
One Piece : Journey For Adventure

Follow Axel Black on his journey through the hard work, Through the Blood, Sweat and Tears that he and the Straw Hat's endure, Witness as he follows his Dream and his Promise to someone dear to him, To have the Greatest Adventure known to man kind, No matter what!. *Warning : I will update when i feel like it and Also please do not judge my writing too badly as i sometimes strugle to put ideas into words in general. *Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or The Characters and Their Stories that belongs to it i only own the Characters i make and their Stories The Owner of One Piece Is Eiichiro Oda.

BlazingImmortal · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Adventure's Fist Battle

Axel was stood stock still at the sheer skill and strength the world's strongest swordsman was displaying against his crew mate who seemed to be nothing more than an infant in front of this man even though He has only been part of Luffy's crew for a short amount of time he is fighting every single one of his instincts to go help Zoro.

As Zoro falls into the water Axel hears nothing around him as he immediately dives in to rescue the green haired swordsman.

"Hey... Hey don't you dare die on me Zoro Wake Up" Axel says while draging Zoro back to the deck where he lays him out "Zoro, Zoro come on wake up damn it" Axel continue trying to rouse the gravely injured swordsman.

"He's Alive, Thank God he's alive he was just unconscious, c'mon Zoro say something" Axel says after Usopp had put a bottle of smelling salts under Zoro's nose that had woken the swordsman up and jolted him awake ony for him to start tearing up and shivering with one arm over his face.

"L-Luffy,  Can you hear me?" (Zoro)

"Yeah" (Luffy)

"Did I worry you? You neeed no less than the world's greatest swordsman, right?" Zoro suddenly spat out blood which shocked everyone into action checking if he was ok "I - I will not be defeated ever again" Zoro says through endless teers "Until the day I defeat him and become a master swordsman, I'll never... be defeated! Got a problem with that.. King of the Pirate!?" Zoro shouts out his question and resolve with his sword raised high into the air.

"Im sorry i worried you so much Axel" (Zoro)

"Dumbass don't ever do that Again Now go bring nami back you numbskull" (Axel)

"I will, Keep the captain safe for me" (Zoro)

"Of Course" (Axel)


"Hey Luffy is it time for a fight" Axel asks while gripping the bat on his back tighter ready for battle with a crazed smirk.

"Yeah Axel we have to beat these ungrateful idiots into the ground" Luffy says with a smile.

"Haha let's do this" Axel said After the prates had made it onto the deck of the Baratie and started to brag about them being better than the cook's or whatever Axel wasn't paying much attention instead of waitin he rushed forward into growing cowd of pirates and Swung his bat sidways into one of the grunts who then tried to block the attack with his sword only to be shocked when the bat smashed straight through the sword into tbe pirates chest launching him backwards into two more equaly shocked pirates who all were blasted painfully into the water back by the destroyed Galleon they came from.

"What kinda physical strength is that!" One of the pirates voiced the opinion of everyone standing around shocked that someone just beat three of them with a single swing of a bat from someone who looked like they did not have that kind of strength at all.

Axel completely oblivious to the gazes of awe and shock around him rushed forward once more and this time swung his bat around into a reverse grip and held his bat low to the ground after he got with range of a group of four pirates he suddenly placed his other hand on the grip the right way and swung upwards into the group with full strength while shouting "Skyward Heavenrend" and smashing the bat into the closest of the 4 pirate who was the promptly sent flying into the sky unconscious as well as sending the other 3 sailing in different directions where they colided harshly with a few other all of whom by the end of the attack were Knocked out cold unlikely to wake up any time soon.

This scene completely dumb founded majority of the people present bar a few like Luffy who had seemed extremely excited at the attack and started showing off himself, Zeff who had traveld on the Grand Line was only shocked that Axel had such Strength.

"Damn Show off" Sanji said while preparing to join the battle and kicks a pirate into a row of other who all smack into a tall man with a bunch of shields strapped to him who is apparantly named Pearl-san.

"Even Battle ship canons don't work on me, I come out of any attack unharmed" Pearl says and nearly immediately after wards is hit in the back of the head by a falling Luffy causing the guy to get a nosebleed and all the pirates around seem to be freaking out that this guy bled at all for some reason.

Axel's Confusion was met with answer pretty quickly as Pearl started banging the 2 shields on his hands together rapidly then out of no where he shouted "Fire Pearl's Special Treat" and he along with most of the deck suddenly burst on Fire.

