
One Piece : Journey For Adventure

Follow Axel Black on his journey through the hard work, Through the Blood, Sweat and Tears that he and the Straw Hat's endure, Witness as he follows his Dream and his Promise to someone dear to him, To have the Greatest Adventure known to man kind, No matter what!. *Warning : I will update when i feel like it and Also please do not judge my writing too badly as i sometimes strugle to put ideas into words in general. *Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or The Characters and Their Stories that belongs to it i only own the Characters i make and their Stories The Owner of One Piece Is Eiichiro Oda.

BlazingImmortal · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Meeting The Crew

Axel had started his trek back around to the front of the Baratie and walked and stood leaning against the near the entrance to wait for his Captain.

After nearly an hour of waiting Axel spotted Luffy walking down the stairs in the center of the restaurant wearing an apron so he made his way over to where his Captain was heading towards a table where there was an orange haired girl, a guy with a really long nose and a man with green hair.


"Chores're Sure tiring. It must have been a lot of work for koby too although i can't wait till i can intorduce the cool guy to the rest of the crew" Luffy said to himself in both boredem and excitement at the prospect of his new member meating the rest of his Nakama.

"Hey Chore Boy" (Nami)

"Ughhh.. you guy's!" Luffy exclaims while peering over the stair cases railing at his Nakama that are siting casualy at a table.

"I hear you have to work for a year here" (usopp)

"Is it ok if we redraw our flag for the ship" (Zoro)

"Ahhh... You're eating yummy food without me? How Could You!?" Luffy yell's in frustration while looking at his crew.

"That's our business right, guy's?" The green haired one says to the other two at the table just as Axel had came in range of their convosation and decided to speak up.

"Ya Know.... I'm pretty sure that's like insurbordination in pirate laws or something like that" Axel states as he comes to a stop right beside luffy who had flicked a booger into tbe green haired one's drink and turned his head towards Luffy.

"Hey Captain how long till we leave" (Axel)

"CAPTAIN!?" all three of the tables occupants exclaimed while looking shocked and confused turned quickly to Luffy.

"Oh that's right we have a new Nakama" Luffy states with a neutral expression as if there is nothing out of the ordinary.

"START WITH THAT MORON" All three exclaim with pointy teeth at their captain.

"Damn... don't need to be so loud" Axel said while covering his ears to shield them.

"Well this is Bat Guy he is the newest member of our crew and he's pretty strong" (Luffy)

"THAT'S NOT MY NAME ASSHOLE" Axel screams at luffy who has the decency to look apologetic at least.

"Really sorry so what is your name.. you never told me earlier" (Luffy)

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN GET HIS NAME!?" All three yell again at their Idiot of a captain.

"Oh Sorry i forgot to introduce myself earlier, My name is Axel Black Self-Proclaimed world's greatest adventurer" Axel states with extreme Confidence and Conviction showing on his face and a smile to rival Luffy's.

'Oh No another Moron' was the collective thought of all at the table.

"Hey I'm Zoro future world's greatest swordsmen nice to meet you" Zoro geets as he stretches out his arm for a handshake that Axel accepts.

'NOT YOU TOO!' Was the thought of the crews Navigator and Sniper as they watched the exchange going on.

"Any way the Food here is good sit and join us Axel" Zoro says while Axel is taking a seat and goes to pick up his glass of water to bring towards his mouth "I feel bad for you Luffy But... DRINK IT YOURSELF!" He continues as he suddenly forces the water down Luffy's open mouth who looks beyond shocked at his situation.

"I can't believe you did that!" Luffy screams out while holding his throat, laying on the ground and rapidly kicking his legs around and Zoro says his line straight back at him  "My stomache hurts! That was Nasty" Luffy continues as the rest of the crew are busting themselves laughing at the antics of their captain who is disrupting everything.

The crews laughter is suddenly interupted by the blonde chef named Sanji who was nealing by the Orange Haired girl and offering her a rose.

"Oh Dear Ocean! I thank you for todays encounter" (Sanji)

"Oh, Love I can't bear this hardship, Go ahead and laugh at me... I'm now prepared to be a lowly pirate or devil if I'm with you!... however, how tragic it! There's too great an obstacle between us" Sanji says while causing the rest of the straw hat's to sport a thuroughly weirded out expression at the antics of the quirky Sous Chef.

"That Obstacle is Me, right, Sanji!" (Zeff)

"Damn Geezer" Sanji basically wispers.

"This is a good Opportunity, Why don't you become a pirate with them?... You're no longer needed at this restaurant" (Zeff)

"What" Sanji asks

"You can't even cook a decent meal! Your dead weight to this restaurant that's what i said" (Zeff)

"Say that Again" is the Last thing Axel heard Sanji say as he drifted of to sleep with his head in his arms for at least some form of pillow to comfort his head.


"Well... With this and that going on, four day's have passed, When can we leave here?" Usopp says from his spot standing by the rail of the Merry.

"Who Knows" Zoro replies from his seated position against the rail with his hands behind his head and his swords stood upright next to him against the rail.

"Hopefuly soon... By the way no matter how many times i see this ship it's still the most adorable ship i have ever seen" Axel informs from in front of Zoro where he is laying down with his hands resting behind his head and his eyes closed and his Bat resting up close next to him on the deck.

"Is he really going to work here as a chore boy for a year?" Usopp thinks aloud while smirking and nodding at Axel's words.

"What's the problem? The food here is free and it's comfortable here" Nami says from wher she is leaning on the rail and peering out at the ocean.

"That's only for You and Axel" Zoro states from where he is sitting.

