
Ice Devil Slayer

After another month on the desert island, Gray was in the process of refining the meat.

The refining completion state of the blood takes out all impurities from the blood collecting small wires of Qi to refine the meat.

Since there is no Qi in one piece, the technique has been changed to collect energy wires present in the world. (NA: But it will still be called Qi).

These small threads of Qi enter the body, in the completion state of the blood, the same blood is responsible for moving all the Qi through the body, thus refining the flesh with Qi.

"I have been here for two months, in this period I had a small evolution, but compared to others. This is nothing, I have to try harder. "Gray.

In that two months, Grayfia, Tsunade and Minato. They had great evolution, not near its peak but they already had in it and know how to get there.

Now giving more focus to the body its peak will be insanely stronger.

At the level of tempering the flesh, Gray has more physical strength and speed compared to the previous month.

"Two months here, I have to find a source of meat. I can not eat just fruits. "Gray.

Since arriving on Gray Island only stayed on the shore meditating and trained with the others, he did not go deep into the forest.

But now after having a means of defending himself, he wants to hunt. Hunting is also a form of training. With that in mind Gray goes in the direction of the forest.

At first he does not find any animal. Only hear the insects making noise, with the forest is very dense and closed the noise becomes very loud.

After walking deeper into the forest, Gray finds a rabbit. Only it was not a rabbit from the earth, it was the size of a goat.

"My holy grandmother, how can this be. The first animal I encounter is this monster "Gray

Gray then hides behind a tree, wanting to catch the animal by surprise, although it feels stronger. Gray was a person from Earth two months ago, so that mentality.

After waiting about 30 minutes, Gray finds the 'perfect' moment to attack.

It starts to be moving towards the animal, only it does not repair and steps on a branch. Making noise, with that sound the rabbit runs away.

Then Gray starts yelling "Get back here giant hair ball!"

Then the rabbit stops and see that your hunter is not so big and resolve to attack.

Gray seeing it says "Fucked!".

Not expecting the animal to be so fast Gray is hit in the chest by a butt.

After flying for a 2 meters. Gray felt his internal organs all moving, his blood flow is faster than normal.

" There! That hurts your bastard! "Gray.

Then Gray stands up leaning on his knee, feeling the pain in his chest, he decides to look down. He sees the mark of the butt.

Gray then panics, for an average young man on Earth this would be normal. One of the hardest things to change is the mentality of comfort and safety that he had in his previous life.

The rabbit goes back to attack Gray, as he was not an animal with horns he only had two modes of attack: Halter and With his hind legs.

Seeing that Gray showed no reaction the rabbit continues to attack, this process repeats itself for a few minutes. Gray can barely defend himself, can not sketch a reaction.

If he sees everything bruised by a simple animal, Gray feels revolted with himself. He had the chance that much would kill himself to have, but he stays here serving the punching bag.

In a nearby tree Tsunade and Minato observe the scene.

Minato "Should not we help him?"

Tsunade "No!"

Minato "Why ?!"

Tsunade "Look at him, his look is not from who gave in to the situation, he is going through a ripening process. We should not disturb "

Back to Gray

As he who lives in the world of One piece where any ordinary pirate and much stronger than him, can not compare with those who were cited during the plot.

"I thought I was getting stronger, but I think I underestimated myself. I'm not strong, how can I think I'm strong .... I have to make me strong, if there is someone stronger in this world than I, I have to surpass it. "Gray.

"I WANT TO BE STRONG!" Screams Gray.

On the tree

Tsunade "Look, I did not tell him he was changing"

Minato "Yes, I can feel your desire to change from here, hunger by force"

Tsunade "He always felt comfortable, now he understands reality."

Minato "But if he gets hurt?"

Tsunade "Do not worry!"

Minato "Why ?!"

Tusnade "I'm here!"

Back to Gray

At that moment the mantra of refining the flesh begins to move, Gray who had already hit the first layer felt his foreign body.

The mantra began to be moving fast and with that the blood with Qi strands moved all over the body, it was possible to see steam coming out of your body.

And then the middle layer is broken, but the technique does not stop moving. Until you break the third layer.

Gray is surprised, because he wants to be strong from the bottom of his heart, the technique answered him.

As the name of the technique says, it is a physicist to destroy the sky. There is no way to destroy heaven if you are not strong and have willpower.

On his right arm came three black bands, as if it were a tattoo, and these bands become spots that begin to rise up his arm along with purple energy. At that moment he felt it all to.

The magic Ice Devil Slayer, began to be moving alone and it was possible to see small flakes of purple ice in Gray's surroundings.

On the tree

Minato "Look, Ice," he says pointing to the flakes!

Tsunade "Yeah, but pay attention to Gray. I feel something strange about him "

Minato "This purple energy gives me a strange feeling"

Back to Gray

Gray was surprised, for he had not at any time thought of magic, in this state he felt one with the ice in his surroundings.

The ice begins to fall on the tree leaves on the ground and begins to freeze, at which point Gray felt incredible.

Gray looks at the rabbit and says "thank you for showing me my weakness, but now it's time to die!"

As if he had trained before, Gray raises his right hand and launches a gust of ice.

The rabbit did not have time to run, and in its place of origin only had a statue of ice.

Looking at the rabbit, Gray gives a smile and collapses.

One should never use magic without a training, but how something was suddenly unconscious was used.

But before Gray falls to the ground a platinum figure catches him.

Grayfia looks at the gray swoon and says "Fine, you've finally grown a little"

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