Axel when hit by the Fire suddenly sported a serious expression as he switched his hold on his bat to a reverse grip with his right hand a a forward grip with his left he angled the bat paralel to the ground drew it backwards to where the bat was directly behind him he then crouched and lent forwards slightly and swung the bat out and around with full strength "Whirlwind Strike" the swing of his bat caused all the wind around him to surge and whirl in all different directions putting out all the fire nearly immediatly including the fire directly on the shields.

The aftermath of the attack also sent some the pirates who were'nt paying attention to go flying back into the water they climbed out of at a great enough force to knock them out.

Pearl looked absolutely stunned his Confused state left him wide open for a full powered kick to the face from Sanji that knocked the man back into the ocean.

"Thanks for putting out the fire's Axel" (Sanji)

"No Problem Sanji although you did just steal my win against the weirdo with the shields" Axel says while looking annoyed at Sanji and his lack of a decent opponent.

"I guesse it's Time to take out the small fry" Axel declares as he rushes ahead to meet the pirates directly.

"He's a Monster! Everytime he swings his bat 3 or 4 pirates go flying knocked out cold, although he's no the only one" Carne says looking from Axel to Sanji who was also sending pirates flying then to Luffy who seemed to be winning against the Don Krieg of the Krieg Pirates.

"That's enough, The battle end's here, Leave the ship" Gin states with his foot on the back of a prone Zeff and a shot gun pointing straight at his head.

"No way! Man do you look stupid, You damn geezer, If you're like that you can't set a good example for the fighting cooks" (Sanji)

"Hmph I don't need a lecture from a little brat" (Zeff)

"Where do you get off calling me a 'little brat' you damn bastard!? Quit treating me like a kid already!" (Sanji)

All the cook's on the deck are starting to look worried at what Sanji plans to do.

"Gin point that gun at me" (Sanji)

"Are you stupid!? you will die!" (Luffy)

"Maybe" Sanji says casualy as a look of confusion and worry dawn on Gin's face that doesn't seem right for him to have at the moment and unbeknownst to eveyone on the deck of the Baratie Pearl had climbed back up to join everyone.

"If you want to so bad, I'll kill you in a refined way, Don't move if you don't want your Owne.....Gahhh" Pearl was promptly cut off mid sentence by pain shooting up his abdomen because of an excited Axel who had seen his enemy reapeer and had in a 2 handed grip swung his bat at pearly and directly broke through his pearl armour slamming his bat into his stomache and once again sending him flying back into the water.

"Hey, Hey Sanji he came back, Did ya see it, Did ya" Axel was Excitedly asking while pointing in the direction of the downed Pearl with his head pointed towards Sanji and smiling widely.

"YOU IDIOT, YOU COULD HAVE JUST GOT THE OWNER KILLED!" All the cook's and Sanji exclaimed at the same time in perfect syncronization that Axel would be impressed by if it wasn't directed at himself.

"Huh, What did i do wrong" Axel asked with a confused face until he looked around and saw Gin holding down Zeff and everyone thought he had piece the situation when suddenly Axel's face shifted to extreme annoyance and he raised and pointed his badt at Gin who was startled.

"Gin it's you, Fight me Dumbass" Axel said through gritt teeth and tensed muscles.

'He Didn't Get It At All!' Was the thought of everyone present as the face planted the deck of the baratie with a dumb founded look adorning their faces.

"Don't be an idiot!" Sanji exclaims and lightly kicks him in the back of the head for doing something stupid.

"Ow, What was that for" Axel asks with a betrayed look on his face.

"Gin Hurry up and shoot Zeff" Krieg yell's from where he standing looking worried at the 3 combatants that are decimating his forces.

"Oi, Oi Gin are you gonna come fight me and finish what you started or are you too scared" Axel says with a smug grin towards Gin who gains a tick mark on his forehead in annoyance as glared at Axel.

"Ya know what, Fine let's go Moron!" Gin exclaims as he drops the Gun and pick's up his special Tonfa's and starts walking towards Axel ready for a Fight.

"Don Krieg I think i'm gonna have to bury these guys by myself, I'm sorry but i have to do this" Gin Say's the look's toward's Luffy and Sanji and continue's "After i take out this Moron i'm coming after you too next"

"Well... i won't lose against weaklings like you and i doubt Axel would either" Luffy casualy states which set's off all the Krieg Pirates and the look ready to snap.

"You Bastard! What did you just to our chief commander!?" A random pirate in the water calls out.

"To Hell With You, 'Weaklings' How dare you run your mouth like that!" Shouts another.

"We're the Krieg Pirates, the strongest pirates in the East Blue!" Yell's a third pirate.

"Wasn't it just because you had the biggest number of pirates?" Luffy asks aloud in confusion at the pirates who now look even more annoyed than previously and are ready to tear Luffy to pieces.

