
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs

Chapter 89 : Finally?

[Chopper ate three Rumble Balls, and the power within his body became wildly imbalanced, transforming him into a monstrous form.]

[As Kumadori witnessed this, a cold sweat began to trickle down his forehead...]

[What kind of creature had he become?]

[Yet, despite the fear coursing through his veins, he had no choice but to attack!]

[His attack, however, was futile against Chopper, as he stood unmovable, like a skyscraper unaffected by the wind.]

[He unleashed my Rankyaku once again, and within moments, dozens of air slashes filled the air!]

[Yet, these slashes met Chopper without causing any harm. He remained unmoved, not even a strand of hair was cut.]

"How is this possible?"

[Chopper moved...]

[He lightly swatted downwards, and Kumadori was slammed into the floor tiles, blood gushing out instantly!]

[In a frenzy, Chopper unleashed more than a dozen more strikes...]

[If Kumadori couldn't withstand a single slap, how could he endure so many blows?]

[Though the Blue Rumble Ball effect lasts only three minutes, it took just three seconds to incapacitate him.]

[The result was as expected; after Chopper ceased his assault, Kumadori was covered in blood, his body a grotesque mess, and eyes rolled back.]

[Meanwhile, outside...]

[Franky and Fukuro had been locked in a fierce battle for some time.]

[But after some skillful maneuvering, Franky used his cannonballs to knock out Fukuro.]

[With that, Fukuro joined Blueno as CP9 members who had been eliminated...]

[Worried about little Chopper's safety, Franky rushed to the tower's top again, but...]

[Upon reaching there, he was met with an utterly horrifying sight!]

[A massive creature, wearing a hat identical to Chopper's, was clutching a bloody and unconscious Fukuro and glaring straight at him.]

[Franky was on the brink of terror at that moment.]

[Chopper had lost his sanity and could no longer distinguish friend from foe, but his determination to save Robin remained.]

[He flung Fukuro's limp body as if it were trash and hurled it in Franky's direction.]

[Step by step, he ascended the Tower of Justice, leaning on his colossal form...]

[As Franky gazed upon the scene of devastation, he was utterly dumbfounded.]

[That creature... wasn't that the reindeer who could speak human language?]

Marine Headquarters!

Upon seeing the image of Chopper transformed into a monstrous state, even Garp and the others were left in awe.

"The defensive capabilities, the sheer power..."

"Who would have thought this seemingly harmless reindeer possessed such terrifying might?"

Sengoku nodded in agreement.

"Even CP9 members couldn't withstand a single strike; this is truly frightening."

"But this loss of sanity and inability to distinguish between friend and foe also poses a significant danger to allies."

"If he ever finds a way to control this state, his power will reach unprecedented heights."

Though Garp and Sengoku felt that Chopper's violent state posed no threat to them, they couldn't help but admire his strength. After all, during this period, Luffy and his crew were still budding newcomers.

For someone at his level, Chopper had displayed remarkable destructive power, surpassing all expectations.

Chopper's newfound prowess also left the three Admirals, as well as the CP9 members and others, in mild astonishment.

They hadn't anticipated that a seemingly unremarkable reindeer like Chopper harbored such a potent ace up his sleeve.

It was this discovery that left Aokiji slightly annoyed.

"How on earth did the department responsible for assigning bounties miscalculate this?"

"An entity of such peril, yet his bounty is merely 100 Berries?"

"Based on the destruction we've witnessed, even 100 million Berries would be insufficient!"

Revolutionary Army!

"Who would have thought that the little reindeer was this powerful?"

The Revolutionary Army's Commanders were equally amazed, gazing at Chopper's formidable form.

Many shivered, including Sabo.

"Even CP9 members were destroyed in mere seconds?"

"It's a pity that this transformation only lasts three minutes. If it were longer..."

"Enies Lobby would likely have been reduced to rubble!"

Sabo's words left no room for doubt.

"Such a barbaric destructive power, and a defense that even Rankyaku can't break... It's no exaggeration to call it a monster!

Seemingly... All this time, I and others have underestimated this deer.

