
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs


Hancock and her sisters were slaves for four years and suffered the worst terrors ever until one day, a fish-man named Fisher Tiger climbed the Red Line and set all slaves free. And, though he hated humans, he did not discriminate and set all kinds of slaves free and burnt Mary Geoise down.

While Hancock admitted she was afraid of the brutality he displayed, she stated they owe him a debt they can never repay and Nyon states it's because Tiger has been long dead and the remaining Sun Pirate members have scattered.

Hancock says the fish-men slaves he freed decided to join him and he marked their slave symbols with the sun mark and notes that what Hatchan has on his forehead.

When Luffy asks if Hatchan was a slave (since he has that very mark), Sonia silently replied that was not the case as the sun mark's true purpose was to make others unable to tell slaves from non-slaves.

"Thankfully during the time we were slaves, for the purpose of their entertainment, I was force fed the Mero Mero no Mi and my sisters the Hebi Hebi no Mi, and we gained their abilities.

Thanks to those, we were able to deceive our brethren and keep our secret safe. If you hadn't protected Sonia's back in the arena back there, there would no longer be any place for us on this island. Nobody must ever discover the truth about our past!!! " Hancock shouted as she started crying uncontrollably.

" Even if it means deceiving an entire country!! I will never once think of giving in!! I never wished to be controlled like that ever again!! I am too afraid to let my guard down with anybody!! This fear is too great.... I cannot face it!.... " Hancock sobbed as she buried her face deep into her thighs. Luffy was kneeling on one knee in front of her with a frown on his face. Sonia was beside him, still hugging him for some reason.

"Ah.... It has been a long time since the last time I saw you express your feelings. That is why recently, I had begun to fear that Hebihime-sama had turned into ice. " Granny Nyon mocked Hancock. Hancock who was already covered by her ahite cape stood up and glared at the old woman.

"Silence! You country-abandoning traitor!!" She shouted.

" You are the ones who should be silent!! You miserable little girls who escaped from the Tenryūbito, only to realize that you had no clue on how to find your way back to your homeland!!! " Granny Nyon shouted and pointed at herself.

" Who do you think it was who brought you all the way back here, hmm?! What would you have done if I had nyot been living out there far away from Amazon Lily, huh?!" Granny Nyon added. Hancock huffed childishly and turned her back at her.

"Hmph! It always comes back to that silly little debt." Hancock muttered with a small smile on her face. Even though she may not show it, Hancock is extremely grateful for Granny Nyon bringing her and her sisters back here.

"I looked after the three of you like a mother!!!" Hancock promptly ignored Granny Nyon's shouting and focused her attention on Luffy.

"So.... now that you know about me and my sister's history as slaves....do you scorn me?" Hancock asked quietly. Luffy palmed his face.

" I don't know how you can be so pretty and be such a dumbass at the same time." Luffy grumbled before sighing and shaking his head a little.

" Why the hell would I hate you guys just because you three have some super special brand on you?! The ones I hate right now are the Tenryūbito and the ones who try to hurt my friends!! Your story just fueled my hatred towards them even more!!" Luffy replied seriously. Hancock laughed and turned around to look at him.

"Ufufufu!!~~I think I like you!! Say where it is you wish to go!! My ship, Perfume Yuda is yours to use!!" Hancock offered with a blush and a smile on her face. Luffy brightened up and grinned at her.

"Really?!! Thank you so much!"

"Hahaha!! Don't mention it, it's the least I could do to thank you for not seeing me and my sisters indifferently. " Hancock replied while putting her blouse back on.

"Your name is Luffy, yes? We will depart in two days. The Kuja Pirates will see you as far as the Sabaody Archipelago. I suggest you prepare for the long journey. " Hancock then hummed softly while Luffy smiled at her, waiting for what she had to say next.

" Sonia, Mari. Could you please take him to the banquet that's happening tonight? He needs rest for what he's been through today." Hancock looked at her sisters and requested. Mari and Sonia raised a brow at her.

" We would love to, sister. But what would the others say? They would surely misunderstand your actions given how he was the village's number 1 enemy." Mari asked. Hancock scoffed and flipped her hair.

"I'm sure they won't mind. Why? Because I'm beautiful!" Hancock declared proudly, making Luffy laugh.

"Don't worry about me, Snake Princess. I won't cause trouble. " Luffy assured her. Hancock frowned a little bit, not liking the way he was calling her by.

" Please, call me Hancock." Hancock requested. Luffy grinned and nodded.

" Thanks for letting me sail with you even for a little while, Hancock! You won't regret it, I promise!" Luffy started walking away. But before he did, he turned around again to look at her.

