
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs


Luffy's words made the four Kuja Pirates slip and fall down onto the table. They looked up to see Luffy smirking in amusement at them, making them blush in embarrassment and feel flustered.

"Look, everyone! This is how you have a banquet!" Luffy grinned as he started clanging the ladle and pan together. He then started singing.

" Yohohoho!!~ Yo-hohoho!!~ Yohohoho!!! Yohohoho!!~♪ Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo!!~ Umikaze kimakase namimakase!!!~ Sing with me everyone!!! Shio no mukou de, yuuhi mo sawagu!!!~♪"

"Hahahahaha!!!!! " The women laughed happily as Luffy sang Binks' Sake melodically while clanging the ladle and pan repeatedly.

"What's that?!"

"Men are funny!!"

"He sings so well too!!!"

" Do all men sing that well?! "

The women laughed and clapped their hands repeatedly as Luffy continued singing. The Kuja Pirates merrily sang with him.

They knew this song because it was commonly sung amongst the pirates, and they happened to come across the lyrics of the song during their journey in the outside world.

Binks' Sake is a song that was commonly sung amongst the pirates of old. The song is meant to lift the spirits of those who sing it. Being a pirate of the old days, Brook knows this song quite well and sings it most chances he is given.

It is shown that this song can be played in a variety of ways on different instruments for example when it is played on a piano, with a fast tempo, it can be a jolly party song that everyone can sing.

But when it is being played on a violin (Brook's main instrument) in a slow tempo it can be viewed as a ballad, a farewell song, or as a requiem.

There were no instruments in the dining hall and there was no need for it. The hands clapped to the melody and the singing was all it needed for the boring banquet to turn into a true party in Luffy's eyes.




"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" The women laughed happily as Luffy stretched out his arms to make him look like a reindeer, specifically Chopper.

Luffy was entertaining the women with a bunch of jokes, stories and with his own stretchy body.

Some find it vulgar, especially Kikyo. But the way he presented it was so funny she couldn't resist laughing and giggling along with the rest of the women.

"Look at this, everyone! I can breathe fire!" Luffy shouted making everyone stop laughing and look at him. Luffy looked at his hand which was holding a small pellet containing Tabasco sauce.

Usopp gave this to him for no reason. Luffy covered his mouth with that same hand, sending the Tabasco sauce filled pellet into his mouth.

Luffy widened his eyes as the Tabasco sauce quickly did its job. He looked at the air and opened his mouth widely.


"WOOOOOAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" The women were in awe as Luffy breathed out fire as promised.

Nerine was writing down so many things about Luffy's actions in her notebook that she had to get a new one soon enough.

Luffy laughed happily and looked at a woman wearing a chef's hat. The chef gave him a big bowl full of food.

"What's this?" Luffy asked as he quickly dug in.

"This is Penne Gorgonzola with Sea King meat. It's the speciality of the isle of women." She explained. Luffy thanked her and continued eating.

He smiled a little as the women quickly gathered around him and started stretching his skin. They then started fighting and arguing for a stretch a.

"These women don't know what privacy means." Luffy chuckled a little. Nerine giggled beside him.

"Well, it can't be helped, Luffy-sama. You're leaving the island soon, everybody wants to take the opportunity to experience a real live man. See? You're so popular!! " Nerine shouted as she pointed at the long line of women lining up outside of the dining hall, all wanting to stretch and touch Luffy.

" Shishishishishi! " Luffy laughed to himself as he saw the wooden sign Nerine was holding. One touch of Luffy will cost 20 Gor.

He should be angry at her for making a business out of him but he doesn't want to. Luffy looked at Nerine.

"Tell them to not get rowdy and tell everyone to come here. I'm gonna be here all day." Luffy promised her with a smile on his face. Nerine brightened up and jumped for joy.

"Okay, Luffy-sama! They will be the most orderly women you've ever seen!"



A couple of hours later, Luffy has been touched by a lot of women of all ages and sizes. Now he was spending some alone time with Marguerite.

"Thank you for protecting and saving me and my friends, Luffy! " Marguerite thanked him as they were walking on top of the rooftops of the village buildings.

"I'm just doing what's right!" Luffy replied while munching on a piece of meat. Marguerite remained silent and looked away with a blush on her face. Her heart was beating extremely fast. She didn't know why and she was scared about it.

