
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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298 Chs

Chapter 90 : Buster Call Activated!


"Is it finally happening?"

Sengoku gazed at the picture in the sky, a glimmer of curiosity gracing his features.

"Garp, what are your thoughts on who is stronger? Your Grandson or CP9 member, Rob Lucci?"

"But I've heard that among this generation of CP9, Lucci is the most potent!"

"He's even been called the ultimate assassination weapon..."

Garp, upon hearing this, couldn't help but display a hint of seriousness.

"As much as I'd love for Luffy to emerge victorious, as a member of the Marine, I've heard about Lucci as well as you have."

"His strength is remarkable, and he's one who's honed the Marine's six powers to the utmost..."

"Luffy's battle won't be a cakewalk."

It was at this moment that Akainu spoke.

"Hmph, how could a mere pirate defeat CP9?"

"The other members are one thing, but Lucci has received training beyond that of an ordinary person since he was a child, and his strength is unparalleled among his peers."

"In this battle, the Straw Hat boy will lose."

"After all, he won't win by merely consuming shadows and exploiting fruit weaknesses, as in his last two battles."

Upon hearing Akainu's words, Aokiji and Kizaru standing nearby remained noncommittal.

Evidently, they shared the same sentiments...

After all, the first two victories against Moria and Enel were against all odds, and they owed much to luck.

Moria's most significant setback was caused by Luffy, who consumed numerous shadows, defeating Oz and nearly depleting Moria's strength.

If not for this factor, they would not have reached dawn, and Moria would not have exhausted himself, spitting out all the shadows.

As for Enel... the element of luck played an even more substantial role.

Enel's Thunder Fruit was virtually invincible, but he encountered the only Devil Fruit that had a restraining effect on it.

Had Luffy not been made of rubber, he might not have even seen the day before being electrocuted.

Therefore, despite Luffy's two improbable victories, Akainu remained unconvinced that Luffy could sustain his good fortune and defeat CP9.

After all, CP9 was a government-sanctioned assassination organization with rigorous training, and they wouldn't make small, low-level mistakes.

In this battle, the Straw Hats were destined to lose, and Akainu was brimming with confidence!

Meanwhile, in Water 7..

CP9 had demolished the entire Franky House. Kaku, Kumadori, Fukuro, and Blueno had fanned out across various streets, blocking intersections.

They also alerted other clandestine organizations and the Marine to swiftly blockade Water 7.

It was now confirmed that Franky possessed the Pluton blueprints, and he could not be allowed to escape; he had to be captured right there.

As for Lucci and Kalifa, they waited at the center...

"Did I finally meet the Straw Hat Kid?"

"Heh, now he'll experience despair..."

In Lucci's heart, Luffy's strength was no match. He was brimming with absolute confidence in his own abilities!

Even though Luffy had already defeated three CP9 members, including Blueno, Kumadori, and Fukuro, Lucci remained unperturbed because...

Although he was a member of CP9, their strengths were worlds apart!

Kalifa, too, had absolute faith in the man before her, and she was certain that the farce would come to an end here.

CP9 was not something the Straw Hat Pirates could handle.

An irrepressible excitement welled up in Lucci's heart.

"Straw Hat Kid... you're in for it!"

In a spacious passage area, Lucci and Luffy finally crossed paths.

They stared at each other from a distance—Luffy's face determined, Lucci's gaze mocking.

"Straw hat brat, I truly admire your audacity in invading Enies Lobby alone and seeking me out!"

"Do you even realize the consequences?"

Luffy, seeing the figure before him, exploded with anger.

"You're mistaken! I'm not here alone!"

"Sogeking, Nami, Chopper, Franky, and the shipwrights of Water 7—all of them have come with me!"

"My comrades will be here shortly!"

"We all have one purpose: to defeat you and save Robin!"

Upon hearing this, Lucci, though briefly stunned, let the mockery on his face intensify.

"Oh? In that case, let's bury them all right here."

"After all, whether I kill you alone or a group of you, it makes no difference to me."

Meanwhile, as Luffy spoke, everyone was engaged in the battle to rescue Robin.

