
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs


After Marguerite, Sweet Pea and Aphelandra were returned back to normal, Luffy was invited to the palace alone.

At the Empress' Hall, Luffy was sitting in between Sandersonia and Marigold who were staring at him as he hummed a small tune with a smile on his face.

"So what could this be about, hmm?" Luffy asked them, making them jump a little and snap them out of their musings. He grinned and patted his tummy.

" Are we gonna have a meal together? I sure hope so! Having meals with strangers is the best way to make friends with them. If that's the case then I would love to join you!" Luffy ranted. Sandersonia giggled, she was fully clothed again with a spare outfit that looked just like the one she wore previously before it got burned.

"I suppose we really ought to show you some gratitude, so thank you for guarding our secret." Sandersonia smiled warmly at him. Luffy laughed and waved his hands.

"Thank you, you're really kind uh..... What's your name again?" Luffy asked her while tilting his head, making Sandersonia giggle some more.

" I'm Boa Sandersonia and the one sitting on your right is Boa Marigold, my younger sister. You can just call us Sonia and Mari. " Sonia explained with a smile on her face. (I will refer to them as Sonia and Mari from now on.)

"Got it, Sonia! You guys have really nice names!" Luffy complimented them. Sonia blushed a little.

"Th-thank you...." She stuttered out.

"You may enter!"

The three of them looked at the chamber in front of them. Luffy used Kenbunshoku Haki and realized that Hancock was in it.

" Enter the chamber, man! Behind the curtain!" Hancock requested. Luffy quickly stood up and went through the curtains.

"What's up—Oh wow!" Luffy shouted as blood splashed out of his nose as soon as he entered Hancock's bed chamber.

Hancock's revealing red V-neck blouse was taken off and thrown away, revealing her big juicy J-cup breasts. Only her loose sarong remained on her, but it did help as Luffy could see her thick thighs.

"Here I thought you had prepared food for me, but this isn't what I expected! Shishishishishi!! But I like it nonetheless!!You're very beautiful by the way!!" Luffy gave her a thumbs up while wiping his bloody nose.

Hancock smirked triumphantly. 'Hmph! All men are the same, perverted and lustful. But this one is nicer and more gentlemanly than the rest. So I'll let it slide.' Hancock thought and shook her head.

"Thank you for your compliment. But let's get to the main point, you said you've seen it before. Take a good look at it once more. " Hancock turned around while gently pulling her long hair to the side, showing a red colored hoof mark on her back.

Luffy remained silent, making the three Gorgon Sisters uncomfortable by his lack of reaction. "Where did you see it? Are you aware of what it signifies? Answer me quickly! I do not enjoy putting it on display! " Hancock demanded. Sonia and Mari were looking down with somber expressions.

Luffy sighed and looked down. "Yeah. I do know what it is. It's 'The Hoof of the Soaring Dragon', right? " Luffy asked her.

To mark them as slaves, the Celestial Dragons brand them with the symbol called 'The Hoof of the Soaring Dragon', forever marking them as 'less than human', In fact, Marines even hunt down slaves who were freed without the Celestial Dragons' consent in order to return them to their owners.

What the three Gorgon Sisters have on their backs weren't Gorgon Eyes at all, they were all marked with The Hoof Of the Soaring Dragon.

"You are correct! And I think it's time you come clean with him, Hebihime-sama! "

Everyone looked at Granny Nyon who entered the room unannounced. Hancock narrowed her eyes at Granny Nyon as she faced her while still sitting on her bed.

"You again!? What do you want now?!" Hancock asked Granny Nyon angrily. Granny Nyon sighed at Hancock's tone.

" Geez, so impatient. The breadth of this man's heart is something you have witnessed with your own eyes! You need nyot fear telling him the truth!" Granny Nyon then looked at Luffy.

" Boy, are you the pirate Monkey D. Luffy?! " Granny Nyon asked him. Luffy grinned broadly and nodded.

"Yup, that's me! And I'm gonna be the King Of The Pirates someday!! But how'd you know me?" Luffy asked her after replying confidently.

"You show extreme modesty for one who has shaken the world to such an extent with two others! Everyone, please observe this newspaper from the other day! " Granny Nyon requested everyone. Sonia and Mari quickly gathered around Luffy who received the newspaper from Granny Nyon. Hancock watched with curiosity drawn on her face.

"Th-this is impossible!!!" Mari shouted as she read the headlines of the newspaper. Sonia was absolutely stunned by the contents of the newspaper. Meanwhile, Luffy was smirking at the newspaper.