"Are you okay? I can tell you're very nervous about something." Luffy asked her, sensing Marguerite's current emotions with Kenbunshoku Haki.

"M-my heart's beating like a drum. What's happening to me?" Marguerite whispered. Luffy gently patted her back while walking beside her.

"I don't know. But maybe we can find out together." Luffy suggested with a big grin on his face. Marguerite blushed even more and nodded repeatedly.

Marguerite then grabbed his hand and started gently dragging him somewhere. Luffy just smiled and let her do it.

They arrived at Granny Nyon's house. Granny Nyon was a little annoyed that the two would interrupt her quiet time but quickly welcomed her visitors.

Luffy and Granny Nyon started talking as Marguerite went to make some tea at Granny Nyon's request.

The two quickly got to talking, Luffy discovered that Hancock is a Warlord through talking with her. He was surprised but he got over it quickly.

"You're a pirate and you don't even know that?" Nyon asked him. Luffy shook his head.

"I seriously don't. I don't go out of my way to research everything. Tell me more about how she became a Warlord, please. "

Nyon then went on to tell Luffy that Hancock became a Warlord when she was just eighteen. She became the empress of the Kuja and quickly gained a notorious reputation despite her young age, catching the attention of the Marines and even the World Government, who were frightened of her potential, as she had earned a large bounty of 80 million after only one campaign.

Hancock later opted to join the Seven Warlords in order to protect her fellow Kuja, by forming a treaty to protect their homeland from the government, preventing them from entering there.

"Have you heard, the Pirate King's daughter, Gol D Ace is about to be taken to her execution in five days?" Nyon asked Luffy who clenched his fists tightly.

" Yeah I heard. I read about it before I went on to kill the Tenryūbito. " Luffy replied solemnly. He looked at Granny Nyon seriously.

" She's my everything, granny! I can't let her die! I want to save her! Can I request Hancock to change course to Impel Down?!" Luffy asked her. Nyon wanted to say something about how his actions are reckless as he is facing a full-fledged war.

But seeing how serious he is, she believed that she cannot change hie mind at all. "There's only one way to make it to her in time, that is by asking Hebihime-sama to accept the call of the Marines as a Marine battle ship can make it in time. She may take advantage of the situation to get you onto the Marine battleship."

" Then let's go ask her right away!! "



Amazon Lily, Kuja Palace. Luffy and Granny Nyon were walking towards the large gates of the palace until someone came rushing out.

It was one of the Kuja Islanders, Enishida. She is a member of the Kuja and one of Hancock's attendants in her castle. She is a lady's maid.

Enishida is a short lady, with blond hair, with two pieces hanging down in the front, and the rest in the back. She wears a blue shirt, showing off her cleavage, and a white coat draped over her shoulders.

"What is it, Enishida? What has happened?" Nyon asked her. Luffy noticed Enishida seemed panicked about something, perhaps this was the reason why she came rushing out.

"Thank goodness! I was just about to call for you! It's Hebihime-sama! Hebihime-sama seems to have collapsed from an unidentified disease!! " Enishida declared, shocking Granny Nyon and Luffy to the core, so much so that they shouted the same sentence together.




" Hang in there, sister! " Sonia muttered.

" Sister.... " Mari whispered as she and Sonia were at Hancock's bedside.

"The pain.... it's unbearable!!" Hancock grunted in great pain while putting her hand on her forehead while clutching her chest with the other.

"She has been clutching her chest all this time, so I think it may be a problem with her heart. But honestly, I simply don't know. I've never seen symptoms like these before, I have no idea what medicine to prescribe! " Belladonna who was also at Hancock's bedside, muttered with a big frown on her face

"Hebihime-sama won't eat any of the food we give her either." Enishida added. Granny Nyon who was sitting on Hancock's large bed, rubbed her chin and hummed to herself. Meanwhile, Luffy was waiting outside patiently.

"In two days—

" Ahh!!! " Hancock screamed in pain as soon as Nyon muttered that to her.

"Hebihime-sama!" The spectators were shocked.





Granny Nyon groaned and palmed her face. "Of course! Why didn't I realize it before! Haaa.... This virus always strikes at the least appropriate times."

To be continued...