"By the way Hancock, if you wanna face your fears, I'm always there to help alright? See ya later!" Luffy waved at her before leaving the room with Sonia and Mari volunteering to show him around the village.

Granny Nyon looked at Hancock who was in a daze with a blush on her face. "I'm amazed at how you're already trusting him this much." She pointed out.

Hancock placed a hand on her forehead, ignoring Granny Nyon's comments. She had an expression of uncertainty on her.

"What am I feeling right now?"



It was night time and the banquet started. Luffy stood outside of the large dining hall where the Kuja warriors and pirates were. "It's dinner time!" Luffy muttered happily before pushing the wooden gates to enter the dining hall. He looked around to see that there were long tables in the hall while all of the women were kneeling on the ground eating.

All eyes were instantly on him but Luffy didn't care about their weirded out expressions, he just gave them a cheerful grin before finding himself an empty seat and sitting in it.

He sighed, everyone else had plates full of food and no one even gave him a plate. He looked up to see everyone still staring at him. "I'll take that, thanks!" Luffy grinned as he snatched a plate from one of the Kuja warriors. The warrior squealed as she looked at his stretchy arm retract back into place.

"Mhm!! This is delish!!" Luffy shouted happily as he continued to snatch more plates of food from the Kuja warriors.

The Kuja Pirates were all suspicious of him. Ran pulled Daisy in. Two more joined in on the discussion. They were Rindo and Cosmos.

Rindo wears a fancy orange frilled black jacket with purple spiral snake patterns on it. She lets it hang open, revealing her bosom and midriff. Her black hair is cut short and tied back into a bun on top of her head.

Like Sanji, she always has a cigarette dangling off the side of her mouth. She wears a loose fitting orange belt which has a yellow and black patterned cloth in front of her waist.

Like the other Kuja, she wears long black stockings with straps attached. Her skin bears a slightly darker tan than the rest of the island's residents.

Cosmos is a tall, fat woman wearing a tube top and a Kuja hat. They are all gathered around each other while Luffy was munching down on the food and stacking up the plates beside him.

Meanwhile, Marguerite, Sweet Pea and Aphelandra were talking amongst each other. "That man saved our lives." Sweet Pea whispered.

"I heard he'll be leaving in three days." Aphelandra whispered. Marguerite looked at Luffy who was laughing while swallowing down a large piece of meat in one go. The women were all whispering about Luffy amongst each other.

"I wanna get my hands on Luffy-sama to see how far he can stretch!" One of the warriors muttered while turning her head to look at Luffy.

"Oh, Luffy-sama!" Another muttered while looking at him dreamily. Kikyo slammed her hand onto the table, snapping them out of their musings.

"It's unthinkable to address a man in such a way! Don't forget about the rule of Amazon Lily! " Kikyo reminded them.

" Then why is Luffy-sama here?"

"Right? "

" Why is a man who once got the death sentence here, Ran? And of all places,our celebration!" Rindo asked Ran. Ran hummed before widening her eyes.

" It's a trap like by Hebihime-sama. He surprised them at the arena by putting up a fight so she wants him to eat a lot to catch him off guard and give him hell. " Ran explained. Cosmos nodded.

" So it's our job to give him hell, right?" She asked them. Ran nodded and they all looked at Luffy who was sitting a couple of steps away from them.

"Ahh!! I feel like I can invade Marineford with all of this food in me! " Luffy sighed in satisfaction as he kept eating. It looked like his guard was down, so the four Kuja women decided to strike now.

From the corner of his eyes, Luffy saw the four Kuja Pirates reach for hidden knives in their clothes and even under the long table.

"Are you ready?" Ran asked the three women. They all nodded back. Daisy laughed while spinning her tanto in her hands.

"Let's take care of that man." Rindo replied. They then all stood up, jumped onto the long table and rushed towards Luffy.

"Wait! He's starting to act strange!" Ran stopped them from charging in. Everyone saw Luffy unsheathed his cutlass and stabbing it onto the table.

"Hey! Screw you people!!" Luffy shouted and jumped onto the table. He grabbed a ladle and a pan.

"That's enough!!" Luffy pointed the ladle at the four women standing on the table with him.

"He sensed the trap!" Rindo whispered.

"Maybe he wants to fight us with that pan and ladle?" Cosmos wondered. Daisy laughed.

"But why would he do that if he has a blade with him!? Zahahahaha!!!" Daisy finished her question with her signature laugh.

"We have no time! Just keep going!" Ran ordered them. They continued running towards Luffy with their knives and tantos in hand. Luffy grinned at the women.



To be continued.....