Usopp, Nami, and Franky's comrades and the shipwrights of Water 7, all fought bravely.

Even Franky, who had narrowly escaped danger, chose to stay and support Luffy.

Despite the hardships and perils, no one wavered.

They had a single goal: to save Robin.

For that purpose, they were ready to defy Enies Lobby and the World Government, without hesitation.

In the Revolutionary Army's headquarters...


"What a touching display of friendship!"

"It brings tears to my eyes..."

Ivankov's flamboyant presence and teary eyes were hard to miss, reflecting the depth of emotion he felt at that moment.

It was becoming increasingly conspicuous. The commander of the Revolutionary Army watched in speechless disbelief but refrained from commenting any further.

They may not be as extravagant as Emporio Ivankov, but it's undeniable...

The camaraderie within the Straw Hat crew is genuinely moving!


"The Straw Hat Pirates..."

Sabo stared at the sky with a fixed gaze, falling into a trance. 

For some reason, the more he observed Luffy in those scenes, the stronger the inexplicable sense of familiarity surged in his heart.

This feeling both puzzled and gnawed at him.

Could it be...

Is his lost memory somehow connected to Luffy?

[Meanwhile, as the battle raged outside...]

[Spandam was still rushing towards the Gates of Justice with Nico Robin in tow.]

[Due to being shackled with Seastone restraints and severely injured, Robin was utterly powerless.]

[Spandam cursed under his breath as they hurried along.]

"What is the Marine and CP-9 even doing, allowing that group of pirates to infiltrate?!"

Spandam grew increasingly irate with each word and, without hesitation, grabbed a Transponder Snail from his pocket to communicate with the outside world.

"Hey, have you dealt with the pirates outside?"

"They must not breach the Tower of Justice and leave any of the pirates alive!"

At this moment, Robin's face visibly paled—not because of Spandam's words, but due to the Transponder Snail in his hand!

Spandam, too, soon realized his grave mistake.

Because he had made a gross error.

The Transponder he had just pressed was not a standard communication device—it was a golden Transponder Snail designed to activate the Buster Call!

Once the button on the golden Transponder Snail was pressed, it wouldn't make contact with the outside world, but instead, it would immediately alert the Marine Headquarters to the execution of the Buster Call.

Spandam was bewildered, and so was Robin.


He cried out, suspecting that he was seeing things, and pulled out another Transponder Snail, intended for regular calls, from his bag.

It wasn't until this very moment that he was absolutely certain: he had indeed chosen the wrong one!

"Cancel it immediately!"

Robin screamed in terror, well aware of the horrors of the Buster Call. She yelled at Spandam with desperation.

Initially, Spandam considered canceling the order, but as the insults flew from Robin's mouth...

His anger flared up instantly!

"What if I don't cancel it? I find your anger and despair quite entertaining!"

Robin was so infuriated that she was left speechless. She wanted to end Spandam right then and there!

And Spandam continued to taunt and mock, his arrogance reaching its pinnacle.

What's more, during this mockery, he accidentally activated the Buster Call.

The primary Transponder Snail could connect to the announcement system, broadcasting throughout the entire Enies Lobby.

At that very moment, everyone on Enies Lobby overheard Robin and Spandam conversation.

And they learned that he had initiated the dreaded Buster Call!

What's worse, he had yet to cancel it, basking in his foolish pride.

At that moment, everyone was in shock. This included even those like Rob Lucci, who had been adversaries of Luffy. He couldn't help but furrow his brow.

He knew that Spandam was not the brightest, but he hadn't expected him to be this utterly incompetent.

At the Marine Headquarters...

As they witnessed the appalling display of Spandam's incompetence, everyone was thunderstruck.

There wasn't a single person who didn't question the Marine's judgment in allowing such a bumbling fool to be entrusted with such a significant responsibility.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku's face turned pale, and his body trembled as he glanced at Aokiji.

"Look at the mess you've created!"

"You entrusted something so crucial to such an imbecile!"

"Can this even be activated casually?"

"To have it activated in such a foolish manner by him... it's beyond belief!"

Aokiji replied calmly, "Calm down, Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

Even he, though, had a strong urge to storm in and throttle Spandam.


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