
On the island

After saying good-bye to Grandpa, I disappeared into a ray of light, when I regain my consciousness I am in the middle of a gigantic forest.

"This place is kind of scary." I think about myself.

I try to get up, but I can not, I look at my hands and notice that they are small.

Wait! I really came back to be a child! Ehhhhhhhhh!

Looking around I see a small pool, as I can not walk I'll drag me into the pool when I see my reflection in the floor I get scared I really became Gray Fullbuster.

At that moment in my head I made a noise, after that a lot of information began to appear.

At the time I thought I would die of so much pain because of the pile of information.

This information was about Ice Devil Slayer magic, Sky Destroyer Immortal Physique and how to train Haki.

Anyone looking outside would see a ten-year-old boy lying on the ground looking at nothing.

After standing up, Gray looks up at the sky and sees three locks of light coming toward him.

After a few seconds, three people stood in front of him, two girls, a blonde and a platinum, and a young boy blonde with blue eyes.

Gray looking at his future companion gives a smile and greets them.

"Welcome friends, I'm Gray Fullbuster. It's a pleasure to meet you "with a formal greeting Gray talks to everyone.

The three look at it as was stupid, the young blonde realizing the situation walks and talks "Pleasure I'm Minato and I just remember that" and a smile

Gray gives a simple smile.

Seeing how the two introduced themselves the young platinum woman says "Nice to meet you I'm Grayfia Lucifuge. That's all I remember "

The other young woman decides to introduce herself "Pleasure to meet them I'm Senju Tsunade, that's all I remember"

Seeing that all presented in a friendly manner Gray of a smile and says "I know it must be full of doubt who they are and how they came here."

Grayfia / Tsunade / Minato "No, I know enough"

Gray "What? !!"

Minato "I know who I am and I have memories of my skills and battle experience. I do not know about the girls "looks sideways" but by all appearances they are also so "

Gray gets his jaw dropped !!

Tsunade "Your grandfather has already given us necessary information about this place and about us"

Grayfia "For this apparent information I was responsible for you"

Gray "What ?! I'm not a child! "

Everyone looks at Gray and says "Idiot!"

After this interaction Gray looks at the sky crying anime tears and see the sun. For his position should be after noon and then

The group then decided to walk through the forest, after a short time of walking Gray begins to hear sound of sea.

Following the sound, Gray arrives on a shoreline. In front of you there is only water!

"I really am in One Piece" Gray, could not believe he had reincarnated.

The three soon after come and look at the coast.

Minato "How beautiful"

Tusnade "ohh lots of water"

Grayfia "Have you ever thought of a way out of here?"

After contemplating the sea Gary says "We need to get a place to stay and groceries".

Grayfia "I asked you a question!"

Gray "Fia-chan does not have to worry about it, we have 7 years to think"

Grayfia "Fia-chan ?!"

Gray "Yes, I am Gray you and Grayfia. So I decided to call you Fia-chan! "

Grayfia "Are you an idiot ?! "

Tsunade "7 years! This is a long time "

Minato "Staying all this isolated time will be difficult"

Gray "That will be the time to train, in this world there are beings capable of surviving the great height of falls and cuts a only iceberg with a sword"

Tsunade "It can only be a joke!"

Gray "This is no joke, so we will train all this time, I know that each of you has great potential and strong skills"

Gray looks at each one and says "But forget this start training from scratch, but remember the body and the basis of everything."


Walking along the shore, Gray finds little remains of boats and branches

"Well this should serve for now." Gray

After collecting rest of vessels and branches across the coast

Gray rejoins the others to set up a cabin.

Soon each one went to the side to collect something necessary to survive, but with all that work the day was already ending.

Early in the evening, Gray sits in a meditative position. "Since I am in an uninhabited place, I have to find a way to protect myself."

Gray then start picking their first training target, as they are in a forest. Wave there is no source of drinking water and neither food the best thing and save energy for now.

Because of this the magic and Haki are suspended for now, since the body is the base. Only the Sky Destroyer Immortal Physique remains, this ability to modify the person's physique.

According to the story of Emperor dominetion the Human Being is born with different types of physicists. Among these immortal physicists are the best, but it was impossible to change that, the cultivators were born with their physique.

Until the raven has developed a technique to change that and cultivate these physicists, the Sky Destroyer Immortal Physique is a physicist who offers almost infinite strength to the user, but the standards for cultivating are extreme and rigorous.

With that in mind Gray chose to start training the physique that is divided into two great realms: Average completion and Great completion, with 9 sub realms each!

Gray who was an atypical young man of the land chose first to have a way of defending himself, without having to take great risk at first.

As he had the information of each technique in his head he begins to study.

Sky Destroyer Immortal Physique is necessary to absorb Qi from the environment, as the world of One piece there is no Qi. He'll have a little against time.

The first 3 sub realms of Physique are: Refine the blood, Refine the flesh, Refines the bones.

With that in mind Gray begins to study the first sub kingdom.

Blood Refinement, which is divided into beginning, middle and completion. That is to move the blood of his body to remove the impurities of it. In the state of completion begins to collect Qi to season the Meat.

Being the first Gray Sub realms begins to train, at the outset he begins to feel his body warm. As his physical biotype is thin, Gray looks at his arms and legs and see they turn red.

Tsunade, Grayfia and Minato who are watching Gray from the start to see his body turn red.

Gray starts to get warmer, hotter, hotter. If she spilled water on it now it would boil. When he can not stand the temperature, he stops training the technique.

Only Gray did not notice that he is observing early during his training.

After the training Gray felt lighter and went to sleep

After a night's sleep Gray gets up and says "It's time to look for food".

Then he leaves his hut and sees Minato with two Kunai three-pointed.

Gray "Hey Minato, where did you get it ?!"

Minato raises a parchment from his vest and says "I have a lot here"

Gray "Have you started training ?!"

Minato "I'm not the only one, after what you told us and your training attitude encouraged us"

Gray "That amazes me!"

Then Gray goes out into the forest. After searching for some time find small fruits. "That should serve breakfast." Gray. After picking enough fruit he returns to his cabin.


After eating Gray feels much better, as he has not yet become accustomed 100% to this body he needs a time to adapt.

As the body and the base of everything in One piece, Gray returns to train.

Gray followed this routine for a week, wakes up eating fruit, meditating, eats fruit, measures, eats more fruit, and meditates again.

This week he's been hanging out for more time training before anything that was seconds has become minutes.

After another week of training Gray was able to reach the beginning phase of tempering the blood.

Gray was very happy, but his body was covered in black goo and blood, that's the impurities of his blood

Feeling his own smell Gray says "My holy grandmother, that stinks too much" after that he rushes to the one he used in the tub that week.


After another two weeks it was possible to see a group of children training on the beach of a small island in the middle of huge ocean.

During these two weeks Gray managed to reach the refining of average blood, at that level he is much stronger than when he arrived.

As an ordinary young man on earth he needed more time to adapt to this world.

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