
One Piece Hentai

This is an anothology about the many lewd and perverted events taking place on the seas of the grand line. Each chapter has its own pairing, set of kinks and contains a large helping of smutty lemon for you to enjoy. https://www.patreon.com/OnePiece69

OnePiece69 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1.2: Hentai [2]

Chapter 1.2: Hentai [2]

Up from the hole climbed Robin and she was wearing something that he hadn't seen her wear before. It took a small while to register, but it looked like a skin-tight training outfit. Besides her pants and top, she didn't seem to be wearing anything else. Both pieces of clothing were very thin, almost to the point of being translucent. The front of the top and pants were thicker, so one wouldn't be able to see through those parts, but it left very little to the imagination.

"May I join you for some physical exercise?" Robin asked.

"Fine, just don't get in the way." Zoro casually responded.

"Don't worry, there's a lot of space up here. Besides, I'm only going to need a small portion of floor."

Robin began tying her hair into a ponytail and let it fall behind her back. She glanced at Zoro and then around the room, as if looking for something. Once she had settled on a spot, she walked over and put the small, rectangular foam matt she had been carrying under her arm, down on the floor. Robin placed herself on top of it, turned her back towards Zoro and began stretching.

Zoro continued to count, silently in his head, as he kept training, not wanting to disturb Robin. He had closed his eyes to focus on every inch of his muscles, bringing out as much strength as he could. It was going fine until Robin began letting out soft moans as she stretched. One after another, these seductive noises built up in Zoro's mind until he just had to open his eye and see what the hell she was doing. What he saw nearly made him lose his balance.

Right in front of Zoro, just a couple of feet from his face, stood Robin. Her legs were straight, but her upper body was bent over and facing the floor. She held her legs with her arms as she stretched; letting out a soft moan every time she pressed her chest against her legs. Not that this was anything special, but breasts spilled out to the sides as she pushed in. Zoro could almost see her nipples poking out of the fabric.

Then, as if she knew he was watching, Robin took a few steps out with her legs, spreading them apart. Slowly she slid them further and further away from the matt, lowering herself towards the floor. The fabric between her legs began to stretch, becoming slightly lighter in color. Zoro had completely halted his training and was just watching the woman in front of him. Just a few, intense seconds later Robin had entered a perfect split.

"Have you stopped for today?" Robin asked.

"N-no, I was just taking a small break…" Zoro replied, resuming his training.

"That's good; I wouldn't want to be a bother." Just as Robin replied, she began lifting her butt and began humping the matt with her groin. "This does wonders for your butt." She continued.

"…" Zoro pretended to ignore it.