As a doctor, his combat effectiveness is not weak at all!

Fortunately, he can only last for three minutes; if he is allowed to last for three days, I'm afraid even waiting for someone to help won't be enough. 

Uncharted waters...


"Chopper is actually so strong!?"

Luffy and Usopp stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the sky with a surprised expression.

Their faces were filled with envy and admiration!

Since Usopp got on board, there have been people who often butt heads with Luffy, which makes Nami very concerned.

But now, even she is shocked by the transformation of Chopper.

Franky and Robin are no exception...

All along, they knew that Chopper had a special feature, and that was the Rumble Ball!

Consuming the Rumble Ball, Chopper can transform into a variety of forms, increasing his strength, speed, and defense.

But they never expected that he had such a monstrous form! The destructive power is terrifying!

Luffy, Usopp, Nami, and the others were in shock. Robin, on the other hand, was deeply moved.

She saw that even in this uncontrollable form, Chopper didn't forget to protect his crewmates.

Watching his enormous form slowly climb the Justice Tower, she couldn't help but shed tears.

All of their crewmates were trying to save each other.

So, if that's the case, what reason is there not to live well? At that moment, Robin's perspective on life changed.

Even though she hadn't personally experienced the events on Enies Lobby, it was clear to her that there was a crewmate on this ship who cared about her—she had a reason to live!

[As Chopper charges ahead to deal with the pursuers and Franky takes care of the gatekeeper Fukuro...]

[On the other side, Zoro and Usopp are constantly on the run.]

[Thankfully, neither of them had eaten a devil fruit, or they'd be completely immobilized.]

[I doubt they would have the strength to keep running...]

[Luckily, Kaku and Jabra are at odds with each other, bickering during their chase.]

[Otherwise, with their combined pursuit, Zoro and Usopp would be severely injured or worse.]

[Seeing that Chopper hasn't been sighted despite running for so long, Zoro realized that waiting wasn't an option.]

[It's better to rely on themselves than anyone else!]

"Usopp, I've thought of a brilliant solution!"

"Oh? What is it?"

"Cut off one of our arms, and we can escape this situation!"

The audience was left in shock when they heard Zoro's words.

Then, they were amazed...

That's a harsh decision!

If they didn't take this drastic step, they'd have no way out.

[Usopp's face darkened. What kind of crazy idea was Zoro suggesting?]

[At this point, he really wanted to ask Zoro if he was joking.]

[But looking at Zoro's deadly serious expression, Usopp understood he didn't need to ask. He was dead serious.]

"Fart! If anyone's cutting off an arm, it's going to be yours, not mine!"

Zoro explained earnestly, "If you cut off mine, I won't be able to adapt quickly, and fighting with just one arm will affect the battle. It's better if it's you."

Usopp was furious. "I knew from the moment you came up with this idea that you wanted to cut off my hands. No way, it's never happening!"

With all his strength, Usopp sprinted away.

At that moment, Zoro spoke again. "I've thought of another brilliant solution!"

Usopp was bewildered. "No matter what solution you have in mind, there's no way you're cutting off my hand!"

A wicked smile formed on Zoro's lips. "Don't worry, neither of us has to cut off our hands..."

[The next moment...]

[Zoro decisively drew two swords and assumed a fighting stance.]

As for Usopp... he lay flat on Zoro's hand, merging with the sword.

Though he felt exhausted, he couldn't help but be terrified.

This perspective... could it be called the ultimate first-person view?


Meanwhile, in the deepest part of the Tower of Justice...


Luffy had finally found the right path after running in the wrong direction countless times and was about to catch up with Robin, who was on the verge of being taken into the Gates of Justice.

Hearing Luffy's voice, Robin was shocked, and even Spandam was taken aback.

As for Rob Lucci... a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Straw Hat boy, have you finally caught up?

"You go ahead; I'll handle him..."

Lucci, who had no desire to stay by Spandam's side for long, casually remarked and then headed towards Luffy.

At that moment, the blood in Lucci's veins surged with the excitement of battle.

Luffy and Lucci, in the truest sense, were about to face off on Enies Lobby for the first time!


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