
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 85 : Battle Begins!

[With the help of the Sea Train, Monkey D. Luffy and his crew burst through the gates of Enies Lobby directly!]

[At that moment, Spandam was nearly terrified!]

[He swiftly seized Nico Robin, who was bound, and headed for the Gates of Justice.]

[He also ordered the CP9's strongest member, Rob Lucci, to protect closely. As for the others...]

[You can enjoy yourselves! Open the gates to the battle!]

Whitebeard Pirates...

"The battle between CP9 and the Straw Hat Pirates has officially begun!"

Whitebeard gazed at the sky with a slight smile playing on his lips.

To be honest, even as one of the Four Emperors, he found this live broadcast incredibly enjoyable.

After all, it had been years since he had encountered a pirate like Luffy – one who pursued a fiery dream and would challenge the World Government for the sake of his comrades. Such a person was truly unique and reminded Whitebeard of someone else.

"Roger, this kid is a lot like you."

"And his straw hat belongs to you, doesn't it?"

"This is the fate of the world, isn't it?"

"Is he the one to carry on your will into the new era?"

[Luffy and his crew naturally aimed to rescue Robin and pursue Spandam.]

[However, the journey wouldn't be smooth.]

[The first CP9 member to intercept them was a large owl-like individual with a mouth resembling a zipper.]

[He clung to the wall like a bat and swiftly revealed vital information to Luffy.]

[It turned out that Robin was imprisoned by the Sea-Prism Stone handcuffs, and without a key, she would remain restrained.]

[To truly free Robin, they needed to defeat all CP9 members and obtain the key.]

[Even they themselves didn't know who held the key to release Robin.]

[In short, to liberate Robin, Luffy needed to defeat all of them...]

[After sharing this information, the owl executed a Moonwalk and disappeared in an instant, demonstrating his Soru.]

In Water 7's capital...

Lucci, who was already annoyed, witnessed the owl in the broadcast revealing information to Luffy, making him even more irritated.

Looking at the round-headed owl, he couldn't help but have some doubts about his true allegiance.

Other CP9 members also watched the broadcast in disbelief.

"Your mouth may resemble a zipper, but it's as loose as ever!"

"Owl, you can't help but spill the beans right away!"

"Almost disclosed not only our strength but also personal details..."

The owl acknowledged his old habit and grinned.

"Don't worry. With CP9's strength, even if the Straw Hat Pirates know where the key is, they can't obtain it from us all."

"After all, our strengths are far from being equal!"

The owl's words resonated with everyone present.

Indeed, Luffy and his crew challenging CP9 was a fool's errand!

Lucci wore a grim expression while searching the Franky House.

"Search all of Water 7! We must find Franky!"

[After learning that the key to releasing Robin was in the possession of CP9...]

[Luffy and his crew quickly devised a plan: act separately and confront CP9 members to seize the key!]

[The Straw Hat Pirates and Franky Family split up, each venturing into different passages...]

[In each corridor, they encountered distinct adversaries...]

[All of these adversaries were CP9 members...]

[Franky encountered the same owl he had seen earlier, looking at the owl's massive form and peculiar visage.]

[Franky donned his sunglasses, aware that a fierce battle was about to unfold...]

[Nami found herself in another corridor, encountering the long-haired feline-like Fukuro...]

[Fukuro was toying with his weapon, acting eccentrically, leaving Nami stunned...]

[As for Usopp...]

[Hidden behind his mask, he found himself in a secluded corridor...]

[His aim was to avoid enemies...]

[However, when he opened the last door, he was taken aback...]

[Before him lay a CP9 member, peacefully asleep...]

[Usopp thought he had been unlucky to encounter an opponent in such an isolated location, but upon closer inspection, he realized that this person was soundly asleep...]

[Judging by his frail appearance, he didn't seem as formidable as the large zipper man from before...]

[Perhaps he had encountered CP9's weakest member...]

[However, what Usopp didn't know was that the person he had encountered was not the weakest among CP9. In fact, he was one of the strongest members besides Rob Lucci and Kaku...]

[He had consumed the Zoan-type Devil Fruit, Model: Wolf – his name was Jabra!]

Magnetic Drum Island!

Chopper sat in the snow, gazing at the sky with a vacant expression.

Now he was solely dedicated to studying medicine, never expecting to become a pirate. He had no idea that he'd experience so many thrilling adventures – battling the Seven Warlords of the Sea, confronting the gods of Skypiea, and now forcibly invading Enies Lobby to face CP9.

And this was just the third of the top ten battles. How many more exciting and perilous battles lay ahead? Chopper wasn't afraid of these unknown adventures. In fact, he embraced them with eager anticipation.

In his heart, he yearned to follow the Straw Hat Pirates and explore the uncharted world. However, he couldn't let go of Magnetic Drum Island, nor could he abandon Kureha. Unbeknownst to him, Kureha was silently watching him.

As Chopper's teacher, she understood his inner thoughts better than anyone else.

"This little guy, you can tell from his expression that he truly wishes to join them."

"Moreover, from the beginning till now, they haven't treated him as a freak."

"They, the Straw Hat Pirates, seem to have no prejudice against his peculiar identity."

"They don't care about his oddities..."

"And when it comes to eccentricity, that skeleton and cyborg seem no different from Chopper."

Kureha muttered to herself, her heart ready to let Chopper embark on this new journey.

After all, Magnetic Drum Island was not his final destination...

[Franky, Nami, and Usopp had all encountered their respective foes.]

[Sanji had taken a different path and found himself in a peculiar room...]

"This is..."

[Upon entering the room, Sanji was taken aback.]

"The room was entirely pink and exuded a sweet fragrance."

[Simultaneously, the door slowly closed...]

[And Kalifa emerged from the shadows.]

"Would you like to sit down and talk?"

[The moment he saw the person approaching, Sanji was utterly dumbfounded...]

"His heart raced uncontrollably, and his heartbeat went out of sync!"

[His eyes were filled with love, and he never expected happiness to arrive so swiftly!]

"Oh, that's truly troubling."

[At that moment, Sanji transformed into a lovesick fool, his expressions increasingly infatuated...]

[If it were Nami and the others here, they would undoubtedly mock him!]

[Nami or anyone else would handle this more sensibly than Sanji...]

[At the same time, Zoro also found himself on a different path, encountering his own adversary.]

"His opponent was just as ruthless as Lucci, and the second strongest member of CP9... Kaku!"

Zoro suddenly grinned, for he knew that Kaku was the only CP9 member who wielded a sword.

"Isn't he the most fitting enemy..."

Without saying a word, Kaku unsheathed two blades, revealing his unique Two-Sword Style.

"Two-Sword Style?"

Zoro was taken aback, his interest piqued.

Kaku wasted no time, opting to launch an attack, not with his swords, but with two Rankyaku kicks.

The sharp and devastating power of his strikes cleaved deep ravines into the ground...

Simultaneously, Kaku sneered at Zoro and spoke slowly.

"Two-Sword Style?"

"I think you're mistaken. I practice... the Four-Sword Style!"

Hearing this, Zoro smiled; this battle promised to be even more intriguing.

He didn't utter a word but drew two swords and placed the word "Kazudo" in his mouth, ready for the clash of Four-Sword Style against Three-Sword Style. It was shaping up to be a fascinating battle.


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