
One Piece : Journey For Adventure

Follow Axel Black on his journey through the hard work, Through the Blood, Sweat and Tears that he and the Straw Hat's endure, Witness as he follows his Dream and his Promise to someone dear to him, To have the Greatest Adventure known to man kind, No matter what!. *Warning : I will update when i feel like it and Also please do not judge my writing too badly as i sometimes strugle to put ideas into words in general. *Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or The Characters and Their Stories that belongs to it i only own the Characters i make and their Stories The Owner of One Piece Is Eiichiro Oda.

BlazingImmortal · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Adventurous Rescue Part 1

"Let's Set Sail!" Luffy exclaimed out with his arms in the air as the ship started to take move towards our next destination.

"Haaa Finally! Onto the next chapter of our adventure, I Can't Wait!" Axel shouts in equal excitement as his captain.

"Ahh Now i have to be stuck with these two idiots this will be sooo fun" Sanji says with clear sarcasm spilling through.

Oh By the way Axel, Gin told me to tell you when he See's you again in the Grand Line, He's gonna kick your ass" Sanji says with a small laugh and a smile.

"Haaa I would like to see that Asshole try, I'll send him packing with another broken arm" Axel said through gritt teeth and a growl.

"The weather's so great... Is the Grand Line far, far away, that way? Or is it maybe this way? This way? This way? This is so exciting" Luffy asks repeatedly while running to all corners of the ship with a big goofy smile on his face, not far behind him is Axel who keeps looking out in the directions Luffy is pointing out, As if he can just see it already while basicaly radiating excitement at the thought of the adventures waiting for him.

"Stop running around already, sit still will you, you two are being annoying" (Sanji)

"Sorry, Sorry, But we Finally have a cook, so now we just need to get Nami back, And then we're finally going into the Grand Line!" Luffy declares as he throws his arms up in the air.

"Nami-san Huh, Just remembering her beautiful visage makes me happy!, How I can't wait to see her again" Sanji said with a love struck expression adorning his face.

"Hey, Yosaku. Where almost to where Nami is, Right?" (Luffy)

"You guys're soft-minded!, Too soft-minded! Don't you get it?! Minute by Minute, We're heading for the infamous Arlong!" Yosako says in distress at the casual expressions upon the other 3 occupant of the ship.

"Is he someone to be scared of he's just basicaly a fish that can fight to me that doesn't sound very scary" Axel states with a look of confusion.

"Who's Arlong" both Sanji and Luffy ask at the same and Yosako has a look of shock at the question just asked.

"He's just a fish guy not too big a deal if you ask me he's just an asshole" Axel states with bored expression.

"What's a Fish Guy, does it look Like this" Luffy asks while showing a picture he had quickly drawn of a fish with legs and arms stamding upright.

"Basically exactly what they look like but a little different for everyone" (Axel)

"No it's not! Also it's Fish man not Fish guy" Yosaku yells at Luffy and Axel for their stupidity and antics.

"Fishman are very dangers, it is said that they are born ten times stronger than humans, they are monsters and This one in particular is very danger, he sailed with one of the seven warlord's of the sea, Jimbe so we shouldn't mess with him" Yosaku said in barely concealed terror at the thought of facing Him.

"What's a Warlord and why would we be scared of fighting fish people" Axel asks in slight annoyance at yosaku.

"A Warlord of the sea is one of seven pirate captains given leeway to do just about whatever they want by the government as long as they give part of their yeilds to them, Hawk Eyes the guy Big Bro Zoro fought was one of those seven pirates" Yosaku Exclaims.

"Waaa So Exciting" both Luffy and Axel say together while Yosaku look's at them like they are absolute Moron's.

"Also that Arlong guy's strength is far superior than Don Krieg's! We definitly shouldn't fight him at all" (Yosaku)

"But why would Nami-san go to this guy all by herself?" (Sanji)

"I Told you she's after the bounty on his head" (Yosaku)

"No, Who knows?, Maybe Nami-san is actualy a mermaid, especialy given how lovely she is" (Sanji)

"Like this" Luffy asks while showing the same drawing as before but with hair.

"I'll Kill You!" Sanji exclaims as he looks at Luffy with pointed teeth and annoyance clear on his face.

"Do you Guy's even understand what I've told you?!" (Yosaku)

"Yeah, there's a strong fishman, right? We get it" (Luffy)

"Yeah and we get to kick it's ass" (Axel)

"Anyway Let's have food i'm hungry" (Luffy)

"Same and i can't wait for Sanj's Cooking" Axel states with an excited expression and drool at the corner of his lips.


*Boom* *Splash*

Suddenly a big cow shaped monster appeared right by the Boat and stared directly past them at the food the four occupants of the boat had just been enjoying.

"Huh, What's this guy doing?" Luffy asks while staring blankly at the giant sea monster that had just appeared out of nowhere.

"He's After the Food!" Yosaku shouts noticing what the creature had been staring at rather intently at.

"What?!" Luffy says as all three of them turn to look at Yosaku.