"Ya know i understand Nami but why does Axel get free food as well" Usopp questions the others on deck.

"I think he just doesn't want to see me starve again" Axel muses to himslef out loud.

"Again" Zoro asks the Guy laying in front of him with a shocked expression.

"Yeah when i first got here i got kicked out because i had no money to pay for food but i had already not eaten for days beforehand because i got stranded on an island after i tried to catch a fish... Bastard would'nt stop swimming away from me" Axel told the others and a brief look of annoyance flashed across his face at the thought of that damn fish "If i ever see that Fish again ill kill it".

'What a Moron' was what ran through the thoughts of both Usopp and Nami.

"Damn tough break" Zoro said like it was a normal thing to happen.

'WHAT!' Was Usopp and Nami's thought.

"Hey Luffy! What's goin on? Let's leave here soon" said Usopp while looking overboard at where Luffy was carrying a bag of garbadge.

"Please you promised me Adventure Captain" Axel shouts from his position on the floor with a vexed expression.

"Wait a little longer, i'll try talking to tbe owner again" Luffy says around the bag.

"I'm begging you" (Usopp)


A while after Luffy went back inside suddenly a group of frantic civilians burst out from the doors of the Baratie Restaurant.

"H-Hey... wh-what the hell is going on in there?" Usopp asks in confusion.

"We'll see when we go in there" (Zoro)

"What!? A-Are you serious?!" (Usopp)

"Oh are you scared?" Zoro asks with a smug expression on his face.

"Why would he be scared this looks like it will be fun" Axel states as a smirk tuggs his lip up.

"What don't be silly!" (Usopp)

"Hmph" both Zoro and Axel grunt out.


"What the hell was that a canon inside" (Axel)


Axel, Zoro and Usopp can be seen standing on the stairs to the kitchen above looking down at the commotion.

"Now this is a worthy adventure Captain" Axel says with a smirk and reaches back up over his shoulder and grasps the handle of his bat with his right hand readying himself for a fight that could break out at any second.

"Gonna Fight, Luffy? Need a hand?" Zoro follows Axel by starting to draw Wado Ichimonji from it's sheath and smirking.

"I-if you don't want help, though th-that's fine too" Usopp asks with quivering legs.

"Zoro, Usopp and Axel you stopped by?, Don't worry just watch from there" Luffy says while looking up at the three on the stairs.

"Y-yeah? T-too bad" Usopp replies secretly relieved while still shaking as Zoro sheathes his swords and Axel let's go of his bat "But if you say so, what can we do, B-But if push comes to shove, we'll help you.. s-s-so, g-g-good luck" all of a sudden Zoro trips up Usopp "What'd you do that for, Zoro?"

"To shut you up, so be quiet dumbass" Axel answers for Zoro and gives Usopp a side glare to sho he is serious.

"Hahaha Are they your crewmembers?, that's quite the samll group you got!" (Krieg)

"Tch.. Quality over Quantity Asshole" Axel says under his breath to which only Zoro seemed to hear and his smirk grew in response to Axel's statement.

"What're you saying!? I've got two more" Luffy say will putting two fingers in the air to indicate the same.

"Hey! You counted me, didn't you?!" (Sanji)

"Of Course he did Dumbass" Axel said towards Sanji who was seated on the ground.

By the Time Krieg had started speaking again Axel had already zoned out and was bored when he regained interest Kraig was already gone from where he had stood and the cooks had all raised their weapons in prepearation for a fight which got Axel and the rest ready mostly Sanji wh seemed to be walking towards were Gin 'The Bastard' was.

"Hey Gin, let me tell you something... feeding someone who's hungry is my morality, However" Sanji pauses as he stomps down on the leg of a tipped over table that is quickly launched up then axe kicks it down flat on all four legs all this done with the same leg "Those we'll be dealing with are plunderers with full bellies, I won't let you complain even when i beat up your fellow pirates, If someones going to take over this restaurant even if it's you, I'll kill them without hesitation" Sanji finishes his speech with a chiling glare sent towards Gin "Got That".

"Ha! Letting him live and now killing him? You're hopeless Sanji" (Patty)

"Shut Up you damn cook" (Sanji)

"You see? He's Kinda cool, Isn't He?" (Luffy)

"Uwah he's awesome did you see that table thing he did that was so cool" Axel says through star eyes and raised hands towards his Captain "Great choice Captain" he finishes with a thumbs up towards Luffy.

"Who Cares about him" (Usopp)

Axel zoned Usopp out and listened to Gin's recount of their time in the Grand Line and it's dangers to the surrounding audience.

"What kind of place is that" (Usopp)

"It probably means that anything can happen" (Zoro)

"Hey Luffy! Let's not go to a place like that! Luffy!" (Usopp)

"Hey Luffy" Usopp questions as him and Zoro peer down at their captain who seemed to be shivering when suddenly pulled his hands up.

"Ahhh! It sounds so exciting you hear that Axel i told you traveling with me will take you on the greatest adventure" Luffy exclaims while beaming like a child with candy.

"Ahhhhh! I can't wait Captain this is the best" Axel stated with his excitement matching his captains smile for smile.

Axel had zoned out everything after that in favor of thoughts of the Grand Line and how great of an adventure it will be.


Everyone inside is suddenly brought out of their thoughts by the loud noises coming from outside to where veryone rushed and noticed the Galleon was further destroyed and a tiny dingy had appeared carrying a Man with a large sword strapped to his Back.

"Is it... possible, that is Hawk-Eye!" Zoro suddenly exclaimed from where he was griping the rail standing next to Axel.

"What... is this, Heavy Presence" (Axel)