'Three Celestial Dragons Murdered By Pirates!! Monkey D. Luffy Makes History Yet Again!!! Will The Worst Generation Bring Down The Ones At The Top?!'

"This man that you three hate so much is the central culprit of a momentous incident that happened in Sabaody Archipelago. He killed a Tenryūbito with his bare hands and along ordered two others who did the same!!" Granny Nyon declared. Words couldn't describe the emotions the three sisters were feeling. They were speechless.

"Not only that, the newspaper says he fought against an Admiral and a Warlord with his pirate crew. It also said that he and his crew have declared war against the World Government a month ago in an incident called the Enies Lobby Incident." Granny Nyon added.

" C'mon, granny! Stop beating around the bush! Have mine, Zoro's and Lucci's bounties increased?! " Luffy asked impatiently while picking his nose with his pinky finger. The sisters looked at him in astonishment.

"You killed a Tenryūbito and all you can think about is how much your bounty increased?! " Mari asked him. Luffy laughed and nodded.

" Exactly, Mari!! Hahahahahaha!!!!" Luffy laughed loudly, making them speechless once more.

'This man is insane. ' Sonia thought in her mind. Granny Nyon cleared her throat, gathering everyone's attention again.

"Why yes, the three of your bounties have increased all right. Here they are." Granny Nyon took out three wanted posters and laid them down in front of Luffy, Sonia and Mari.

Sonia picked one up and started shaking uncontrollably. She wasn't shaking due to fear, she was just extremely shocked at what she was reading. "Sonia! What's wrong?!" Hancock shouted at her. Sonia turned towards her while showing Hancock the wanted poster in her hand.

"Sister look....A man killed a Tenryūbito....." Sonia stuttered out. Mari and Hancock looked on with wide eyes and gaped mouths while Luffy grinned proudly at the wanted poster. Zoro had an evil smirk in the wanted poster's picture.



Roronoa Zoro

1,111,000,000 Belly'

"Ah! That's Zoro, the vice captain of my crew! And look at this!" Luffy showed them another wanted poster.

" It's another man! " Marigold shouted, gaining Hancock's full attention on the new poster. She saw a man with an emotionless expression in the wanted poster's picture.



Rob Lucci

1,000,570,000 Belly'

"And now mine!!" Luffy showed them his own wanted poster. Everyone's jaws dropped when they saw his. Luffy was grinning fiercely at something, he also had blood stained on his face in the picture.



Monkey D. Luffy

1,547,600,000 Belly'

"Hahahahahaha!!! One step closer from becoming the Pirate King!!!" Luffy declared happily. Hancock looked down and covered her face with her hands.

"To think fools of that calibre still exist in this world.... People who challenge the 'heavens' without a spare thought for their own lives... people.... like him!!" Hancock muttered shakily.

" Him? " Luffy tilted his head, feeling confused at what she was saying. Hancock sighed as she looked down.

"I will tell you everything. Please... Listen carefully." Hancock whispered. Luffy nodded as he sat up straight and gave her his full attention. Hancock sighed and mentally prepared herself.

"Long ago, me and my sisters, all three of us were slaves of the Tenryūbito. I was only 12 years old when the three of us were captured from our ship by slave traders and sold off. The days that followed.... I can barely even remember those horrors!! The first man I ever saw in my whole life, to me he was an embodiment of terror itself." Hancock muttered solemnly. Luffy clenched his fists tightly.

Hearing her words, he wanted to invade Mary Geoise itself and make every single Tenryūbito suffer for what they did to innocent people they call slaves.

"WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Sonia screamed in agony from the painful memories as she cried loudly and collapsed to the ground. Luffy immediately went to her side with a big frown on her face.

Sonia is the most emotional of the 3 sisters and highly emotional about their horrible past. "Hey Hey...You're alright now....We're here for you. I'm here for you, so you can count on us to keep you safe.... " Luffy whispered as he patted Sonia's back. Sonia sobbed loudly as she hugged him tightly.

"There there Sonia....." Luffy whispered as he rubbed her back while calming her down. Hancock gulped as she sensed immense anger and hatred towards the Tenryūbito in Luffy's emotions through Kenbunshoku Haki.

'I haven't seen a man this angry since I looked at Fisher Tiger's face.' Hancock thought to herself.

Luffy looked at her. Sonia had quieted down now, but she still hadn't let go of Luffy. Luffy didn't mind her touch as he gently hugged her back.

"Please continue...."

To be continued.....

(A Quintessential Quintuplets + Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some other logical powers after volume 1 ends when I complete the Impel Down Arc.)