief, the ship who get wreaked if it falls from this high"

After a few minutes of descending, before completely reaching the bottom the octopus started shrinking because of the atmosphere until he became a small sized one and the ship fell down the few meters that were left.

BAAAM!! Thankful it wasn't high enough for the ship to take a lot of damage.

"Is everyone safe?" Kai asked while getting up again, scanning the ship to see if everyone was there and safe "It seems so"

"Blue sea…" Kid muttered as he looked outside the ship "…I missed it" He said, taking a deep breath and inhaling the salty smell of the sea.

Wyper on the other hand, it was his first time seeing the ocean and it was very beautiful, better than he imagined it to be "So this is the Blue Sea…It's very beautiful"

"You still haven't seen anything yet, you'll be surprised at how big the world is" Kai told him.

"Hmm?...it's the newspaper bird" Gin noticed the bird flying towards the ship while carrying a newspaper with him. He brought out a coin from his pocket and threw it to the bird, prompting it to drop the newspaper and fly away.

Gin opened it and read the news, when he saw how important it was, he immediately called Kai and Kid "Hey captain! You might wanna see this!"

"What is it?" Kai questioned while approaching him before he glanced at the headline of the news.

[The Previous Warlord of The Sea 'Desert King' Sir Crocodile defeated and arrested by Captain of the Navy Smoker]

The newspaper was talking about the news of Crocodile's defeat, but they obviously didn't state that pirate Monkey D. Luffy was the one who took him down. Instead, they gave credit to Captain Smoker who was present in Arabasta at the same time.

The newspaper also states that Crocodile will be transported into Impel Down where he would be imprisoned for his crimes. Meanwhile his Warlord seat will stay empty until a new fitting pirate appears.

Kai looked satisfied while reading the news "Perfect…now I can make my move"

Kai's plan was simple, save Crocodile from Smoker and then form an alliance with Crocodile. 

Kai wants to establish a partnership with the future founder of the Cross Guild.