"Hurry and give it to him! He'll flip the boat over" Yosaku rushes to say but is cut of when he hear's Luffy shout out "Gum Gum Pistol" while throwing his arm back and promptly snaping it forward into tbe monsters face with enough force to knock it back into the water below.

"Stay away from my food!" Luffy says while pointing in the direction of the Monster.

"You did it! You're incredible. Big Bro Luffy" nearly immediately after Yosaku had said this the monster had reappeared this time angry.

"Look's like you made it mad" (Yosaku)

"Another One, Huh?" Luffy says as he prepares only to get punched over the head by Axel and Sanji to berate him.

"You Dumbass, Don't beat up someone who's hungry for no reason! He's probably hurt or something and can't catch his own food, Right" Sanji say while Axel Picks up the plate of food to offer the sea monster.

"What Love" (Yosaku)

"Go ahead you can have mine" Axel says as he holds the plate out and as the sea monster opened it's mouth to take the food Axel sensing danger grabs his Bat and swing it out at tbe monsters face slamming it back into the ocean while screaming "Die You Bastard".

"What're you doing?! What happemed to that Love?!" Yosaku yells with a pissed expression and sharp teeth.

"The Dumbass just tried to eat me, Too" Axel says with an offended look.

"Here he comes! He'll sink the boat!" Yosaku exclaims as the sea monster rised from the water once again this time even angrier as it came barrelling at the ship.

"That Jerk" Luffy says as He and Axel get prepared to fight the monster only to be stopped by Sanji's out stretched arm.

"Get Back, I'll Do It" Sanji says as he takes of running up the cabin's wall and leaping into the and kicking straight up into the monsters under belly while shouting "Collier Shoot".

"Damn Hippo" Sanji says while everyone on deck was watching in fascination.

"Alright! Back to food!" (Luffy)

"Yay, This food is so Yummy!" (Axel)

"That was good exercise" (Sanji)

'These guys are crazy' Yosaku thought to himself as he watched the other three go back to normal as if nothing happened.



"Haaaa What the Hell woke me up" Axel asks Pissed off with pointy teeth only to notice that they were now on land amongst the rubble of their broken ship.

"What the hell happened while i was asleep" Axel questions to himself.

"We made it, We made it" Luffy says while dusting off his straw hat.

"W-What the hell... Are you guys doing?!" Zoro yells with pointy teeth while lifting bits of the broken ship off of himself.

"Hey Zoro, sorry for the damage" Axel says with a small smile and a wave towards the green haired swordsmen.

"It's all good Axel but again what the hell" Zoro starts of with a nod towards Axel and and finishes with an angry expression pointed at his Captain.

"What do you mean? We're here to get Nami, Have you still not found her? Oh yeah and what about Usopp and Johnny?" (Luffy)

"Usopp! T-That's right!! There's no time to be loafing around here!" Zoro states as he starts to take off running.

"What's wrong?!" (Luffy)

"That bastard's been caught by Arlong! We gotta hurry before he's killed!" (Zoro)

"He was Killed" Johnny says immediately after his arrival then drops to the floor.

"Big Bro Usopp is dead!, He was killed! By big Sis Nami!" At Johnny's revelation everyone is stunned speechless none more so than Axel.


"Ya know, You would be fine if you didn't get attached to people so quickly, that has to be my biggest worry about leaving you by yourself" Came from one of the Main Doctor's a kind old lady who had been treating his sister.

"I know! I just can't help it, I'm so scared of being by myself with no one to share my adventure's with, The thought alone terrifies me to the bottom of my soul" Axel conveyed through the teers in his eyes while clutching at his chest.

"Don't Worry One day you will find extraordinary people who you will share similar dream's and fear's as yourself and when you do you will never have to worry about being left behind again" The kind old doctor stated as she ruffled his hair with a smile adorning her face.


"....Monstrously Strong You guys are, You're no match for real monst..." Nami trails off as she realised Axel had not spoken yet, Only to shiver in cold sweat as anger and hatred seemed to roll off of Axel in waves as his normaly beautiful red eyes were piercing through her in one of the most chilling glares she had ever seen, In response to the terrifying blood red eyes currently staring at her in pure malice she could not help but take a fearful step back.

Everyone at having noticed Nami's antics turned to where she was gazing behind them, Only to flinch at the chilling sight they were met with in the form of a murderous Axel.

"Hey, Hey calm down Axel! don't do anything stupid" Sanji said as he moved in the way of Axel's line of sight towards Nami while preparing for a fight.

"Axel Calm down she's Lying she wouldn't do that she's our Friend" Luffy informs in a serious tone while getting ready to restrain Axel if need be.

While everyone is tense and ready to battle they failed to notice that Zoro had calmly walked towards Axel and placed a hand on his shoulder while standing right next to him.

"Calm down Axel" At Zoro's words Axel seemed to snap out of it and looked around in confusion at his friend's tense figure's and promptly turned to Luffy.

"Sorry Captain! I Zoned out, What happened" Axel asks while bowing to Luffy in a request for forgiveness.