
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Chapter 83 : Robin!!!

The stance of Luffy and his comrades atop the walls of Enies Lobby...

It undeniably sent shockwaves throughout the entire world!

Their unwavering determination, their unyielding spirit left an indelible mark on the hearts of all who beheld them.

In this pivotal moment, whether it was the Marines, pirates, revolutionaries, or the citizens of various kingdoms, all were stirred into action...

All because of this singular image that was profoundly astounding!

Furthermore, the sheer audacity of their struggle took place on the hallowed ground of Enies Lobby, a symbol of the World Government's authority.

The Straw Hat Pirates were fighting for their friends under the looming threat of the World Government!

Their fervor and resolution were incredibly moving...

["The sight of the Straw Hat Pirates has taken the Marines and the undercover agents at Enies Lobby completely off guard."]

[Spandam, who was as spineless as a mouse, was nearly terrified, but as he gazed upon the CP9 agents before him, he felt a bit more assured.]

[He gave them a fierce command: "I order you to eliminate the pirates before you!"]

["However, they must be dispatched only on this island and must not leave..."]

[Hearing this, Lucci, Kaku, and the others couldn't hide their displeasure.]

[They knew all too well what Spandam meant, for it was only by slaying the Straw Hats on this island that he could claim the credit.]

[This would secure his long-anticipated promotion...]

[Spandam's eyes bore into Luffy and his crew, a madness lurking within.]

[To him, Luffy at this moment was nothing more than a stepping stone to his ascent!]

[Enies Lobby, with its formidable Marines, the ruthless CP9 agents...]

[And the ominous Golden Den Den Mushi capable of issuing a Buster Call!]

[Rubbing the Golden Den Den Mushi in his hand, Spandam wore a triumphant grin.]

[When Robin laid eyes on the Golden Den Den Mushi, it stirred up a multitude of memories...]

Navy Headquarters...

Garp, Sengoku, and even the Admirals like Akainu found themselves increasingly displeased as they gazed upon Spandam in the image.

For his treacherous and mercenary nature, he truly deserved a beating!

In all honesty, if it weren't for this image...

Garp felt a strong urge to storm in, lift Spandam by the collar, and give him a proper thrashing!

Even the Admirals, including Aokiji, were left speechless at this point...

They couldn't fathom how their future selves could ever intersect with such an individual.

The fact that they entrusted the Golden Den Den Mushi, which represented the Buster Call, to him was mind-boggling...

It wasn't just the Navy that was incensed.

Even the members of the Revolutionary Army, as well as the Fish-Man Pirates, found themselves deeply aggrieved.

They all shared the same sentiment – if they ever encountered Spandam at sea, they'd make him pay for his treachery...

[As a child, Robin had lived on Ohara, a sacred land for archaeology.]

[She had experienced moments of happiness there, but her life took a dark turn when the World Government initiated the Buster Call.]

[Robin bore witness to what could only be described as hell, enduring unimaginable pain.]

[Upon escaping, she was nothing more than a defenseless child, yet her bounty soared to a staggering 79 million Berries.]

[Every step of her journey, she encountered those with hidden agendas, individuals who sought to exploit her.]

[Trust was a rarity, as most viewed her as a living sin that should not exist.]

[Over time, even Robin questioned her own existence...]

[But with the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates, a glimmer of hope pierced her darkness.]

[Faced with the World Government's threat, Luffy and his crew stood unwavering.]

["Sogeking, shoot down that World Government flag!"]

[As the World Government's flag fell, it was undeniable – Luffy and his friends were here for real!]

["Robin, remember the advice you received as a child..."]

["The world is vast, and one day you'll find true companions."]

[Tears welled up in Robin's eyes, for she had finally found those sincere companions.]

["I want to live..."]

["Take me with you to the sea!"]

[Robin's tears flowed freely, and her voice echoed throughout Enies Lobby.]

[A smile graced Luffy's face at this moment.]

"Robin, we'll get you back to the sea, I promise..."

At this moment...

The world trembled!

Finally, the world understood Robin's origins.

Her life had been a harrowing journey, filled with untold suffering.

All along the way, she had faced countless hardships.

Her tragic tale was unveiled...

In the hearts of those who watched, sympathy for Robin welled up, and they were deeply moved.

They now comprehended the reason behind Ohara's destruction...

Was it all to conceal a hundred years of hidden history?

Did this history contain secrets that even the World Government was ignorant of?

At this instant, the world's doubts about the World Government intensified significantly.

The World Government's prestige began to crumble...

Even at Marine Headquarters, unrest brewed...

"The Buster Call on Ohara was authorized by you!"

"The two Admirals, the Fleet Admiral himself!"

"This inhumane destruction and the flimsy justifications – I've never been in agreement."

"The World Government may have been wrong in certain respects..."

Garp looked at Sengoku and spoke with regret etched on his face.

From the outset, he had opposed these actions.

Even if the World Government wishes to prevent someone from investigating that hundred years of history, it doesn't require orders for slaughter, right?

However, he was sent to other places on a mission and couldn't participate at all...

Sengoku listened to Garp's lesson, and his expression couldn't help but change slightly.

Even though he was in charge of that matter, he also felt a little uneasy.

But all of this is an order from above, and I have no choice but to carry it out...

Akainu suddenly spoke: "It's a shame that there is still a survivor who escaped, but it's alright; one day I will personally resolve it!"

There was an unwavering determination on his face.

After all, the justice that Akainu upholds is the perfect execution of the World Government's will, leaving no room for any unfavorable factors to exist!

Even if he directly bombarded O'Hara's refuge ship at the beginning, he still doesn't feel the slightest bit guilty.

This kind of unyielding dedication to justice makes both the Kizaru and Aokiji sigh to themselves.

But Akainu turned around...

"But what puzzles me is how this little girl, who was only a few years old, managed to escape the Buster Call."

As soon as these words were uttered, Hina, the Kizaru, was also puzzled.

"Yes, to escape under the Buster Call, Nico Robin is truly remarkable."

"This is quite unusual."

Aokiji's face involuntarily changed slightly.

Because no one knows better than him how Robin escaped...

The reason he let Robin go in the first place wasn't just out of guilt; it was also driven by the justice in his heart.


The justice between the two is slightly different.

"But no matter how she escaped, she can't evade the World Government's punishment."

"Straw Hat Luffy, and Nico Robin, there are currently two major criminals on this ship!"

"And they have also launched a mass attack on Enies Lobby, hm..."

"This is a significant crime!"

A touch of excitement appeared on Akainu's face.

Because the more chaos Luffy and the others caused, the more time he could personally arrest them...

"It's about to begin, everyone!"

"After getting Robin's confirmation, Luffy began to prepare for a big fight!"

"Sanji, Nami, Sogeking, Chopper, and the rest, too!"

And on the opposite side...

A group of CP9 agents led by Lucci looked at Luffy and the others, a sinister smile on their faces.

The CP9 members couldn't understand the conversation between Robin and Luffy at all.

In their eyes, anyone who dared to defy the World Government's banner in the name of freedom was foolish and pitiable.

They were also rubbing their hands, ready to begin the hunt.

Hunting this group of pirates who had infiltrated Enies Lobby, not caring whether they lived or died, and underestimating the World Government's might!

The atmosphere grew increasingly eerie, and the great battle was drawing near!


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