"Oh, Boy... you struck at the heart of the matter..." Sanji states in mock worry.

"Pfffft Hahahaha He called you weaklings... Hahaha that's Priceless You hear that Gin your a weakling Haahaha" Axel is nearly pissing himself in laughter which just set's Gin off even more to the poin he looks murderous.

"So i was right" Luffy asks the general crowd and that seemed to be the last straw for the Krieg Pirates as a few of them went to run while shouting threats at Luffy only to stop when they heared Krieg.

"Back Off" (Krieg)

"Don Krieg... But" (Random Pirate 5)

"If you get upset when called weak, that just proves that you are weak, The Result will decide if you're strong or weak, You've Got Me. Don't get so worked up!" Krieg says while taking a seat on part of the destroyed ship.

"Y-Yes Sir" (All Krieg Pirates)

"Gin Finishing of that Red Eyed Bastard and the Cook is your responsibility. I'll take care of that naive idiot over there" Krieg declares while gazing over at Luffy.

"Understood Don Krieg" Gin says as he stares down both Sanji and Axel.

"Hey Sanji step back this is my fight" (Axel)

"What No this is my fight you already got one how is that fair!?" (Sanji)

"Oh look Pearl is back again you can fight him instead" (Axel)

Axel however is caught of gaurd when Gin rushed forward and slammed his Tonfa into him forcing him to skid back a few steps on the deck to reveal that Axel had blocked the attack with his Bat.

"See told you this was my fight" Axel states as he rushed to meet Gin halfway for the next exchange where Gin had started spinning his right tonfa and slammed it downwards at Axel only for it to be met half way by an upwards strike from Axel's bat that sent the weapon back from the force of the hit.

"Ha you're pretty strong aren't ya Moron" Gin says as he jumps and spins his body to avoid 2 quick swings from Axel at his rib's and head only to swing his left Tonfa at Axels Left side but being blocked yet again from Axels Bat being held Flush to his left arm.

"You're not so bad yourself Dumbass" Axel says through a crazed smile while throwing a spartan kick forward at Gin that struck him squarely in the chest sending him careening backwards through the air to which Gin flipped and landed on his feet while clutching his chest in pain.

"But not good enough" Axel states as he once again rushes toward Gin while holding his Bat up and over his sholder flat against his back while his other hand is held out in front of he quickly raises the bat back over his shoulder and down at Gin who managed to avoid most of the damage by side stepping the attack that stil clipped his right arm and broke it and continued down onto the deck were it smashed a big hole in the deck and caused mass amounts of water to be dispersed destroying the deck even further from luffy's previous monster of an Axe kick.

"I Think this fight is over Gin, You lost" Axel stated with a frown on his face as he realized that Gin really didn't want to fight the cook's especially Sanji.

In Reply Gin just nodded subtly and fell asleep by acting like he passed out to avoid having to fight his savior.

As Axel turned to look at Krieg he noticed the man was extremely mad and had prepared to launch what looked to be a cannon ball from the shield on his hand and everyone seemed to be panicking and scrambling for some sort of Mask when Axel finaly heard Krieg speek.

"Deadly Poison Gas Bomb MH5" as he launched a red spherical projectile at me and Gin "Die You Bastards!" He yelled.

Axel reacted quickly getting into Batter stance quietly saying "Batters Up!" and swinging his Bat out which hit the projectile perfectly and sent it flying high and far into the sky where it exploded into a mist of pink poisonous gas.

"Ehhhhh Poison. Which dumbass thought of that i crush them" Axel stated with a pissed off expression on his face and a deathly tight grip on his Baseball Bat.

"WHAT!?" Everyone exclaimed in shock at the Tan Red eyed guy who had just inadvertantly saved them form certain death.

"Haaa that was a close one, thank you Axel now im gonna kick his ass" (Luffy)

"No problem captain" Axel replied while still looking a little confused at what happened.

Axel made his way over to Sanji who was exhauseted after fighter Pearl and had sustained some injuries to his rib's although he had won the fight if the unconscious man laying face down on the ground by him was anything to indicate by and helped Sanji up and over to Patty and Carne to get him stitched up.

Axel then laid down on the deck preparing to fall asleep when he was interupted by Sanji who was nudgeing him with his foot.

"Hey aren't you gonna help you're captain" Sanji asked with interest.

"Haaaa why should i, if he can't beat Krieg then he would have lied to me about the adventure he's gonna take me on and to be honest it doesn't seem like he can lie at all so he will absolutely win" (Axel)

"Wake me upwhen it's over please" Axel asks as he drifts of to sleep while he waits.